Sort path

The SORT operator sorts the data according to a specified list of columns.

The SORT operator sorts the data according to a specified list of columns. The EXPLAIN output indicates the sort expressions and if the sort order is ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

For example, the following query plan shows the column list nature of the SORT operator:

  AVG(CD.customer_age) AS avg_age,
  COUNT(*) AS count
FROM customer_dimension CD
WHERE CD.customer_state in ('MA','NH')
  AND CD.customer_gender = 'Male'
GROUP BY CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name
ORDER BY avg_age, customer_name;
 Access Path:
 +-SORT [Cost: 422, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 1)
 |  Order: (<SVAR> / float8(<SVAR>)) ASC, CD.customer_name ASC
 |  Execute on: Query Initiator
 | +---> GROUPBY HASH [Cost: 378, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 2)
 | |      Aggregates: sum_float(CD.customer_age), count(CD.customer_age), count(*)
 | |      Group By: CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name
 | |      Execute on: Query Initiator
 | | +---> STORAGE ACCESS for CD [Cost: 372, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 3)
 | | |      Projection: public.customer_dimension_DBD_1_rep_vmart_vmart_node0001
 | | |      Materialize: CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name, CD.customer_age
 | | |      Filter: (CD.customer_gender = 'Male')
 | | |      Filter: (CD.customer_state = ANY (ARRAY['MA', 'NH']))
 | | |      Execute on: Query Initiator

If you change the sort order to descending, the change appears in the query plan:

  AVG(CD.customer_age) AS avg_age,
  COUNT(*) AS count
FROM customer_dimension CD
WHERE CD.customer_state in ('MA','NH')
  AND CD.customer_gender = 'Male'
GROUP BY CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name
ORDER BY avg_age DESC, customer_name;
 Access Path:
 +-SORT [Cost: 422, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 1)
 |  Order: (<SVAR> / float8(<SVAR>)) DESC, CD.customer_name ASC
 |  Execute on: Query Initiator
 | +---> GROUPBY HASH [Cost: 378, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 2)
 | |      Aggregates: sum_float(CD.customer_age), count(CD.customer_age), count(*)
 | |      Group By: CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name
 | |      Execute on: Query Initiator
 | | +---> STORAGE ACCESS for CD [Cost: 372, Rows: 544] (PATH ID: 3)
 | | |      Projection: public.customer_dimension_DBD_1_rep_vmart_vmart_node0001
 | | |      Materialize: CD.customer_state, CD.customer_name, CD.customer_age
 | | |      Filter: (CD.customer_gender = 'Male')
 | | |      Filter: (CD.customer_state = ANY (ARRAY['MA', 'NH']))
 | | |      Execute on: Query Initiator