Moving data storage locations

SET_OBJECT_STORAGE_POLICY moves data storage from an existing location (labeled and unlabeled) to another labeled location.

SET_OBJECT_STORAGE_POLICY moves data storage from an existing location (labeled and unlabeled) to another labeled location. This function performs two tasks:

  • Creates a storage policy for an object, or changes its current policy.

  • Moves all existing data for the specified objects to the target storage location.

Before it moves object data to the specified storage location, Vertica calculates the required storage and checks available space at the target. Before calling SET_OBJECT_STORAGE_POLICY, check available space on the new target location. Be aware that checking does not guarantee that this space remains available when the Tuple Mover actually executes the move. If the storage location lacks sufficient free space, the function returns an error.

By default, the Tuple Mover moves object data to the new storage location after all pending mergeout tasks return. You can force the data to move immediately by setting the function's enforce-storage-move argument to true. For example, the following statement sets the storage policy for a table and implements the move immediately:

 Object storage policy set.
Task: moving storages
(Table: public.states) (Projection: public.states_p1)
(Table: public.states) (Projection: public.states_p2)
(Table: public.states) (Projection: public.states_p3)
(1 row)