与 SQLSTATE 22004 关联的消息

本主题列出了与 SQLSTATE 22004 关联的消息。

SQLSTATE 22004 说明


与此 SQLState 关联的消息


ERROR 2110: ACL arrays must not contain null values
ERROR 2501: Cannot set a NOT NULL column (string) to a NULL value in
            string statement
ERROR 2502: Cannot set a NOT NULL column (string) to a NULL value in
            INSERT/UPDATE statement
ERROR 2514: Cannot set NOT NULL columns (string) to a NULL value in
            INSERT/UPDATE statement
ERROR 4195: NULL value detected in data partitioning expression
ERROR 4340: Partitioning on NULL
ERROR 8361: NULL value detected in partition group by expression
ERROR 10533: 'query' is a required argument to action 'start_session'
ERROR 10538: Tuning action cannot be NULL
ERROR 10539: Tuning args cannot be NULL
ERROR 10541: Tuning join-id is a required argument to the
             flip_join_order action
ERROR 10543: Tuning query is required to start a tuning session
ERROR 10546: Tuning session name cannot be NULL
ERROR 10549: Tuning session-name is a required argument


WARNING 9249: Using PARTITION expression that may result in NULL