
-- vmart_query_04.sql
-- IN predicate
-- Find all products supplied by stores in MA
SELECT DISTINCT s.product_key, p.product_description
FROM store.store_sales_fact s, public.product_dimension p
WHERE s.product_key = p.product_key
AND s.product_version = p.product_version AND s.store_key IN (
  SELECT store_key
  FROM store.store_dimension
  WHERE store_state = 'MA')
ORDER BY s.product_key;


 product_key |          product_description
1 | Brand #1 butter
1 | Brand #2 bagels
2 | Brand #3 lamb
2 | Brand #4 brandy
2 | Brand #5 golf clubs
2 | Brand #6 chicken noodle soup
3 | Brand #10 ground beef
3 | Brand #11 vanilla ice cream
3 | Brand #7 canned chicken broth
3 | Brand #8 halibut
3 | Brand #9 camera case
4 | Brand #12 rash ointment
4 | Brand #13 low fat milk
4 | Brand #14 chocolate chip cookies
4 | Brand #15 silver polishing cream
5 | Brand #16 cod
5 | Brand #17 band aids
6 | Brand #18 bananas
6 | Brand #19 starch
6 | Brand #20 vegetable soup
6 | Brand #21 bourbon