与 SQLSTATE 22V21 关联的消息
本主题列出了与 SQLSTATE 22V21 关联的消息。
与此 SQLState 关联的消息
ERROR 2144: AHM can't advance past the cluster last full backup epoch.
(Last Backup Epoch: value)
ERROR 2145: AHM can't advance past the cluster last backup time. (Last
Backup time: string)
ERROR 2146: AHM can't advance past the cluster last good epoch (LGE)
time (Cluster LGE time: string)
ERROR 2147: AHM can't advance past the cluster last good epoch (LGE).
(Cluster LGE: value)
ERROR 2148: AHM can't advance past the latest epoch time (Latest epoch
time: string)
ERROR 2153: AHM must be less than the current epoch (Current Epoch:
ERROR 2318: Can't run historical queries at epochs prior to the
Ancient History Mark
ERROR 3000: DDL interfered with this statement
ERROR 3184: Epoch specified is not in historical epoch range
ERROR 3559: Input epoch must be greater than or equal to the earliest
epoch (earliest epoch: value)
ERROR 3560: Input epoch must be greater than the current AHM (Current
AHM: value)
ERROR 3561: Input epoch must be less than or equal to the AHM epoch
(AHM epoch: value)
ERROR 3567: Input time can't be rounded down to an epoch higher than
the current AHM epoch (Current AHM epoch: value, Current
AHM time: string)
ERROR 3568: Input time must be greater than or equal to the earliest
epoch time (Earliest epoch time: string)
ERROR 3569: Input time must be greater than the current AHM time
(Current AHM time: string)
ERROR 3570: Input time must be less than or equal to the AHM epoch
time (AHM epoch time: string)
ERROR 3654: Invalid epoch
ERROR 3844: Last good epoch not set
ERROR 3926: MergeOut start epoch (=value) greater than end epoch
ERROR 4940: The current AHM is already value
ERROR 5013: Time specified is not in historical epoch range
ERROR 7639: AHM can't advance due to lack of full backup