Client drivers

New features for client drivers.

ADO.NET: Read-only filesystem support

To better support read-only filesystems like on Kubernetes, the following changes have been made to the ADO.NET driver's logging behavior:

  • The ADO.NET driver no longer creates a configuration file if one doesn't exist.
  • The ADO.NET driver no longer modifies or reads from the Windows registry.
  • The ADO.NET driver now uses the configuration file found in either the home or project directories, with the former having priority.
  • The changes to logging behavior made by the following functions now only last for the lifetime of the application, and their respective bool persist parameters (which previously wrote changes to the configuration file) no longer have any effect:
    • SetLogPath(String path)
    • SetLogNamespace(String lognamespace)
    • SetLogLevel(VerticaLogLevel loglevel)

ADO.NET: Windows installer restored

In Vertica 23.4, the ADO.NET driver was removed from the Windows client driver installer. This functionality has been restored. While you can still use a package or local .dll reference to use the driver, you can also use the installer if your use case depends on certain tools interacting with the driver, like TIBCO Spotfire.

For details, see Installing the ADO.NET client driver.

OAuth configuration improvements

The following parameters can now be set in an OAuth authentication record. For details on these parameters, see OAuth authentication parameters:

  • auth_url
  • token_url
  • scope
  • validate_hostname

This feature centralizes OAuth configuration in the server and replaces the oauthjsonconfig (JDBC) and OAuthJsonConfig (ODBC) parameters, which required these and other parameters to be specified on a per-client basis. In general, clients are now only required to specify the following to authenticate to Vertica with OAuth:

  • Client secret (for confidential clients)
  • An access or refresh token

For a list of OAuth parameters for each client, see JDBC connection properties and ODBC DSN connection properties.