Monitors the status of server-based data replication.

Shows the status of current and past server-based replication of data from another Eon Mode database to this database. Each row records node-specific information about a given replication. For more information about server-based replication, see Server-based replication.

Column name Data type Description
NODE_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the node participating in the replication.
TRANSACTION_ID INT The transaction in which the replication took place.

The state of the replication. Values include:

  • abort: The replication did not complete successfully.
  • completed: The replication has completed.
  • data transferring: the node is actively copying shards from the source database's communal storage.
SENT_BYTES INT The number of bytes that the node has retrieved from the source database's communal storage.
TOTAL_BYTES_TO_SEND INT The total number of bytes the node has to retrieve from the source database's communal storage for this replication.
START_TIME TIMESTAMPTZ The start time of the replication.
END_TIME TIMESTAMPTZ The time at which the node finished transferring data for the replication.


=> SELECT node_name, status, transaction_id FROM REPLICATION_STATUS 
   ORDER BY start_time ASC;
       node_name       |      status       |  transaction_id   
 v_verticadb2_node0001 | completed         | 45035996273706044
 v_verticadb2_node0002 | completed         | 45035996273706044
 v_verticadb2_node0003 | completed         | 45035996273706044
 v_verticadb2_node0001 | completed         | 45035996273706070
 v_verticadb2_node0002 | completed         | 45035996273706070
 v_verticadb2_node0003 | completed         | 45035996273706070
 v_verticadb2_node0002 | data transferring | 45035996273706136
 v_verticadb2_node0003 | data transferring | 45035996273706136
 v_verticadb2_node0001 | data transferring | 45035996273706136
(9 rows)