
要分析单个语句,请在其前面加上 PROFILE 前缀。可以分析查询 (SELECT) 语句或任何 DML 语句,例如 INSERTUPDATECOPYMERGE。语句返回分析摘要:

  • 分析标识符 transaction_idstatement_id

  • 查询的启动内存

  • 所需的总内存


=> PROFILE SELECT customer_name, annual_income FROM public.customer_dimension
   WHERE (customer_gender, annual_income) IN (SELECT customer_gender, MAX(annual_income)
   FROM public.customer_dimension GROUP BY customer_gender);NOTICE 4788:  Statement is being profiled
HINT:  Select * from v_monitor.execution_engine_profiles where transaction_id=45035996274760535 and statement_id=1;
NOTICE 3557:  Initiator memory for query: [on pool general: 2783428 KB, minimum: 2312914 KB]
NOTICE 5077:  Total memory required by query: [2783428 KB]
  customer_name   | annual_income
 James M. McNulty |        999979
 Emily G. Vogel   |        999998
(2 rows)

可以使用分析标识符 transaction_idstatement_id 从系统表 执行_引擎_配置文件QUERY_PLAN_PROFILES 中获取此查询的详细分析信息。还可以使用这些标识符从系统表 QUERY_CONSUMPTION 中获取资源消耗数据。


=> SELECT path_id, path_line::VARCHAR(68), running_time FROM v_monitor.query_plan_profiles
    WHERE transaction_id=45035996274760535 AND statement_id=1 ORDER BY path_id, path_line_index;
 path_id |                              path_line                               |  running_time
       1 | +-JOIN HASH [Semi] [Cost: 631, Rows: 25K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID:  | 00:00:00.052478
       1 | |  Join Cond: (customer_dimension.customer_gender = VAL(2)) AND (cus |
       1 | |  Materialize at Output: customer_dimension.customer_name           |
       1 | |  Execute on: All Nodes                                             |
       2 | | +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for customer_dimension [Cost: 30, Rows | 00:00:00.051598
       2 | | |      Projection: public.customer_dimension_b0                    |
       2 | | |      Materialize: customer_dimension.customer_gender, customer_d |
       2 | | |      Execute on: All Nodes                                       |
       2 | | |      Runtime Filters: (SIP1(HashJoin): customer_dimension.custom |
       4 | | | +---> GROUPBY HASH (GLOBAL RESEGMENT GROUPS) (LOCAL RESEGMENT GR | 00:00:00.050566
       4 | | | |      Aggregates: max(customer_dimension.annual_income)         |
       4 | | | |      Group By: customer_dimension.customer_gender              |
       4 | | | |      Execute on: All Nodes                                     |
       5 | | | | +---> STORAGE ACCESS for customer_dimension [Cost: 30, Rows: 5 | 00:00:00.09234
       5 | | | | |      Projection: public.customer_dimension_b0                |
       5 | | | | |      Materialize: customer_dimension.customer_gender, custom |
       5 | | | | |      Execute on: All Nodes                                   |
(17 rows)