C++ 示例:从检查约束调用 UDSF

此示例显示了创建可由检查约束调用的 UDSF 所需的 C++ 代码。示例函数的名称是 LargestSquareBelow。此示例函数确定其平方小于主题列中的数字的最大数字。例如,如果该列中的数字是 1000,则其平方 (961) 小于 1000 的最大数字是 31。



以下示例显示了如何使用 CREATE LIBRARY 创建和加载名为 MySqLib 的库。将此示例中的库路径调整为绝对路径,并将文件名调整为共享对象 LargestSquareBelow 保存到的位置。


=> CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY MySqLib AS '/home/dbadmin/LargestSquareBelow.so';
  1. 创建并加载库之后,使用 CREATE FUNCTION(标量) 语句将函数添加到编录中:
=> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION largestSqBelow AS LANGUAGE 'C++' NAME 'LargestSquareBelowInfo' LIBRARY MySqLib;
  1. 下一步,将 UDSF 包含到检查约束中。
=> CREATE TABLE squaretest(
   ceiling INTEGER UNIQUE,
   CONSTRAINT chk_sq CHECK (largestSqBelow(ceiling) < ceiling*ceiling)
  1. 将数据添加到表 squaretest 中:
=> COPY squaretest FROM stdin DELIMITER ','NULL'null';


SELECT ceiling, largestSqBelow(ceiling)
FROM squaretest ORDER BY ceiling;

ceiling  | largestSqBelow
      -1 |
       0 |
       1 |              0
    1000 |             31
 1000000 |            999
 1000001 |           1000
(7 rows)

ScalarFunction 实施

ScalarFunction 实施为 UDSF 执行处理工作,即确定其平方小于数字输入的最大数字。

#include "Vertica.h"
 * ScalarFunction implementation for a UDSF that
 * determines the largest number whose square is less than
 * the number input.
class LargestSquareBelow : public Vertica::ScalarFunction
  * This function does all of the actual processing for the UDSF.
  * The inputs are retrieved via arg_reader
  * The outputs are returned via arg_writer
    virtual void processBlock(Vertica::ServerInterface &srvInterface,
                              Vertica::BlockReader &arg_reader,
                              Vertica::BlockWriter &res_writer)
        if (arg_reader.getNumCols() != 1)
            vt_report_error(0, "Function only accept 1 argument, but %zu provided", arg_reader.getNumCols());
// While we have input to process
        do {
            // Read the input parameter by calling the
            // BlockReader.getIntRef class function
            const Vertica::vint a = arg_reader.getIntRef(0);
            Vertica::vint res;
            //Determine the largest square below the number
            if ((a != Vertica::vint_null) && (a > 0))
                res = (Vertica::vint)sqrt(a - 1);
                res = Vertica::vint_null;
            //Call BlockWriter.setInt to store the output value,
            //which is the largest square
            //Write the row and advance to the next output row
            //Continue looping until there are no more input rows
        } while (arg_reader.next());

ScalarFunctionFactory 实施

ScalarFunctionFactory 实施执行对输入和输出的处理工作,并将函数标记为不可变(如果计划在检查约束中使用 UDSF,则必须满足此要求)。

class LargestSquareBelowInfo : public Vertica::ScalarFunctionFactory
    //return an instance of LargestSquareBelow to perform the computation.
    virtual Vertica::ScalarFunction *createScalarFunction(Vertica::ServerInterface &srvInterface)
    //Call the vt_createFuncObj to create the new LargestSquareBelow class instance.
    { return Vertica::vt_createFuncObject<LargestSquareBelow>(srvInterface.allocator); }

     * This function returns the description of the input and outputs of the
     * LargestSquareBelow class's processBlock function.  It stores this information in
     * two ColumnTypes objects, one for the input parameter, and one for
     * the return value.
    virtual void getPrototype(Vertica::ServerInterface &srvInterface,
                              Vertica::ColumnTypes &argTypes,
                              Vertica::ColumnTypes &returnType)
        // Takes one int as input, so adds int to the argTypes object
        // Returns a single int, so add a single int to the returnType object.
        // ScalarFunctions always return a single value.
    // the function cannot be called within a check constraint unless the UDx author
    // certifies that the function is immutable:
    LargestSquareBelowInfo() { vol = Vertica::IMMUTABLE; }

RegisterFactory 宏

使用 RegisterFactory 宏注册一个 ScalarFunctionFactory 子类。该宏将对工厂类进行实例化并将其包含的元数据供 Vertica 访问。要调用该宏,请将您的工厂类的名称传递给它。
