提供有关 Vertica 数据库中表的摘要信息。


onenode=> SELECT DISTINCT table_name, table_type FROM all_tables
          WHERE table_name ILIKE 't%';
       table_name       |  table_type
 types                  | SYSTEM TABLE
 trades                 | TABLE
 tuple_mover_operations | SYSTEM TABLE
 tables                 | SYSTEM TABLE
 tuning_recommendations | SYSTEM TABLE
 testid                 | TABLE
 table_constraints      | SYSTEM TABLE
 transactions           | SYSTEM TABLE
(8 rows)
onenode=> SELECT table_name, table_type FROM all_tables
          WHERE table_name ILIKE 'my%';
 table_name | table_type
 mystocks   | VIEW
(1 row)
=> SELECT * FROM all_tables LIMIT 4;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------------------------
schema_name | v_catalog
table_id    | 10206
table_name  | all_tables
table_type  | SYSTEM TABLE
remarks     | A complete listing of all tables and views
-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------------------------------------
schema_name | v_catalog
table_id    | 10000
table_name  | columns
table_type  | SYSTEM TABLE
remarks     | Table column information
-[ RECORD 3 ]-------------------------------------------
schema_name | v_catalog
table_id    | 10054
table_name  | comments
table_type  | SYSTEM TABLE
remarks     | User comments on catalog objects
-[ RECORD 4 ]-------------------------------------------
schema_name | v_catalog
table_id    | 10134
table_name  | constraint_columns
table_type  | SYSTEM TABLE
remarks     | Table column constraint information