Spatial indexes and STV_Intersect
Before performing a spatial join using one of the STV_Intersect
functions, you must first run STV_Create_Index
to create a database object that contains information about polygons. This object is called a spatial index of the set of polygons. The spatial index improves the time it takes for the STV_Intersect
functions to access the polygon data.
Vertica creates spatial indexes in a global space. Thus, any user with access to the STV_*_Index
functions can describe, rename, or drop indexes created by any other user.
Vertica provides functions that work with spatial indexes:
STV_Create_Index—Stores information about polygons in an index to improve performance.
STV_Describe_Index—Retrieves information about an index.
STV_Drop_Index—Deletes a spatial index.
STV_Refresh_Index—Refreshes a spatial index.
STV_Rename_Index—Renames a spatial index.