Depending on the query and database schema, EXPLAIN output includes the following information:
Tables referenced by the statement
Estimated costs
Estimated row cardinality
Path ID, an integer that links to error messages and profiling counters so you troubleshoot performance issues more easily. For more information, see Profiling query plans.
Data operations such as SORT, FILTER, LIMIT, and GROUP BY
Projections used
Information about statistics—for example, whether they are current or out of range
Algorithms chosen for operations into the query, such as HASH/MERGE or GROUPBY HASH/GROUPBY PIPELINED
Data redistribution (broadcast, segmentation) across cluster nodes
In the EXPLAIN output that follows, the optimizer processes a query in three steps, where each step identified by a unique path ID:
0: Limit
1: Sort
2: Storage access and filter
A storage access operation can scan more than the columns in the SELECT list— for example, columns referenced in WHERE clause.
1 - Query plan statistics
If you query a table whose statistics are unavailable or out-of-date, the optimizer might choose a sub-optimal query plan.
If you query a table whose statistics are unavailable or out-of-date, the optimizer might choose a sub-optimal query plan.
You can resolve many issues related to table statistics by calling
ANALYZE_STATISTICS. This function let you update statistics at various scopes: one or more table columns, a single table, or all database tables.
If you update statistics and find that the query still performs sub-optimally, run your query through Database Designer and choose incremental design as the design type.
Query plans can contain information about table statistics through two hints: NO STATISTICS and STALE STATISTICS. For example, the following query plan fragment includes NO STATISTICS to indicate that histograms are unavailable:
| | +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for fact [Cost: 604, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)]
The following query plan fragment includes STALE STATISTICS to indicate that the predicate has fallen outside the histogram range:
The Row operator is the number of rows the optimizer estimates the query will return. Letters after numbers refer to the units of measure (K=thousand, M=million, B=billion, T=trillion), so the output for the following query indicates that the number of rows to return is 50 thousand.
The reference to (3 RLE) in the STORAGE ACCESS path means that the optimizer estimates that the storage access operator returns 50K rows. Because the column is run-length encoded (RLE), the real number of RLE rows returned is only three rows:
1 row for female
1 row for male
1 row that represents unknown (NULL) gender
See Query plans for more information about how the optimizer estimates cost.
3 - Projection path
You can see which the optimizer chose for the query plan by looking at the Projection path in the textual output:.
You can see which projections the optimizer chose for the query plan by looking at the Projection path in the textual output:
The query optimizer automatically picks the best projections, but without reasonably accurate statistics, the optimizer could choose a suboptimal projection or join order for a query. For details, see Collecting Statistics.
Vertica considers which projection to choose for a plan by considering the following aspects:
How columns are joined in the query
How the projections are grouped or sorted
Whether SQL analytic operations applied
Any column information from a projection's storage on disk
As Vertica scans the possibilities for each plan, projections with the higher initial costs could end up in the final plan because they make joins cheaper. For example, a query can be answered with many possible plans, which the optimizer considers before choosing one of them. For efficiency, the optimizer uses sophisticated algorithms to prune intermediate partial plan fragments with higher cost. The optimizer knows that intermediate plan fragments might initially look bad (due to high storage access cost) but which produce excellent final plans due to other optimizations that it allows.
If your statistics are up to date but the query still performs poorly, run the query through the Database Designer. For details, see Incremental Design.
To test different segmented projections, refer to the projection by name in the query.
For optimal performance, write queries so the columns are sorted the same way that the projection columns are sorted.
Just like a join query, which references two or more tables, the Join step in a query plan has two input branches:.
Just like a join query, which references two or more tables, the Join step in a query plan has two input branches:
The left input, which is the outer table of the join
The right input, which is the inner table of the join
In the following query, the T1 table is the left input because it is on the left side of the JOIN keyword, and the T2 table is the right input, because it is on the right side of the JOIN keyword:
SELECT * FROM T1 JOIN T2 ON T1.x = T2.x;
Outer versus inner join
Query performance is better if the small table is used as the inner input to the join. The query optimizer automatically reorders the inputs to joins to ensure that this is the case unless the join in question is an outer join.
The following example shows a query and its plan for a left outer join:
=> EXPLAIN SELECT CD.annual_income,OSI.sale_date_key
-> FROM online_sales.online_sales_fact OSI
-> LEFT OUTER JOIN customer_dimension CD ON CD.customer_key = OSI.customer_key;
Access Path:
+-JOIN HASH [LeftOuter] [Cost: 4K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 1)
| Join Cond: (CD.customer_key = OSI.customer_key)
| Materialize at Output: OSI.sale_date_key
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for OSI [Cost: 3K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Projection: online_sales.online_sales_fact_DBD_12_seg_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design
| | Materialize: OSI.customer_key
| | Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for CD [Cost: 264, Rows: 50K] (PATH ID: 3)
| | Projection: public.customer_dimension_DBD_1_rep_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design_node0001
| | Materialize: CD.annual_income, CD.customer_key
| | Execute on: All Nodes
The following example shows a query and its plan for a full outer join:
=> EXPLAIN SELECT CD.annual_income,OSI.sale_date_key
-> FROM online_sales.online_sales_fact OSI
-> FULL OUTER JOIN customer_dimension CD ON CD.customer_key = OSI.customer_key;
Access Path:
+-JOIN HASH [FullOuter] [Cost: 18K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 1) Outer (RESEGMENT) Inner (FILTER)
| Join Cond: (CD.customer_key = OSI.customer_key)
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for OSI [Cost: 3K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Projection: online_sales.online_sales_fact_DBD_12_seg_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design
| | Materialize: OSI.sale_date_key, OSI.customer_key
| | Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for CD [Cost: 264, Rows: 50K] (PATH ID: 3)
| | Projection: public.customer_dimension_DBD_1_rep_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design_node0001
| | Materialize: CD.annual_income, CD.customer_key
| | Execute on: All Nodes
Hash and merge joins
Vertica has two join algorithms to choose from: merge join and hash join. The optimizer automatically chooses the most appropriate algorithm, given the query and projections in a system.
For the following query, the optimizer chooses a hash join.
=> EXPLAIN SELECT CD.annual_income,OSI.sale_date_key
-> FROM online_sales.online_sales_fact OSI
-> INNER JOIN customer_dimension CD ON CD.customer_key = OSI.customer_key;
Access Path:
+-JOIN HASH [Cost: 4K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 1)
| Join Cond: (CD.customer_key = OSI.customer_key)
| Materialize at Output: OSI.sale_date_key
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for OSI [Cost: 3K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Projection: online_sales.online_sales_fact_DBD_12_seg_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design
| | Materialize: OSI.customer_key
| | Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for CD [Cost: 264, Rows: 50K] (PATH ID: 3)
| | Projection: public.customer_dimension_DBD_1_rep_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design_node0001
| | Materialize: CD.annual_income, CD.customer_key
| | Execute on: All Nodes
If you get a hash join when you are expecting a merge join, it means that at least one of the projections is not sorted on the join column (for example, customer_key in the preceding query). To facilitate a merge join, you might need to create different projections that are sorted on the join columns.
In the next example, the optimizer chooses a merge join. The optimizer's first pass performs a merge join because the inputs are presorted, and then it performs a hash join.
=> EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM online_sales.online_sales_fact OSI
-> INNER JOIN customer_dimension CD ON CD.customer_key = OSI.customer_key
-> INNER JOIN product_dimension PD ON PD.product_key = OSI.product_key;
Access Path:
+-GROUPBY NOTHING [Cost: 8K, Rows: 1] (PATH ID: 1)
| Aggregates: count(*)
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +---> JOIN HASH [Cost: 7K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Join Cond: (PD.product_key = OSI.product_key)
| | Materialize at Input: OSI.product_key
| | Execute on: All Nodes
| | +-- Outer -> JOIN MERGEJOIN(inputs presorted) [Cost: 4K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 3)
| | | Join Cond: (CD.customer_key = OSI.customer_key)
| | | Execute on: All Nodes
| | | +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for OSI [Cost: 3K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 4)
| | | | Projection: online_sales.online_sales_fact_DBD_12_seg_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design
| | | | Materialize: OSI.customer_key
| | | | Execute on: All Nodes
| | | +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for CD [Cost: 132, Rows: 50K] (PATH ID: 5)
| | | | Projection: public.customer_dimension_DBD_1_rep_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design_node0001
| | | | Materialize: CD.customer_key
| | | | Execute on: All Nodes
| | +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for PD [Cost: 152, Rows: 60K] (PATH ID: 6)
| | | Projection: public.product_dimension_DBD_2_rep_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design_node0001
| | | Materialize: PD.product_key
| | | Execute on: All Nodes
Inequality joins
Vertica processes joins with equality predicates very efficiently. The query plan shows equality join predicates as join condition (Join Cond).
=> EXPLAIN SELECT CD.annual_income, OSI.sale_date_key
-> FROM online_sales.online_sales_fact OSI
-> INNER JOIN customer_dimension CD
-> ON CD.customer_key = OSI.customer_key;
Access Path:
+-JOIN HASH [Cost: 4K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 1)
| Join Cond: (CD.customer_key = OSI.customer_key)
| Materialize at Output: OSI.sale_date_key
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for OSI [Cost: 3K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Projection: online_sales.online_sales_fact_DBD_12_seg_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design
| | Materialize: OSI.customer_key
| | Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for CD [Cost: 264, Rows: 50K] (PATH ID: 3)
| | Projection: public.customer_dimension_DBD_1_rep_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design_node0001
| | Materialize: CD.annual_income, CD.customer_key
| | Execute on: All Nodes
However, inequality joins are treated like cross joins and can run less efficiently, which you can see by the change in cost between the two queries:
=> EXPLAIN SELECT CD.annual_income, OSI.sale_date_key
-> FROM online_sales.online_sales_fact OSI
-> INNER JOIN customer_dimension CD
-> ON CD.customer_key < OSI.customer_key;
Access Path:
+-JOIN HASH [Cost: 98M, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 1)
| Join Filter: (CD.customer_key < OSI.customer_key)
| Materialize at Output: CD.annual_income
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for CD [Cost: 132, Rows: 50K] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Projection: public.customer_dimension_DBD_1_rep_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design_node0001
| | Materialize: CD.customer_key
| | Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for OSI [Cost: 3K, Rows: 5M] (PATH ID: 3)
| | Projection: online_sales.online_sales_fact_DBD_12_seg_vmartdb_design_vmartdb_design
| | Materialize: OSI.sale_date_key, OSI.customer_key
| | Execute on: All Nodes
Event series joins
Event series joins are denoted by the INTERPOLATED path.
Access Path:
+-JOIN (INTERPOLATED) [FullOuter] [Cost: 31, Rows: 4 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1)
| Join Cond: (h."time" = a."time")
| Execute on: Query Initiator
| +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for h [Cost: 15, Rows: 4 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Projection: public.hTicks_node0004
| | Materialize: h.stock, h."time", h.price
| | Execute on: Query Initiator
| +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for a [Cost: 15, Rows: 4 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 3)
| | Projection: public.aTicks_node0004
| | Materialize: a.stock, a."time", a.price
| | Execute on: Query Initiator
5 - Path ID
The PATH ID is a unique identifier that Vertica assigns to each operation (path) within a query plan.
The PATH ID is a unique identifier that Vertica assigns to each operation (path) within a query plan. The same identifier is shared by:
Path IDs can help you trace issues to their root cause. For example, if a query returns a join error, preface the query with EXPLAIN and look for PATH ID n in the query plan to see which join in the query had the problem.
For example, the following EXPLAIN output shows the path ID for each path in the optimizer's query plan:
=> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM fact JOIN dim ON x=y JOIN ext on y=z;
Access Path:
+-JOIN MERGEJOIN(inputs presorted) [Cost: 815, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1)
| Join Cond: (dim.y = ext.z)
| Materialize at Output: fact.x
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Outer -> JOIN MERGEJOIN(inputs presorted) [Cost: 408, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Join Cond: (fact.x = dim.y)
| | Execute on: All Nodes
| | +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for fact [Cost: 202, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 3)
| | | Projection: public.fact_super
| | | Materialize: fact.x
| | | Execute on: All Nodes
| | +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for dim [Cost: 202, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 4)
| | | Projection: public.dim_super
| | | Materialize: dim.y
| | | Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for ext [Cost: 202, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 5)
| | Projection: public.ext_super
| | Materialize: ext.z
| | Execute on: All Nodes
6 - Filter path
The Filter step evaluates predicates on a single table.
The Filter step evaluates predicates on a single table. It accepts a set of rows, eliminates some of them (based on the criteria you provide in your query), and returns the rest. For example, the optimizer can filter local data of a join input that will be joined with another re-segmented join input.
The following statement queries the customer_dimension table and uses the WHERE clause to filter the results only for male customers in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
AVG(CD.customer_age) AS avg_age,
COUNT(*) AS count
FROM customer_dimension CD
WHERE CD.customer_state in ('MA','NH') AND CD.customer_gender = 'Male'
GROUP BY CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name;
GROUPBY HASH input is not sorted by the group columns, so Vertica builds a hash table on those group columns in order to process the aggregates and group by expressions.
GROUPBY PIPELINED requires that inputs be presorted on the columns specified in the group, which means that Vertica need only retain data in the current group in memory. GROUPBY PIPELINED operations are preferred because they are generally faster and require less memory than GROUPBY HASH. GROUPBY PIPELINED is especially useful for queries that process large numbers of high-cardinality group by columns or DISTINCT aggregates.
If possible, the query optimizer chooses the faster algorithm GROUPBY PIPELINED over GROUPBY HASH.
Here's an example of how GROUPBY HASH operations look in EXPLAIN output.
Here's an example of how GROUPBY HASH operations look in EXPLAIN output.
FROM customer_dimension
WHERE customer_region='NorthWest';
The output shows that the optimizer chose the less efficient GROUPBY HASH path, which means the projection was not presorted on the annual_income column. If such a projection is available, the optimizer would choose the GROUPBY PIPELINED algorithm.
If EXPLAIN reports GROUPBY HASH, modify the projection design to force it to use GROUPBY PIPELINED.
8 - Sort path
The SORT operator sorts the data according to a specified list of columns.
The SORT operator sorts the data according to a specified list of columns. The EXPLAIN output indicates the sort expressions and if the sort order is ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).
For example, the following query plan shows the column list nature of the SORT operator:
AVG(CD.customer_age) AS avg_age,
COUNT(*) AS count
FROM customer_dimension CD
WHERE CD.customer_state in ('MA','NH')
AND CD.customer_gender = 'Male'
GROUP BY CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name
ORDER BY avg_age, customer_name;
Access Path:
+-SORT [Cost: 422, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 1)
| Order: (<SVAR> / float8(<SVAR>)) ASC, CD.customer_name ASC
| Execute on: Query Initiator
| +---> GROUPBY HASH [Cost: 378, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Aggregates: sum_float(CD.customer_age), count(CD.customer_age), count(*)
| | Group By: CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name
| | Execute on: Query Initiator
| | +---> STORAGE ACCESS for CD [Cost: 372, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 3)
| | | Projection: public.customer_dimension_DBD_1_rep_vmart_vmart_node0001
| | | Materialize: CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name, CD.customer_age
| | | Filter: (CD.customer_gender = 'Male')
| | | Filter: (CD.customer_state = ANY (ARRAY['MA', 'NH']))
| | | Execute on: Query Initiator
If you change the sort order to descending, the change appears in the query plan:
AVG(CD.customer_age) AS avg_age,
COUNT(*) AS count
FROM customer_dimension CD
WHERE CD.customer_state in ('MA','NH')
AND CD.customer_gender = 'Male'
GROUP BY CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name
ORDER BY avg_age DESC, customer_name;
Access Path:
+-SORT [Cost: 422, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 1)
| Order: (<SVAR> / float8(<SVAR>)) DESC, CD.customer_name ASC
| Execute on: Query Initiator
| +---> GROUPBY HASH [Cost: 378, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Aggregates: sum_float(CD.customer_age), count(CD.customer_age), count(*)
| | Group By: CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name
| | Execute on: Query Initiator
| | +---> STORAGE ACCESS for CD [Cost: 372, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 3)
| | | Projection: public.customer_dimension_DBD_1_rep_vmart_vmart_node0001
| | | Materialize: CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name, CD.customer_age
| | | Filter: (CD.customer_gender = 'Male')
| | | Filter: (CD.customer_state = ANY (ARRAY['MA', 'NH']))
| | | Execute on: Query Initiator
9 - Limit path
The LIMIT path restricts the number of result rows based on the LIMIT clause in the query.
The LIMIT path restricts the number of result rows based on the LIMIT clause in the query. Using the LIMIT clause in queries with thousands of rows might increase query performance.
The optimizer pushes the LIMIT operation as far down as possible in queries. A single LIMIT clause in the query can generate multiple Output Only plan annotations.
The optimizer can redistribute join data in two ways:.
The optimizer can redistribute join data in two ways:
Broadcasting sends a complete copy of an intermediate result to all nodes in the cluster. Broadcast is used for joins in the following cases:
One table is very small (usually the inner table) compared to the other.
Vertica can avoid other large upstream resegmentation operations.
Outer join or subquery semantics require one side of the join to be replicated.
For example:
Access Path:
+-JOIN HASH [LeftOuter] [Cost: 40K, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1) Inner (BROADCAST)
| Join Filter: (T1.a > T2.y)
| Materialize at Output: T1.b
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for T1 [Cost: 151, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Projection: public.T1_b0
| | Materialize: T1.a
| | Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for T2 [Cost: 302, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 3)
| | Projection: public.T2_b0
| | Materialize: T2.x, T2.y
| | Execute on: All Nodes
Resegmentation takes an existing projection or intermediate relation and resegments the data evenly across all cluster nodes. At the end of the resegmentation operation, every row from the input relation is on exactly one node. Resegmentation is the operation used most often for distributed joins in Vertica if the data is not already segmented for local joins. For more detail, see Identical segmentation.
For example:
------------------------------ QUERY PLAN DESCRIPTION: ------------------------------
Access Path:
+-JOIN HASH [Cost: 639, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1) Inner (RESEGMENT)
| Join Cond: (T1.a = T2.y)
| Materialize at Output: T1.b
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for T1 [Cost: 151, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)
| | Projection: public.T1_b0
| | Materialize: T1.a
| | Execute on: All Nodes
| +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for T2 [Cost: 302, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 3)
| | Projection: public.T2_b0
| | Materialize: T2.x, T2.y
| | Execute on: All Nodes
11 - Analytic function path
Vertica attempts to optimize multiple SQL-99 Analytic Functions from the same query by grouping them together in Analytic Group areas.
Vertica attempts to optimize multiple SQL-99 Analytic functions from the same query by grouping them together in Analytic Group areas.
For each analytical group, Vertica performs a distributed sort and resegment of the data, if necessary.
You can tell how many sorts and resegments are required based on the query plan.
For example, the following query plan shows that the
LAST_VALUE functions are in the same analytic group because their OVER clause is the same. In contrast, ROW_NUMBER() has a different ORDER BY clause, so it is in a different analytic group. Because both groups share the same PARTITION BY deal_stage clause, the data does not need to be resegmented between groups :
first_value(deal_size) OVER (PARTITION BY deal_stage
ORDER BY deal_size),
last_value(deal_size) OVER (PARTITION BY deal_stage
ORDER BY deal_size),
row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY deal_stage
ORDER BY largest_bill_amount)
FROM customer_dimension;
Access Path:
+-ANALYTICAL [Cost: 1K, Rows: 50K] (PATH ID: 1)
| Analytic Group
| Functions: row_number()
| Group Sort: customer_dimension.deal_stage ASC, customer_dimension.largest_bill_amount ASC NULLS LAST
| Analytic Group
| Functions: first_value(), last_value()
| Group Filter: customer_dimension.deal_stage
| Group Sort: customer_dimension.deal_stage ASC, customer_dimension.deal_size ASC NULL LAST
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +---> STORAGE ACCESS for customer_dimension [Cost: 263, Rows: 50K]
(PATH ID: 2)
| | Projection: public.customer_dimension_DBD_1_rep_vmart_vmart_node0001
| | Materialize: customer_dimension.largest_bill_amount,
customer_dimension.deal_stage, customer_dimension.deal_size
| | Execute on: All Nodes
Vertica provides performance optimization when cluster nodes fail by distributing the work of the down nodes uniformly among available nodes throughout the cluster.
Vertica provides performance optimization when cluster nodes fail by distributing the work of the down nodes uniformly among available nodes throughout the cluster.
When a node in your cluster is down, the query plan identifies which node the query will execute on. To help you quickly identify down nodes on large clusters, EXPLAIN output lists up to six nodes, if the number of running nodes is less than or equal to six, and lists only down nodes if the number of running nodes is more than six.
The node that executes down node queries is not always the same one.
The following table provides more detail:
Node state
EXPLAIN output
If all nodes are up, EXPLAIN output indicates All Nodes.
Execute on: All Nodes
If fewer than 6 nodes are up, EXPLAIN lists up to six running nodes.
Execute on: [node_list].
If more than 6 nodes are up, EXPLAIN lists only non-running nodes.
Execute on: All Nodes Except [node_list]
If the node list contains non-ephemeral nodes, the EXPLAIN output indicates All Permanent Nodes.
Execute on: All Permanent Nodes
If the path is being run on the query initiator, the EXPLAIN output indicates Query Initiator.
Execute on: Query Initiator
In the following example, the down node is v_vmart_node0005, and the node v_vmart_node0006 will execute this run of the query.
Access Path:
+-STORAGE ACCESS for my1table [Cost: 10, Rows: 2] (PATH ID: 1)
| Projection: public.my1table_b0
| Materialize: my1table.c1, my1table.c2
| Execute on: All Except v_vmart_node0005
+-STORAGE ACCESS for my1table (REPLACEMENT FOR DOWN NODE) [Cost: 66, Rows: 2]
| Projection: public.my1table_b1
| Materialize: my1table.c1, my1table.c2
| Execute on: v_vmart_node0006
The All Permanent Nodes output in the following example fragment denotes that the node list is for permanent (non-ephemeral) nodes only:
=> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM my2table;
Access Path:
+-STORAGE ACCESS for my2table [Cost: 18, Rows:6 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1)
| Projection: public.my2tablee_b0
| Materialize: my2table.x, my2table.y, my2table.z
| Execute on: All Permanent Nodes
13 - MERGE path
Vertica prepares an optimized query plan for a MERGE statement if the statement and its tables meet the criteria described in Improving MERGE Performance.
Vertica prepares an optimized query plan for a
MERGE statement if the statement and its tables meet the criteria described in MERGE optimization.
Use the
EXPLAIN keyword to determine whether Vertica can produce an optimized query plan for a given MERGE statement. If optimization is possible, the EXPLAIN-generated output contains a[Semi] path, as shown in the following sample fragment:
Access Path:
+-DML DELETE [Cost: 0, Rows: 0]
| Target Projection: public.A_b1 (DELETE ON CONTAINER)
| Target Prep:
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +---> JOIN MERGEJOIN(inputs presorted) [Semi] [Cost: 6, Rows: 1 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1)
| | Join Cond: (A.a1 = VAL(2))
| | Execute on: All Nodes
| | +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for A [Cost: 2, Rows: 2 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)
Conversely, if Vertica cannot create an optimized plan, EXPLAIN-generated output contains RightOuter path:
Access Path: +-DML MERGE
| Target Projection: public.locations_b1
| Target Projection: public.locations_b0
| Target Prep:
| Execute on: All Nodes
| +---> JOIN MERGEJOIN(inputs presorted) [RightOuter] [Cost: 28, Rows: 3 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1) Outer (RESEGMENT) Inner (RESEGMENT)
| | Join Cond: (locations.user_id = VAL(2)) AND (locations.location_x = VAL(2)) AND (locations.location_y = VAL(2))
| | Execute on: All Nodes
| | +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for <No Alias> [Cost: 15, Rows: 2 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)