Classification is an important and popular machine learning tool that assigns items in a data set to different categories. Classification is used to predict risk over time, in fraud detection, text categorization, and more. Classification functions begin with a data set where the different categories are known. For example, suppose you want to classify students based on how likely they are to get into graduate school. In addition to factors like admission score exams and grades, you could also track work experience.
Binary classification means the outcome, in this case, admission, only has two possible values: admit or do not admit. Multiclass outcomes have more than two values. For example, low, medium, or high chance of admission. During the training process, classification algorithms find the relationship between the outcome and the features. This relationship is summarized in the model, which can then be applied to different data sets, where the categories are unknown.
1 - Logistic regression
Using logistic regression, you can model the relationship between independent variables, or features, and some dependent variable, or outcome.
Using logistic regression, you can model the relationship between independent variables, or features, and some dependent variable, or outcome. The outcome of logistic regression is always a binary value.
You can build logistic regression models to:
Fit a predictive model to a training data set of independent variables and some binary dependent variable. Doing so allows you to make predictions on outcomes, such as whether a piece of email is spam mail or not.
Determine the strength of the relationship between an independent variable and some binary outcome variable. For example, suppose you want to determine whether an email is spam or not. You can build a logistic regression model, based on observations of the properties of email messages. Then, you can determine the importance of various properties of an email message on that outcome.
You can use the following functions to build a logistic regression model, view the model, and use the model to make predictions on a set of test data:
This logistic regression example uses a small data set named mtcars.
This logistic regression example uses a small data set named mtcars. The example shows how to build a model that predicts the value of am, which indicates whether the car has an automatic or a manual transmission. It uses the given values of all the other features in the data set.
In this example, roughly 60% of the data is used as training data to create a model. The remaining 40% is used as testing data against which you can test your logistic regression model.
Create a table named mtcars_predict_results. Populate this table with the prediction outputs you obtain from running the PREDICT_LOGISTIC_REG function on your test data. View the results in the mtcars_predict_results table.
Evaluate the accuracy of the PREDICT_LOGISTIC_REG function, using the CONFUSION_MATRIX evaluation function.
=> SELECT CONFUSION_MATRIX(obs::int, pred::int USING PARAMETERS num_classes=2) OVER()
FROM (SELECT am AS obs, Prediction AS pred FROM mtcars_predict_results) AS prediction_output;
class | 0 | 1 | comment
0 | 6 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 4 | Of 12 rows, 12 were used and 0 were ignored
(2 rows)
In this case, PREDICT_LOGISTIC_REG correctly predicted that four out of five cars with a value of 1 in the am column have a value of 1. Out of the seven cars which had a value of 0 in the am column, six were correctly predicted to have the value 0. One car was incorrectly classified as having the value 1.
You can use the Naive Bayes algorithm to classify your data when features can be assumed independent.
You can use the Naive Bayes algorithm to classify your data when features can be assumed independent. The algorithm uses independent features to calculate the probability of a specific class. For example, you might want to predict the probability that an email is spam. In that case, you would use a corpus of words associated with spam to calculate the probability the email's content is spam.
You can use the following functions to build a Naive Bayes model, view the model, and use the model to make predictions on a set of test data:
This Naive Bayes example uses the HouseVotes84 data set to show you how to build a model.
This Naive Bayes example uses the HouseVotes84 data set to show you how to build a model. With this model, you can predict which party the member of the United States Congress is affiliated based on their voting record. To aid in classifying the data it has been cleaned, and any missed votes have been replaced. The cleaned data replaces missed votes with the voter's party majority vote. For example, suppose a member of the Democrats had a missing value for vote1 and majority of the Democrats voted in favor. This example replaces all missing Democrats' votes for vote1 with a vote in favor.
In this example, approximately 75% of the cleaned HouseVotes84 data is randomly selected and copied to a training table. The remaining cleaned HouseVotes84 data is used as a testing table.
Create a new table, named predicted_party_naive. Populate this table with the prediction outputs you obtain from the PREDICT_NAIVE_BAYES function on your test data.
=> CREATE TABLE predicted_party_naive
AS SELECT party,
PREDICT_NAIVE_BAYES (vote1, vote2, vote3, vote4, vote5,
vote6, vote7, vote8, vote9, vote10,
vote11, vote12, vote13, vote14,
vote15, vote16
USING PARAMETERS model_name = 'naive_house84_model',
type = 'response') AS Predicted_Party
FROM house84_test;
Calculate the accuracy of the model's predictions.
=> SELECT (Predictions.Num_Correct_Predictions / Count.Total_Count) AS Percent_Accuracy
FROM ( SELECT COUNT(Predicted_Party) AS Num_Correct_Predictions
FROM predicted_party_naive
WHERE party = Predicted_Party
) AS Predictions,
( SELECT COUNT(party) AS Total_Count
FROM predicted_party_naive
) AS Count;
(1 row)
The model correctly predicted the party of the members of Congress based on their voting patterns with 93% accuracy.
Viewing the probability of each class
You can also view the probability of each class. Use PREDICT_NAIVE_BAYES_CLASSES to see the probability of each class.
This random forest example uses a data set named iris.
This random forest example uses a data set named iris. The example contains four variables that measure various parts of the iris flower to predict its species.
4 - SVM (support vector machine) for classification
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a classification algorithm that assigns data to one category or the other based on the training data.
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a classification algorithm that assigns data to one category or the other based on the training data. This algorithm implements linear SVM, which is highly scalable.
You can use the following functions to train the SVM model, and use the model to make predictions on a set of test data:
4.1 - Classifying data using SVM (support vector machine)
This SVM example uses a small data set named mtcars.
This SVM example uses a small data set named mtcars. The example shows how you can use the SVM_CLASSIFIER function to train the model to predict the value of am (the transmission type, where 0 = automatic and 1 = manual) using the PREDICT_SVM_CLASSIFIER function.
Create a new table, named svm_mtcars_predict. Populate this table with the prediction outputs you obtain from running the PREDICT_SVM_CLASSIFIER function on your test data.
=> CREATE TABLE svm_mtcars_predict AS
(SELECT car_model, am, PREDICT_SVM_CLASSIFIER(cyl, mpg, wt, hp
USING PARAMETERS model_name='svm_class')
AS Prediction FROM mtcars_test);
Evaluate the accuracy of the PREDICT_SVM_CLASSIFIER function, using the CONFUSION_MATRIX evaluation function.
=> SELECT CONFUSION_MATRIX(obs::int, pred::int USING PARAMETERS num_classes=2) OVER()
FROM (SELECT am AS obs, Prediction AS pred FROM svm_mtcars_predict) AS prediction_output;
class | 0 | 1 | comment
0 | 6 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 5 | Of 12 rows, 12 were used and 0 were ignored
(2 rows)
In this case, PREDICT_SVM_CLASSIFIER correctly predicted that the cars with a value of 1 in the am column have a value of 1. No cars were incorrectly classified. Out of the seven cars which had a value of 0 in the am column, six were correctly predicted to have the value 0. One car was incorrectly classified as having the value 1.
The following XGBoost functions create and perform predictions with a classification model:.
XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting) is a popular supervised-learning algorithm used for regression and classification on large datasets. It uses sequentially-built shallow decision trees to provide accurate results and a highly-scalable training method that avoids overfitting.
The following XGBoost functions create and perform predictions with a classification model:
This example uses the "iris" dataset, which contains measurements for various parts of a flower, and can be used to predict its species and creates an XGBoost classifier model to classify the species of each flower.