Perl Unicode 支持

Perl 支持 Unicode 数据,但具有一些限制。有关详细信息,请参阅 perlunicode 手册页和 perlunitut(Perl Unicode 教程)手册页。(务必参阅随客户端系统上安装的 Perl 版本附带提供的这些手册页副本,因为 Unicode 支持在最新版本的 Perl 中已更改。)Perl DBI 和 DBD::ODBC 也支持 Unicode,但必须为 DBD::ODBC 编译 Unicode 支持。有关详细信息,请参阅 DBD::ODBC 文档。可以检查名为 odbc_has_unicode 的特定于 DBD::ODBC 的连接属性,以查看是否在该驱动程序中启用了 Unicode 支持。

以下示例 Perl 脚本演示了直接将 UTF-8 字符串插入到 Vertica 再从中读回这些字符串。此示例将输出写入到文本文件中,因为在终端窗口或控制台中显示 Unicode 字符时出现许多问题。

use strict;
use DBI;
# Open a connection using a DSN.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123");
unless (defined $dbh) {
    # Conection failed.
    die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
# Output to a file. Displaying Unicode characters to a console or terminal
# window has many problems. This outputs a UTF-8 text file that can
# be handled by many Unicode-aware text editors:
open OUTFILE, '>:utf8', "unicodeout.txt";
# See if the DBD::ODBC driver was compiled with Unicode support. If this returns
# 1, your Perl script will get get strings from the driver with the UTF-8
# flag set on them, ensuring that Perl handles them correctly.
print OUTFILE "Was DBD::ODBC compiled with Unicode support? " .
    $dbh->{odbc_has_unicode} . "\n";

# Create a table to hold VARCHARs

# Create a table to hold data. Remember that the width of the VARCHAR column
# is the number of bytes set aside to store strings, which often does not equal
# the number of characters it can hold when it comes to Unicode!
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE test( C_VARCHAR VARCHAR(100) )");
print OUTFILE "Inserting data...\n";
# Use Do to perform simple inserts
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test VALUES('Hello')");
# This string contains several non-latin accented characters and symbols, encoded
# with Unicode escape notation. They are converted by Perl into UTF-8 characters
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test VALUES('My favorite band is " .
    "\N{U+00DC}ml\N{U+00E4}\N{U+00FC}t \N{U+00D6}v\N{U+00EB}rk\N{U+00EF}ll" .
    " \N{U+263A}')");
# Some Chinese (Simplified) characters. This again uses escape sequence
# that Perl translates into UTF-8 characters.
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test VALUES('\x{4F60}\x{597D}')");
print OUTFILE "Getting data...\n";
# Prepare a query to get the content of the table
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM test");
# Execute the query by calling execute on the statement handle
# Loop through result rows while we have them
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
    # Loop through the column values
    foreach my $column (@row) {
        print OUTFILE "$column\t";
    print OUTFILE "\n";
close OUTFILE;

在支持 UTF-8 的文本编辑器或查看器中查看 unicodeout.txt 文件时,显示以下内容:

Was DBD::ODBC compiled with Unicode support? 1
Inserting data...
Getting data...
My favorite band is Ümläüt Övërkïll ☺
