
Vertica 服务器支持对整数、浮点和数字类型使用数据类型别名。JDBC 驱动程序会将这些数据类型报告为基本数据类型(BIGINT、DOUBLE PRECISION 和 NUMERIC),如下所示:

如果客户端应用程序将值检索为较小数据类型,Vertica JDBC 驱动程序不会检查溢出。以下示例演示了此溢出的结果。

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;

public class JDBCDataTypes {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // If running under a Java 5 JVM, use you need to load the JDBC driver
        // using Class.forname here

        Properties myProp = new Properties();
        myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
        myProp.put("password", "password123");
        Connection conn;
        try {
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
            Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
            // Create a table that will hold a row of different types of
            // numeric data.
                    "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_all_types cascade");
            statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test_all_types ("
                            + "c0 INTEGER, c1 TINYINT, c2 DECIMAL, "
                            + "c3 MONEY, c4 DOUBLE PRECISION, c5 REAL)");
            // Add a row of values to it.
            statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO test_all_types VALUES("
                            + "111111111111, 444, 55555555555.5555, "
                            + "77777777.77,  88888888888888888.88, "
                            + "10101010.10101010101010)");
            // Query the new table to get the row back as a result set.
            ResultSet rs = statement
                            .executeQuery("SELECT * FROM test_all_types");
            // Get the metadata about the row, including its data type.
            ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
            // Loop should only run once...
            while (rs.next()) {
                // Print out the data type used to defined the column, followed
                // by the values retrieved using several different retrieval
                // methods.

                String[] vertTypes = new String[] {"INTEGER", "TINYINT",
                         "DECIMAL", "MONEY", "DOUBLE PRECISION", "REAL"};

                for (int x=1; x<7; x++) {
                    System.out.println("\n\nColumn " + x + " (" + vertTypes[x-1]
                            + ")");
                            + md.getColumnType(x));
                            + md.getColumnTypeName(x));
                            + rs.getShort(x));
                    System.out.println("\tgetLong()\t\t" + rs.getLong(x));
                    System.out.println("\tgetInt()\t\t" + rs.getInt(x));
                    System.out.println("\tgetByte()\t\t" + rs.getByte(x));
            statement.executeUpdate("drop table test_all_types cascade");
        } catch (SQLException e) {


Column 1 (INTEGER)
       getColumnType()        -5
    getColumnTypeName()    BIGINT
    getShort()        455
    getLong()        111111111111
    getInt()        -558038585
    getByte()        -57
Column 2 (TINYINT)
    getColumnType()        -5
    getColumnTypeName()    BIGINT
    getShort()        444
    getLong()        444
    getInt()        444
    getByte()        -68
Column 3 (DECIMAL)
    getColumnType()        2
    getColumnTypeName()    NUMERIC
    getShort()        -1
    getLong()        55555555555
    getInt()        2147483647
    getByte()        -1
Column 4 (MONEY)
    getColumnType()        2
    getColumnTypeName()    NUMERIC
    getShort()        -13455
    getLong()        77777777
    getInt()        77777777
    getByte()        113
    getColumnType()        8
    getColumnTypeName()    DOUBLE PRECISION
    getShort()        -1
    getLong()        88888888888888900
    getInt()        2147483647
    getByte()        -1
Column 6 (REAL)
    getColumnType()        8
    getColumnTypeName()    DOUBLE PRECISION
    getShort()        8466
    getLong()        10101010
    getInt()        10101010
    getByte()        18