UUID 是 Vertica 中的核心数据类型。不过,它不是核心 Java 数据类型。您必须使用 java.util.UUID 类来表示 Java 代码中的 UUID 值。JDBC 驱动程序不会将 Vertica 中的值转换为非核心 Java 数据类型。因此,您必须使用通用对象方法(例如 PreparedStatement.setObject())将 UUID 值发送到 Vertica。您还可以使用通用对象方法(例如 ResultSet.getObject())从 Vertica 检索 UUID 值。然后,将检索到的对象转换为 java.util.UUID 类的成员。

以下示例代码演示如何将 UUID 值插入 Vertica 以及从 Vertica 中检索 UUID 值。

package jdbc_uuid_example;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;

public class VerticaUUIDExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Properties myProp = new Properties();
        myProp.put("user", "dbadmin");
        myProp.put("password", "");
        Connection conn;

        try {
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:vertica://doch01:5433/VMart",
            Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

            // Create a table with a UUID column and a VARCHAR column.
            stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS UUID_TEST CASCADE;");
            stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE UUID_TEST (id UUID, description VARCHAR(25));");

            // Prepare a statement to insert a UUID and a string into the table.
            PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO UUID_TEST VALUES(?,?)");

            java.util.UUID uuid;  // Holds the UUID value.

            for (Integer x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
                // Generate a random uuid
                uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID();
                // Set the UUID value by calling setObject.
                ps.setObject(1, uuid);
                // Set the String value to indicate which UUID this is.
                ps.setString(2, "UUID #" + x);

            // Query the uuid
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM UUID_TEST ORDER BY description ASC");
            while (rs.next()) {
                // Cast the object from the result set as a UUID.
                uuid = (java.util.UUID) rs.getObject(1);
                System.out.println(rs.getString(2) + " : " +  uuid.toString());
        } catch (SQLException e) {


UUID #0 : 67b6dcb6-c28c-4965-b9f7-5c830a04664d
UUID #1 : 485d3835-2887-4233-b003-392254fa97e0
UUID #2 : 81421f51-c803-473d-8cfc-2c184582a117
UUID #3 : bec8b86a-b650-47b0-852c-8229155332d9
UUID #4 : 8ae5e3ec-d143-4ef7-8901-24f6d0483abf
UUID #5 : 669696ce-5e86-4e87-b8d0-a937f5fc18d7
UUID #6 : 19609ec9-ec56-4444-9cfe-ad2b8de537dd
UUID #7 : 97182e1d-5c7e-4da1-9922-67e804fde173
UUID #8 : c76c3a2b-a9ef-4d65-b2fb-7c637f872b3c
UUID #9 : 3cbbcd26-c177-4277-b3df-bf4d9389f69d

确定列是否具有 UUID 数据类型

JDBC 不支持 UUID 数据类型。此限制意味着您不能使用通常的 ResultSetMetaData.getColumnType() 方法来确定列的数据类型是否为 UUID。在 UUID 列上调用此方法会返回 Types.OTHER。该值也用于标识时间间隔列。可以使用两种方法来确定列是否包含 UUID:

  • 使用 ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName() 获取列的数据类型的名称。对于 UUID 列,此方法将值 "Uuid" 作为String返回。

  • 查询表的元数据以获取列的 SQL 数据类型。如果此值等于 VerticaTypes.UUID,则该列的数据类型为 UUID。


            // This example assumes you already have a database connection
            // and result set from a query on a table that may contain a UUID.

            //  Get the metadata of the result set to get the column definitions
            ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
            int colcount;
            int maxcol = meta.getColumnCount();

            System.out.println("Using column metadata:");
            for (colcount = 1; colcount < maxcol; colcount++) {
            // .getColumnType() always returns "OTHER" for UUID columns.
                if (meta.getColumnType(colcount) == Types.OTHER) {
                    // To determine that it is a UUID column, test the name of the column type.
                    if (meta.getColumnTypeName(colcount).equalsIgnoreCase("uuid")) {
                        // It's a UUID column
                        System.out.println("Column "+ colcount + " is UUID");

            // You can also query the table's metadata to find its column types and compare
            // it to the VerticaType.UUID constant to see if it is a UUID column.
            System.out.println("Using table metadata:");
            DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
            // Get the metdata for the previously-created test table.
            ResultSet tableMeta = dbmd.getColumns(null, null, "UUID_TEST", null);
            colcount = 0;
            // Each row in the result set has metadata that describes a single column.
            while (tableMeta.next()) {
                // The SQL_DATA_TYPE column holds the Vertica database data type. You compare
                // this value to the VerticvaTypes.UUID constant to see if it is a UUID.
                if (tableMeta.getInt("SQL_DATA_TYPE") == VerticaTypes.UUID) {
                    // Column is a UUID data type...
                    System.out.println("Column " + colcount + " is a UUID column.");


Using column metadata:
Column 1 is UUID
Using table metadata:
Column 1 is a UUID column.