Loading spatial data into tables using COPY

You can load spatial data into a table in Vertica using a COPY statement.

You can load spatial data into a table in Vertica using a COPY statement.

To load data into Vertica using a COPY statement:

  1. Create a table.

    => CREATE TABLE spatial_data (id INTEGER, geom GEOMETRY(200));
  2. Create a text file named spatial.dat with the following data.

    1|POINT(2 3)
    2|LINESTRING(-1 2, 1 5)
    3|POLYGON((-1 2, 0 3, 1 2, -1 2))
  3. Use COPY to load the data into the table.

    => COPY spatial_data (id, gx FILLER LONG VARCHAR(605), geom AS ST_GeomFromText(gx)) FROM LOCAL 'spatial.dat';
     Rows Loaded
    (1 row)

    The statement specifies a LONG VARCHAR(32000000) filler, which is the maximum size of WKT. You must specify a filler value large enough to hold the largest WKT you want to insert into the table.