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Data preparation

Before you can analyze your data, you must prepare it.

Before you can analyze your data, you must prepare it. You can do the following data preparation tasks in Vertica:

1 - Balancing imbalanced data

Imbalanced data occurs when an uneven distribution of classes occurs in the data.

Imbalanced data occurs when an uneven distribution of classes occurs in the data. Building a predictive model on the imbalanced data set would cause a model that appears to yield high accuracy but does not generalize well to the new data in the minority class. To prevent creating models with false levels of accuracy, you should rebalance your imbalanced data before creating a predictive model.

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.

You see imbalanced data a lot in financial transaction data where the majority of the transactions are not fraudulent and a small number of the transactions are fraudulent, as shown in the following example.

  1. View the distribution of the classes.

    => SELECT fraud, COUNT(fraud) FROM transaction_data GROUP BY fraud;
     fraud | COUNT
     TRUE  |    19
     FALSE |   981
    (2 rows)
  2. Use the BALANCE function to create a more balanced data set.

    => SELECT BALANCE('balance_fin_data', 'transaction_data', 'fraud', 'under_sampling'
                      USING PARAMETERS sampling_ratio = 0.2);
     Finished in 1 iteration
    (1 row)
  3. View the new distribution of the classifiers.

    => SELECT fraud, COUNT(fraud) FROM balance_fin_data GROUP BY fraud;
     fraud | COUNT
     t     |    19
     f     |   236
    (2 rows)

See also

2 - Detect outliers

Outliers are data points that greatly differ from other data points in a dataset.

Outliers are data points that greatly differ from other data points in a dataset. You can use outlier detection for applications such as fraud detection and system health monitoring, or you can detect outliers to then remove them from your data. If you leave outliers in your data when training a machine learning model, your resultant model is at risk for bias and skewed predictions. Vertica supports two methods for detecting outliers: the DETECT_OUTLIERS function and the IFOREST algorithm.

Isolation forest

Isolation forest (iForest) is an unsupervised algorithm that operates on the assumption that outliers are few and different. This assumption makes outliers susceptible to a separation mechanism called isolation. Instead of comparing data instances to a constructed normal distribution of each data feature, isolation focuses on outliers themselves.

To isolate outliers directly, iForest builds binary tree structures named isolation trees (iTrees) to model the feature space. These iTrees randomly and recursively split the feature space so that each node of the tree represents a feature subspace. For instance, the first split divides the whole feature space into two subspaces, which are represented by the two child nodes of the root node. A data instance is considered isolated when it is the only member of a feature subspace. Because outliers are assumed to be few and different, outliers are likely to be isolated sooner than normal data instances.

In order to improve the robustness of the algorithm, iForest builds an ensemble of iTrees, which each separate the feature space differently. The algorithm calculates the average path length needed to isolate a data instance across all iTrees. This average path length helps determine the anomaly_score for each data instance in a dataset. The data instances with an anomaly_score above a given threshold are considered outliers.

You do not need a large dataset to train an iForest, and even a small sample should suffice to train an accurate model. The data can have columns of types CHAR, VARCHAR, BOOL, INT, or FLOAT.

After you have a trained an iForest model, you can use the APPLY_IFOREST function to detect outliers in any new data added to the dataset.

The following example demonstrates how to train an iForest model and detect outliers on the baseball dataset.

To build and train an iForest model, call IFOREST:

=> SELECT IFOREST('baseball_outliers','baseball','hr, hits, salary' USING PARAMETERS max_depth=30, nbins=100);
(1 row)

You can view a summary of the trained model using GET_MODEL_SUMMARY:

=> SELECT GET_MODEL_SUMMARY(USING PARAMETERS model_name='baseball_outliers');

SELECT iforest('public.baseball_outliers', 'baseball', 'hr, hits, salary' USING PARAMETERS exclude_columns='', ntree=100, sampling_size=0.632,
col_sample_by_tree=1, max_depth=30, nbins=100);

predictor|      type
   hr    |      int
  hits   |      int
 salary  |float or numeric

Additional Info
       Name       |Value
tree_count        | 100
rejected_row_count|  0

(1 row)

You can apply the trained iForest model to the baseball dataset with APPLY_IFOREST. To view only the data instances that are identified as outliers, you can run the following query:

=> SELECT * FROM (SELECT first_name, last_name, APPLY_IFOREST(hr, hits, salary USING PARAMETERS model_name='baseball_outliers', threshold=0.6)
   AS predictions FROM baseball) AS outliers WHERE predictions.is_anomaly IS true;
 first_name | last_name |                      predictions
 Jacqueline | Richards  | {"anomaly_score":0.8572338674053986,"is_anomaly":true}
 Debra      | Hall      | {"anomaly_score":0.6007846156043213,"is_anomaly":true}
 Gerald     | Fuller    | {"anomaly_score":0.6813650107767862,"is_anomaly":true}
(3 rows)

Instead of specifying a threshold value for APPLY_IFOREST, you can set the contamination parameter. This parameter sets a threshold so that the ratio of training data points labeled as outliers is approximately equal to the value of contamination:

=> SELECT * FROM (SELECT first_name, last_name, APPLY_IFOREST(team, hr, hits, avg, salary USING PARAMETERS model_name='baseball_anomalies',
   contamination = 0.1) AS predictions FROM baseball) AS outliers WHERE predictions.is_anomaly IS true;
 first_name | last_name |                      predictions
 Marie      | Fields    | {"anomaly_score":0.5307715717521868,"is_anomaly":true}
 Jacqueline | Richards  | {"anomaly_score":0.777757463074347,"is_anomaly":true}
 Debra      | Hall      | {"anomaly_score":0.5714649698133808,"is_anomaly":true}
 Gerald     | Fuller    | {"anomaly_score":0.5980549926114661,"is_anomaly":true}
(4 rows)


The DETECT_OUTLIERS function assumes a normal distribution for each data dimension, and then identifies data instances that differ strongly from the normal profile of any dimension. The function uses the robust z-score detection method to normalize each input column. If a data instance contains a normalized value greater than a specified threshold, it is identified as an outlier. The function outputs a table that contains all the outliers.

The function accepts data with only numeric input columns, treats each column independently, and assumes a Gaussian distribution on each column. If you want to detect outliers in new data added to the dataset, you must rerun DETECT_OUTLIERS.

The following example demonstrates how you can detect the outliers in the baseball dataset based on the hr, hits, and salary columns. The DETECT_OUTLIERS function creates a table containing the outliers with the input and key columns:

=> SELECT DETECT_OUTLIERS('baseball_hr_hits_salary_outliers', 'baseball', 'hr, hits, salary', 'robust_zscore'
                         USING PARAMETERS outlier_threshold=3.0);
 Detected 5 outliers

(1 row)

To view the outliers, query the output table containing the outliers:

=> SELECT * FROM baseball_hr_hits_salary_outliers;
id  | first_name | last_name |    dob     |   team    |   hr    |  hits   |  avg  |        salary
73  | Marie      | Fields    | 1985-11-23 | Mauv      |    8888 |      34 | 0.283 | 9.99999999341471e+16
89  | Jacqueline | Richards  | 1975-10-06 | Pink      |  273333 | 4490260 | 0.324 |  4.4444444444828e+17
87  | Jose       | Stephens  | 1991-07-20 | Green     |      80 |   64253 |  0.69 |          16032567.12
222 | Gerald     | Fuller    | 1991-02-13 | Goldenrod | 3200000 |     216 | 0.299 |          37008899.76
147 | Debra      | Hall      | 1980-12-31 | Maroon    | 1100037 |     230 | 0.431 |           9000101403
(5 rows)

You can create a view omitting the outliers from the table:

=> CREATE VIEW clean_baseball AS
   SELECT * FROM baseball WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM baseball_hr_hits_salary_outliers);

See also

3 - Encoding categorical columns

Many machine learning algorithms cannot work with categorical data.

Many machine learning algorithms cannot work with categorical data. To accommodate such algorithms, categorical data must be converted to numerical data before training. Directly mapping the categorical values into indices is not enough. For example, if your categorical feature has three distinct values "red", "green" and "blue", replacing them with 1, 2 and 3 may have a negative impact on the training process because algorithms usually rely on some kind of numerical distances between values to discriminate between them. In this case, the Euclidean distance from 1 to 3 is twice the distance from 1 to 2, which means the training process will think that "red" is much more different than "blue", while it is more similar to "green". Alternatively, one hot encoding maps each categorical value to a binary vector to avoid this problem. For example, "red" can be mapped to [1,0,0], "green" to [0,1,0] and "blue" to [0,0,1]. Now, the pair-wise distances between the three categories are all the same. One hot encoding allows you to convert categorical variables to binary values so that you can use different machine learning algorithms to evaluate your data.

The following example shows how you can apply one hot encoding to the Titanic data set. If you would like to read more about this data set, see the Kaggle site.

Suppose you want to use a logistic regression classifier to predict which passengers survived the sinking of the Titanic. You cannot use categorical features for logistic regression without one hot encoding. This data set has two categorical features that you can use. The "sex" feature can be either male or female. The "embarkation_point" feature can be one of the following:

  • S for Southampton

  • Q for Queenstown

  • C for Cherbourg

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.
  1. Run the ONE_HOT_ENCODER_FIT function on the training data:
=> SELECT ONE_HOT_ENCODER_FIT('titanic_encoder', 'titanic_training', 'sex, embarkation_point');

(1 row)

  1. View a summary of the titanic_encoder model:
=> SELECT GET_MODEL_SUMMARY(USING PARAMETERS model_name='titanic_encoder');
SELECT one_hot_encoder_fit('public.titanic_encoder','titanic_training','sex, embarkation_point'
USING PARAMETERS exclude_columns='', output_view='', extra_levels='{}');
category_name    |category_level|category_level_index
embarkation_point|      C       |         0
embarkation_point|      Q       |         1
embarkation_point|      S       |         2
embarkation_point|              |         3
sex              |    female    |         0
sex              |     male     |         1
(1 row)
  1. Run the GET_MODEL_ATTRIBUTE function. This function returns the categorical levels in their native data types, so they can be compared easily with the original table:
attr_name='varchar_categories')) AS attrs INNER JOIN (SELECT passenger_id, name, sex, age,
embarkation_point FROM titanic_training) AS original_data ON attrs.category_level
ILIKE original_data.embarkation_point ORDER BY original_data.passenger_id LIMIT 10;
category_name     | category_level | category_level_index | passenger_id |name
|  sex   | age | embarkation_point
embarkation_point | S              |                    2 |            1 | Braund, Mr. Owen Harris
| male   |  22 | S
embarkation_point | C              |                    0 |            2 | Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley
(Florence Briggs Thayer | female |  38 | C
embarkation_point | S              |                    2 |            3 | Heikkinen, Miss. Laina
| female |  26 | S
embarkation_point | S              |                    2 |            4 | Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath
(Lily May Peel)       | female |  35 | S
embarkation_point | S              |                    2 |            5 | Allen, Mr. William Henry
| male   |  35 | S
embarkation_point | Q              |                    1 |            6 | Moran, Mr. James
| male   |     | Q
embarkation_point | S              |                    2 |            7 | McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J
| male   |  54 | S
embarkation_point | S              |                    2 |            8 | Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard
| male   |   2 | S
embarkation_point | S              |                    2 |            9 | Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W
(Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg)  | female |  27 | S
embarkation_point | C              |                    0 |           10 | Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas
(Adele Achem)                | female |  14 | C
(10 rows)
  1. Run the APPLY_ONE_HOT_ENCODER function on both the training and testing data:
=> CREATE VIEW titanic_training_encoded AS SELECT passenger_id, survived, pclass, sex_1, age,
sibling_and_spouse_count, parent_and_child_count, fare, embarkation_point_1, embarkation_point_2
FROM titanic_training) AS sq;


=> CREATE VIEW titanic_testing_encoded AS SELECT passenger_id, name, pclass, sex_1, age,
sibling_and_spouse_count, parent_and_child_count, fare, embarkation_point_1, embarkation_point_2
FROM titanic_testing) AS sq;
  1. Then, train a logistic regression classifier on the training data, and execute the model on the testing data:
=> SELECT LOGISTIC_REG('titanic_log_reg', 'titanic_training_encoded', 'survived', '*'
USING PARAMETERS exclude_columns='passenger_id, survived');
Finished in 5 iterations
(1 row)

=> SELECT passenger_id, name, PREDICT_LOGISTIC_REG(pclass, sex_1, age, sibling_and_spouse_count,
parent_and_child_count, fare, embarkation_point_1, embarkation_point_2 USING PARAMETERS
model_name='titanic_log_reg') FROM titanic_testing_encoded ORDER BY passenger_id LIMIT 10;
passenger_id |                     name                     | PREDICT_LOGISTIC_REG
893          | Wilkes, Mrs. James (Ellen Needs)             |                    0
894          | Myles, Mr. Thomas Francis                    |                    0
895          | Wirz, Mr. Albert                             |                    0
896          | Hirvonen, Mrs. Alexander (Helga E Lindqvist) |                    1
897          | Svensson, Mr. Johan Cervin                   |                    0
898          | Connolly, Miss. Kate                         |                    1
899          | Caldwell, Mr. Albert Francis                 |                    0
900          | Abrahim, Mrs. Joseph (Sophie Halaut Easu)    |                    1
901          | Davies, Mr. John Samuel                      |                    0
902          | Ilieff, Mr. Ylio                             |
(10 rows)

4 - Imputing missing values

You can use the IMPUTE function to replace missing data with the most frequent value or with the average value in the same column.

You can use the IMPUTE function to replace missing data with the most frequent value or with the average value in the same column. This impute example uses the small_input_impute table. Using the function, you can specify either the mean or mode method.

These examples show how you can use the IMPUTE function on the small_input_impute table.

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.

First, query the table so you can see the missing values:

=> SELECT * FROM small_input_impute;
pid | pclass | gender |    x1     |    x2     |    x3     | x4 | x5 | x6
5   |      0 |      1 | -2.590837 | -2.892819 |  -2.70296 |  2 | t  | C
7   |      1 |      1 |  3.829239 |   3.08765 |  Infinity |    | f  | C
13  |      0 |      0 | -9.060605 | -9.390844 | -9.559848 |  6 | t  | C
15  |      0 |      1 | -2.590837 | -2.892819 |  -2.70296 |  2 | f  | A
16  |      0 |      1 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 11 | f  | A
19  |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 | t  |
1   |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 | -9.740541 | -9.786974 |  3 | t  | A
1   |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 | -9.740541 | -9.786974 |  3 | t  | A
2   |      0 |      0 | -9.618292 | -9.308881 | -9.562255 |  4 | t  | A
3   |      0 |      0 | -9.060605 | -9.390844 | -9.559848 |  6 | t  | B
4   |      0 |      0 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 15 | t  | B
6   |      0 |      1 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 11 | t  | C
8   |      1 |      1 |  3.273592 |           |  3.477332 | 18 | f  | B
10  |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 | t  | A
18  |      1 |      1 |  3.273592 |           |  3.477332 | 18 | t  | B
20  |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 |    | C
9   |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 | f  | B
11  |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 | -9.740541 | -9.786974 |  3 | t  | B
12  |      0 |      0 | -9.618292 | -9.308881 | -9.562255 |  4 | t  | C
14  |      0 |      0 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 15 | f  | A
17  |      1 |      1 |  3.829239 |   3.08765 |  Infinity |    | f  | B
(21 rows)

Specify the mean method

Execute the IMPUTE function, specifying the mean method:

=> SELECT IMPUTE('output_view','small_input_impute', 'pid, x1,x2,x3,x4','mean'
                  USING PARAMETERS exclude_columns='pid');
Finished in 1 iteration
(1 row)

View output_view to see the imputed values:

=> SELECT * FROM output_view;
pid | pclass | gender |        x1         |        x2         |        x3         | x4 | x5 | x6
5   |      0 |      1 |         -2.590837 |         -2.892819 |          -2.70296 |  2 | t  | C
7   |      1 |      1 |          3.829239 |           3.08765 | -3.12989705263158 | 11 | f  | C
13  |      0 |      0 |         -9.060605 |         -9.390844 |         -9.559848 |  6 | t  | C
15  |      0 |      1 |         -2.590837 |         -2.892819 |          -2.70296 |  2 | f  | A
16  |      0 |      1 |         -2.264599 |         -2.615146 |          -2.10729 | 11 | f  | A
19  |      1 |      1 | -3.86645035294118 |          3.841606 |          3.754375 | 20 | t  |
9   |      1 |      1 | -3.86645035294118 |          3.841606 |          3.754375 | 20 | f  | B
11  |      0 |      0 |         -9.445818 |         -9.740541 |         -9.786974 |  3 | t  | B
12  |      0 |      0 |         -9.618292 |         -9.308881 |         -9.562255 |  4 | t  | C
14  |      0 |      0 |         -2.264599 |         -2.615146 |          -2.10729 | 15 | f  | A
17  |      1 |      1 |          3.829239 |           3.08765 | -3.12989705263158 | 11 | f  | B
1   |      0 |      0 |         -9.445818 |         -9.740541 |         -9.786974 |  3 | t  | A
1   |      0 |      0 |         -9.445818 |         -9.740541 |         -9.786974 |  3 | t  | A
2   |      0 |      0 |         -9.618292 |         -9.308881 |         -9.562255 |  4 | t  | A
3   |      0 |      0 |         -9.060605 |         -9.390844 |         -9.559848 |  6 | t  | B
4   |      0 |      0 |         -2.264599 |         -2.615146 |          -2.10729 | 15 | t  | B
6   |      0 |      1 |         -2.264599 |         -2.615146 |          -2.10729 | 11 | t  | C
8   |      1 |      1 |          3.273592 | -3.22766163157895 |          3.477332 | 18 | f  | B
10  |      1 |      1 | -3.86645035294118 |          3.841606 |          3.754375 | 20 | t  | A
18  |      1 |      1 |          3.273592 | -3.22766163157895 |          3.477332 | 18 | t  | B
20  |      1 |      1 | -3.86645035294118 |          3.841606 |          3.754375 | 20 |    | C
(21 rows)

You can also execute the IMPUTE function, specifying the mean method and using the partition_columns parameter. This parameter works similarly to the GROUP_BY clause:

=> SELECT IMPUTE('output_view_group','small_input_impute', 'pid, x1,x2,x3,x4','mean'
USING PARAMETERS exclude_columns='pid', partition_columns='pclass,gender');
Finished in 1 iteration
(1 row)

View output_view_group to see the imputed values:

=> SELECT * FROM output_view_group;
pid | pclass | gender |    x1     |        x2        |        x3        | x4 | x5 | x6
5   |      0 |      1 | -2.590837 |        -2.892819 |         -2.70296 |  2 | t  | C
7   |      1 |      1 |  3.829239 |          3.08765 | 3.66202733333333 | 19 | f  | C
13  |      0 |      0 | -9.060605 |        -9.390844 |        -9.559848 |  6 | t  | C
15  |      0 |      1 | -2.590837 |        -2.892819 |         -2.70296 |  2 | f  | A
16  |      0 |      1 | -2.264599 |        -2.615146 |         -2.10729 | 11 | f  | A
19  |      1 |      1 | 3.5514155 |         3.841606 |         3.754375 | 20 | t  |
1   |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 |        -9.740541 |        -9.786974 |  3 | t  | A
1   |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 |        -9.740541 |        -9.786974 |  3 | t  | A
2   |      0 |      0 | -9.618292 |        -9.308881 |        -9.562255 |  4 | t  | A
3   |      0 |      0 | -9.060605 |        -9.390844 |        -9.559848 |  6 | t  | B
4   |      0 |      0 | -2.264599 |        -2.615146 |         -2.10729 | 15 | t  | B
6   |      0 |      1 | -2.264599 |        -2.615146 |         -2.10729 | 11 | t  | C
8   |      1 |      1 |  3.273592 | 3.59028733333333 |         3.477332 | 18 | f  | B
10  |      1 |      1 | 3.5514155 |         3.841606 |         3.754375 | 20 | t  | A
18  |      1 |      1 |  3.273592 | 3.59028733333333 |         3.477332 | 18 | t  | B
20  |      1 |      1 | 3.5514155 |         3.841606 |         3.754375 | 20 |    | C
9   |      1 |      1 | 3.5514155 |         3.841606 |         3.754375 | 20 | f  | B
11  |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 |        -9.740541 |        -9.786974 |  3 | t  | B
12  |      0 |      0 | -9.618292 |        -9.308881 |        -9.562255 |  4 | t  | C
14  |      0 |      0 | -2.264599 |        -2.615146 |         -2.10729 | 15 | f  | A
17  |      1 |      1 |  3.829239 |          3.08765 | 3.66202733333333 | 19 | f  | B
(21 rows)

Specify the mode method

Execute the IMPUTE function, specifying the mode method:

=> SELECT impute('output_view_mode','small_input_impute', 'pid, x5,x6','mode'
                  USING PARAMETERS exclude_columns='pid');
Finished in 1 iteration
(1 row)

View output_view_mode to see the imputed values:

=> SELECT * FROM output_view_mode;
pid | pclass | gender |    x1     |    x2     |    x3     | x4 | x5 | x6
5   |      0 |      1 | -2.590837 | -2.892819 |  -2.70296 |  2 | t  | C
7   |      1 |      1 |  3.829239 |   3.08765 |  Infinity |    | f  | C
13  |      0 |      0 | -9.060605 | -9.390844 | -9.559848 |  6 | t  | C
15  |      0 |      1 | -2.590837 | -2.892819 |  -2.70296 |  2 | f  | A
16  |      0 |      1 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 11 | f  | A
19  |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 | t  | B
1   |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 | -9.740541 | -9.786974 |  3 | t  | A
1   |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 | -9.740541 | -9.786974 |  3 | t  | A
2   |      0 |      0 | -9.618292 | -9.308881 | -9.562255 |  4 | t  | A
3   |      0 |      0 | -9.060605 | -9.390844 | -9.559848 |  6 | t  | B
4   |      0 |      0 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 15 | t  | B
6   |      0 |      1 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 11 | t  | C
8   |      1 |      1 |  3.273592 |           |  3.477332 | 18 | f  | B
10  |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 | t  | A
18  |      1 |      1 |  3.273592 |           |  3.477332 | 18 | t  | B
20  |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 | t  | C
9   |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 | f  | B
11  |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 | -9.740541 | -9.786974 |  3 | t  | B
12  |      0 |      0 | -9.618292 | -9.308881 | -9.562255 |  4 | t  | C
14  |      0 |      0 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 15 | f  | A
17  |      1 |      1 |  3.829239 |   3.08765 |  Infinity |    | f  | B
(21 rows)

You can also execute the IMPUTE function, specifying the mode method and using the partition_columns parameter. This parameter works similarly to the GROUP_BY clause:

=> SELECT impute('output_view_mode_group','small_input_impute', 'pid, x5,x6','mode'
                   USING PARAMETERS exclude_columns='pid',partition_columns='pclass,gender');
Finished in 1 iteration
(1 row)

View output_view_mode_group to see the imputed values:

=> SELECT * FROM output_view_mode_group;
pid | pclass | gender |    x1     |    x2     |    x3     | x4 | x5 | x6
1   |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 | -9.740541 | -9.786974 |  3 | t  | A
1   |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 | -9.740541 | -9.786974 |  3 | t  | A
2   |      0 |      0 | -9.618292 | -9.308881 | -9.562255 |  4 | t  | A
3   |      0 |      0 | -9.060605 | -9.390844 | -9.559848 |  6 | t  | B
4   |      0 |      0 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 15 | t  | B
13  |      0 |      0 | -9.060605 | -9.390844 | -9.559848 |  6 | t  | C
11  |      0 |      0 | -9.445818 | -9.740541 | -9.786974 |  3 | t  | B
12  |      0 |      0 | -9.618292 | -9.308881 | -9.562255 |  4 | t  | C
14  |      0 |      0 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 15 | f  | A
5   |      0 |      1 | -2.590837 | -2.892819 |  -2.70296 |  2 | t  | C
15  |      0 |      1 | -2.590837 | -2.892819 |  -2.70296 |  2 | f  | A
16  |      0 |      1 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 11 | f  | A
6   |      0 |      1 | -2.264599 | -2.615146 |  -2.10729 | 11 | t  | C
7   |      1 |      1 |  3.829239 |   3.08765 |  Infinity |    | f  | C
19  |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 | t  | B
9   |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 | f  | B
17  |      1 |      1 |  3.829239 |   3.08765 |  Infinity |    | f  | B
8   |      1 |      1 |  3.273592 |           |  3.477332 | 18 | f  | B
10  |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 | t  | A
18  |      1 |      1 |  3.273592 |           |  3.477332 | 18 | t  | B
20  |      1 |      1 |           |  3.841606 |  3.754375 | 20 | f  | C
(21 rows)

See also


5 - Normalizing data

The purpose of normalization is, primarily, to scale numeric data from different columns down to an equivalent scale.

The purpose of normalization is, primarily, to scale numeric data from different columns down to an equivalent scale. For example, suppose you execute the LINEAR_REG function on a data set with two feature columns, current_salary and years_worked. The output value you are trying to predict is a worker's future salary. The values in the current_salary column are likely to have a far wider range, and much larger values, than the values in the years_worked column. Therefore, the values in the current_salary column can overshadow the values in the years_worked column, thus skewing your model.

Vertica offers the following data preparation methods which use normalization. These methods are:

  • MinMax
    Using the MinMax normalization method, you can normalize the values in both of these columns to be within a distribution of values between 0 and 1. Doing so allows you to compare values on very different scales to one another by reducing the dominance of one column over the other.

  • Z-score
    Using the Z-score normalization method, you can normalize the values in both of these columns to be the number of standard deviations an observation is from the mean of each column. This allows you to compare your data to a normally distributed random variable.

  • Robust Z-score
    Using the Robust Z-score normalization method, you can lessen the influence of outliers on Z-score calculations. Robust Z-score normalization uses the median value as opposed to the mean value used in Z-score. By using the median instead of the mean, it helps remove some of the influence of outliers in the data.

Normalizing data results in the creation of a view where the normalized data is saved. The output_view option in the NORMALIZE function determines name of the view .

Normalizing salary data using MinMax

The following example shows how you can normalize the salary_data table using the MinMax normalization method.

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.
=> SELECT NORMALIZE('normalized_salary_data', 'salary_data', 'current_salary, years_worked', 'minmax');
 Finished in 1 iteration

(1 row)

=> SELECT * FROM normalized_salary_data;
employee_id | first_name  | last_name  |     years_worked     |    current_salary
189         | Shawn       | Moore      | 0.350000000000000000 | 0.437246565765357217
518         | Earl        | Shaw       | 0.100000000000000000 | 0.978867411144492943
1126        | Susan       | Alexander  | 0.250000000000000000 | 0.909048995710749580
1157        | Jack        | Stone      | 0.100000000000000000 | 0.601863084103319918
1277        | Scott       | Wagner     | 0.050000000000000000 | 0.455949209228501786
3188        | Shirley     | Flores     | 0.400000000000000000 | 0.538816771536005140
3196        | Andrew      | Holmes     | 0.900000000000000000 | 0.183954046444834949
3430        | Philip      | Little     | 0.100000000000000000 | 0.735279557092379495
3522        | Jerry       | Ross       | 0.800000000000000000 | 0.671828883472214349
3892        | Barbara     | Flores     | 0.350000000000000000 | 0.092901007123556866

(1000 rows)

Normalizing salary data using z-score

The following example shows how you can normalize the salary_data table using the Z-score normalization method.

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.
=> SELECT NORMALIZE('normalized_z_salary_data', 'salary_data', 'current_salary, years_worked',
 Finished in 1 iteration

(1 row)

=> SELECT * FROM normalized_z_salary_data;
employee_id | first_name  | last_name  |    years_worked     |    current_salary
189         | Shawn       | Moore      |  -0.524447274157005 |   -0.221041249770669
518         | Earl        | Shaw       |   -1.35743214416495 |     1.66054215981221
1126        | Susan       | Alexander  |  -0.857641222160185 |     1.41799393943946
1157        | Jack        | Stone      |   -1.35743214416495 |    0.350834283622416
1277        | Scott       | Wagner     |   -1.52402911816654 |   -0.156068522159045
3188        | Shirley     | Flores     |  -0.357850300155415 |    0.131812255991634
3196        | Andrew      | Holmes     |    1.30811943986048 |    -1.10097599783475
3430        | Philip      | Little     |   -1.35743214416495 |    0.814321286168547
3522        | Jerry       | Ross       |   0.974925491857304 |    0.593894513770248
3892        | Barbara     | Flores     |  -0.524447274157005 |    -1.41729301118583

(1000 rows)

Normalizing salary data using robust z-score

The following example shows how you can normalize the salary_data table using the robust Z-score normalization method.

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.
=> SELECT NORMALIZE('normalized_robustz_salary_data', 'salary_data', 'current_salary, years_worked', 'robust_zscore');
 Finished in 1 iteration

(1 row)

=> SELECT * FROM normalized_robustz_salary_data;
employee_id | first_name  | last_name  |    years_worked    |    current_salary
189         | Shawn       | Moore      | -0.404694455685957 | -0.158933849655499140
518         | Earl        | Shaw       | -1.079185215162552 |  1.317126172796275889
1126        | Susan       | Alexander  | -0.674490759476595 |  1.126852528914384584
1157        | Jack        | Stone      | -1.079185215162552 |  0.289689691751547422
1277        | Scott       | Wagner     | -1.214083367057871 | -0.107964200747705902
3188        | Shirley     | Flores     | -0.269796303790638 |  0.117871818902746738
3196        | Andrew      | Holmes     |  1.079185215162552 | -0.849222942006447161
3430        | Philip      | Little     | -1.079185215162552 |  0.653284859470426481
3522        | Jerry       | Ross       |  0.809388911371914 |  0.480364995828913355
3892        | Barbara     | Flores     | -0.404694455685957 | -1.097366550974798397
3939        | Anna        | Walker     | -0.944287063267233 |  0.414956177842775781
4165        | Martha      | Reyes      |  0.269796303790638 |  0.773947701782753329
4335        | Phillip     | Wright     | -1.214083367057871 |  1.218843012657445647
4534        | Roger       | Harris     |  1.079185215162552 |  1.155185021164402608
4806        | John        | Robinson   |  0.809388911371914 | -0.494320112876813908
4881        | Kelly       | Welch      |  0.134898151895319 | -0.540778808820045933
4889        | Jennifer    | Arnold     |  1.214083367057871 | -0.299762093576526566
5067        | Martha      | Parker     |  0.000000000000000 |  0.719991348857328239
5523        | John        | Martin     | -0.269796303790638 | -0.411248545269163826
6004        | Nicole      | Sullivan   |  0.269796303790638 |  1.065141044522487821
6013        | Harry       | Woods      | -0.944287063267233 |  1.005664438654129376
6240        | Norma       | Martinez   |  1.214083367057871 |  0.762412844887071691

(1000 rows)

See also

6 - PCA (principal component analysis)

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a technique that reduces the dimensionality of data while retaining the variation present in the data.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a technique that reduces the dimensionality of data while retaining the variation present in the data. In essence, a new coordinate system is constructed so that data variation is strongest along the first axis, less strong along the second axis, and so on. Then, the data points are transformed into this new coordinate system. The directions of the axes are called principal components.

If the input data is a table with p columns, there could be maximum p principal components. However, it's usually the case that the data variation along the direction of some k-th principal component becomes almost negligible, which allows us to keep only the first k components. As a result, the new coordinate system has fewer axes. Hence, the transformed data table has only k columns instead of p. It is important to remember that the k output columns are not simply a subset of p input columns. Instead, each of the k output columns is a combination of all p input columns.

You can use the following functions to train and apply the PCA model:

For a complete example, see Dimension reduction using PCA.

6.1 - Dimension reduction using PCA

This PCA example uses a data set with a large number of columns named world.

This PCA example uses a data set with a large number of columns named world. The example shows how you can apply PCA to all columns in the data set (except HDI) and reduce them into two dimensions.

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.
  1. Create the PCA model, named pcamodel.

    => SELECT PCA ('pcamodel', 'world','country,HDI,em1970,em1971,em1972,em1973,em1974,em1975,em1976,em1977,
    em1978,em1979,em1980,em1981,em1982,em1983,em1984 ,em1985,em1986,em1987,em1988,em1989,em1990,em1991,em1992,
    gdp2007,gdp2008,gdp2009,gdp2010' USING PARAMETERS exclude_columns='HDI, country');
    Finished in 1 iterations.
    Accepted Rows: 96  Rejected Rows: 0
    (1 row)
  2. View the summary output of pcamodel.

    => SELECT GET_MODEL_SUMMARY(USING PARAMETERS model_name='pcamodel');
  3. Next, apply PCA to a select few columns, with the exception of HDI and country.

    => SELECT APPLY_PCA (HDI,country,em1970,em2010,gdp1970,gdp2010 USING PARAMETERS model_name='pcamodel',
    exclude_columns='HDI,country', key_columns='HDI,country',cutoff=.3) OVER () FROM world;
    HDI   |       country       |       col1
    0.886 | Belgium             | -36288.1191849017
    0.699 | Belize              |   -81740.32711562
    0.427 | Benin               | -122666.882708325
    0.805 | Chile               | -161356.484748602
    0.687 | China               | -202634.254216416
    0.744 | Costa Rica          | -242043.080125449
    0.4   | Cote d'Ivoire       | -283330.394428932
    0.776 | Cuba                | -322625.857541772
    0.895 | Denmark             | -356086.311721071
    0.644 | Egypt               | -403634.743992772
    (96 rows)
  4. Then, optionally apply the inverse function to transform the data back to its original state. This example shows an abbreviated output, only for the first record. There are 96 records in total.

    => SELECT APPLY_INVERSE_PCA (HDI,country,em1970,em2010,gdp1970,gdp2010 USING PARAMETERS model_name='pcamodel',
    exclude_columns='HDI,country', key_columns='HDI,country') OVER () FROM world limit 1;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]--------------
    HDI     | 0.886
    country | Belgium
    em1970  | 3.74891915022521
    em1971  | 26.091852917619
    em1972  | 22.0262860721982
    em1973  | 24.8214492074202
    em1974  | 20.9486650320945
    em1975  | 29.5717692117088
    em1976  | 17.4373459783249
    em1977  | 33.1895610966146
    em1978  | 15.6251407781098
    em1979  | 14.9560299812815
    em1980  | 18.0870223053504
    em1981  | -6.23151505146251
    em1982  | -7.12300504708672
    em1983  | -7.52627957856581
    em1984  | -7.17428622245234
    em1985  | -9.04899186621455
    em1986  | -10.5098581697156
    em1987  | -7.97146984849547
    em1988  | -8.85458031319287
    em1989  | -8.78422101747477
    em1990  | -9.61931854722004
    em1991  | -11.6411235452067
    em1992  | -12.8882752879355
    em1993  | -15.0647523842803
    em1994  | -14.3266175918398
    em1995  | -9.07603254825782
    em1996  | -9.32002671928241
    em1997  | -10.0209028262361
    em1998  | -6.70882735196004
    em1999  | -7.32575918131333
    em2000  | -10.3113551933996
    em2001  | -11.0162573094354
    em2002  | -10.886264397431
    em2003  | -8.96078372850612
    em2004  | -11.5157129257881
    em2005  | -12.5048269019293
    em2006  | -12.2345161132594
    em2007  | -8.92504587601715
    em2008  | -12.1136551375247
    em2009  | -10.1144380511421
    em2010  | -7.72468307053519
    gdp1970 | 10502.1047183969
    gdp1971 | 9259.97560190599
    gdp1972 | 6593.98178532712
    gdp1973 | 5325.33813328068
    gdp1974 | -899.029529832931
    gdp1975 | -3184.93671107899
    gdp1976 | -4517.68204331439
    gdp1977 | -3322.9509067019
    gdp1978 | -33.8221923368737
    gdp1979 | 2882.50573071066
    gdp1980 | 3638.74436577365
    gdp1981 | 2211.77365027338
    gdp1982 | 5811.44631880621
    gdp1983 | 7365.75180165581
    gdp1984 | 10465.1797058904
    gdp1985 | 12312.7219748196
    gdp1986 | 12309.0418293413
    gdp1987 | 13695.5173269466
    gdp1988 | 12531.9995299889
    gdp1989 | 13009.2244205049
    gdp1990 | 10697.6839797576
    gdp1991 | 6835.94651304181
    gdp1992 | 4275.67753277099
    gdp1993 | 3382.29408813394
    gdp1994 | 3703.65406726311
    gdp1995 | 4238.17659535371
    gdp1996 | 4692.48744219914
    gdp1997 | 4539.23538342266
    gdp1998 | 5886.78983381162
    gdp1999 | 7527.72448728762
    gdp2000 | 7646.05563584361
    gdp2001 | 9053.22077886667
    gdp2002 | 9914.82548013531
    gdp2003 | 9201.64413455221
    gdp2004 | 9234.70123279344
    gdp2005 | 9565.5457350936
    gdp2006 | 9569.86316415438
    gdp2007 | 9104.60260145907
    gdp2008 | 8182.8163827425
    gdp2009 | 6279.93197775805
    gdp2010 | 4274.40397281553

See also

7 - Sampling data

The goal of data sampling is to take a smaller, more manageable sample of a much larger data set.

The goal of data sampling is to take a smaller, more manageable sample of a much larger data set. With a sample data set, you can produce predictive models or use it to help you tune your database. The following example shows how you can use the TABLESAMPLE clause to create a sample of your data.

Sampling data from a table

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.

Using the baseball table, create a new table named baseball_sample containing a 25% sample of baseball. Remember, TABLESAMPLE does not guarantee that the exact percentage of records defined in the clause are returned.

=> CREATE TABLE baseball_sample AS SELECT * FROM baseball TABLESAMPLE(25);
=> SELECT * FROM baseball_sample;
 id  | first_name | last_name  |    dob     |    team    | hr  | hits  |  avg  |   salary
   4 | Amanda     | Turner     | 1997-12-22 | Maroon     |  58 |   177 | 0.187 |     8047721
  20 | Jesse      | Cooper     | 1983-04-13 | Yellow     |  97 |    39 | 0.523 |     4252837
  22 | Randy      | Peterson   | 1980-05-28 | Orange     |  14 |    16 | 0.141 |  11827728.1
  24 | Carol      | Harris     | 1991-04-02 | Fuscia     |  96 |    12 | 0.456 |  40572253.6
  32 | Rose       | Morrison   | 1977-07-26 | Goldenrod  |  27 |   153 | 0.442 | 14510752.49
  50 | Helen      | Medina     | 1987-12-26 | Maroon     |  12 |   150 |  0.54 | 32169267.91
  70 | Richard    | Gilbert    | 1983-07-13 | Khaki      |   1 |   250 | 0.213 | 40518422.76
  81 | Angela     | Cole       | 1991-08-16 | Violet     |  87 |   136 | 0.706 | 42875181.51
  82 | Elizabeth  | Foster     | 1994-04-30 | Indigo     |  46 |   163 | 0.481 | 33896975.53
  98 | Philip     | Gardner    | 1992-05-06 | Puce       |  39 |   239 | 0.697 | 20967480.67
 102 | Ernest     | Freeman    | 1983-10-05 | Turquoise  |  46 |    77 | 0.564 | 21444463.92
(227 rows)

With your sample you can create a predictive model, or tune your database.

See also

  • FROM clause (for more information about the TABLESAMPLE clause)

8 - SVD (singular value decomposition)

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a matrix decomposition method that allows you to approximate matrix X with dimensions n-by-p as a product of 3 matrices: X(n-by-p) = U(n-by-k).S(k-byk).VT(k-by-p) where k is an integer from 1 to p, and S is a diagonal matrix.

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a matrix decomposition method that allows you to approximate matrix X with dimensions n-by-p as a product of 3 matrices: X(n-by-p) = U(n-by-k).S(k-byk).VT(k-by-p) where k is an integer from 1 to p, and S is a diagonal matrix. Its diagonal has non-negative values, called singular values, sorted from the largest, at the top left, to the smallest, at the bottom right. All other elements of S are zero.

In practice, the matrix V(p-by-k), which is the transposed version of VT, is more preferred.

If k (an input parameter to the decomposition algorithm, also known as the number of components to keep in the output) is equal to p, the decomposition is exact. If k is less than p, the decomposition becomes an approximation.

An application of SVD is lossy data compression. For example, storing X required n.p elements, while storing the three matrices U, S, and VT requires storing n.k + k + k.p elements. If n=1000, p=10, and k=2, storing X would require 10,000 elements while storing the approximation would require 2,000+4+20 = 2,024 elements. A smaller value of k increases the savings in storage space, while a larger value of k gives a more accurate approximation.

Depending on your data, the singular values may decrease rapidly, which allows you to choose a value of k that is much smaller than the value of p.

Another common application of SVD is to perform the principal component analysis.

You can use the following functions to train and apply the SVD model:

For a complete example, see Computing SVD.

8.1 - Computing SVD

This SVD example uses a small data set named small_svd.

This SVD example uses a small data set named small_svd. The example shows you how to compute SVD using the given data set. The table is a matrix of numbers. The singular value decomposition is computed using the SVD function. This example computes the SVD of the table matrix and assigns it to a new object, which contains one vector, and two matrices, U and V. The vector contains the singular values. The first matrix, U contains the left singular vectors and V contains the right singular vectors.

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.
  1. Create the SVD model, named svdmodel.

    => SELECT SVD ('svdmodel', 'small_svd', 'x1,x2,x3,x4');
    Finished in 1 iterations.
    Accepted Rows: 8  Rejected Rows: 0
    (1 row)
  2. View the summary output of svdmodel.

    => SELECT GET_MODEL_SUMMARY(USING PARAMETERS model_name='svdmodel');
    1    | x1
    2    | x2
    3    | x3
    4    | x4
    index| value  |explained_variance|accumulated_explained_variance
    1    |22.58748|      0.95542     |            0.95542
    2    | 3.79176|      0.02692     |            0.98234
    3    | 2.55864|      0.01226     |            0.99460
    4    | 1.69756|      0.00540     |            1.00000
    index|vector1 |vector2 |vector3 |vector4
    1    | 0.58736| 0.08033| 0.74288|-0.31094
    2    | 0.26661| 0.78275|-0.06148| 0.55896
    3    | 0.71779|-0.13672|-0.64563|-0.22193
    4    | 0.26211|-0.60179| 0.16587| 0.73596
    counter_name      |counter_value
    accepted_row_count|      8
    rejected_row_count|      0
    iteration_count   |      1
    SELECT SVD('public.svdmodel', 'small_svd', 'x1,x2,x3,x4');
    (1 row)
  3. Create a new table, named Umat to obtain the values for U.

    => CREATE TABLE Umat AS SELECT APPLY_SVD(id, x1, x2, x3, x4 USING PARAMETERS model_name='svdmodel',
    exclude_columns='id', key_columns='id') OVER() FROM small_svd;
  4. View the results in the Umat table. This table transforms the matrix into a new coordinates system.

    => SELECT * FROM Umat ORDER BY id;
      id |        col1        |        col2        |        col3         |        col4
    1    | -0.494871802886819 | -0.161721379259287 |  0.0712816417153664 | -0.473145877877408
    2    |  -0.17652411036246 | 0.0753183783382909 |  -0.678196192333598 | 0.0567124770173372
    3    | -0.150974762654569 | -0.589561842046029 | 0.00392654610109522 |  0.360011163271921
    4    |  -0.44849499240202 |  0.347260956311326 |   0.186958376368345 |  0.378561270493651
    5    | -0.494871802886819 | -0.161721379259287 |  0.0712816417153664 | -0.473145877877408
    6    |  -0.17652411036246 | 0.0753183783382909 |  -0.678196192333598 | 0.0567124770173372
    7    | -0.150974762654569 | -0.589561842046029 | 0.00392654610109522 |  0.360011163271921
    8    |  -0.44849499240202 |  0.347260956311326 |   0.186958376368345 |  0.378561270493651
    (8 rows)
  5. Then, we can optionally transform the data back by converting it from Umat to Xmat. First, we must create the Xmat table and then apply the APPLY_INVERSE_SVD function to the table:

    exclude_columns='id', key_columns='id') OVER() FROM Umat;
  6. Then view the data from the Xmat table that was created:

    => SELECT id, x1::NUMERIC(5,1), x2::NUMERIC(5,1), x3::NUMERIC(5,1), x4::NUMERIC(5,1) FROM Xmat
    ORDER BY id;
    id | x1  | x2  | x3  | x4
    1  | 7.0 | 3.0 | 8.0 | 2.0
    2  | 1.0 | 1.0 | 4.0 | 1.0
    3  | 2.0 | 3.0 | 2.0 | 0.0
    4  | 6.0 | 2.0 | 7.0 | 4.0
    5  | 7.0 | 3.0 | 8.0 | 2.0
    6  | 1.0 | 1.0 | 4.0 | 1.0
    7  | 2.0 | 3.0 | 2.0 | 0.0
    8  | 6.0 | 2.0 | 7.0 | 4.0
    (8 rows)

See also