

您可以将 Enterprise 模式和 Eon 模式数据库备份和还原到云存储位置。您必须将 Eon 模式数据库备份到受支持的云存储位置。对于 Enterprise 模式和 Eon 模式,[CloudStorage] 部分中的配置设置完全相同。


备份到内部部署云存储目标时,还需要对 Enterprise 模式和 Eon 数据库额外进行配置。有关额外要求的详细信息,请参阅配置与云存储之间的备份

要还原,请使用与创建备份时相同的配置文件。要还原选定对象(而不是整个数据库),请使用 --restore-objectsvbr 命令行上指定要还原的对象。

; This sample vbr configuration file shows backup to Cloud Storage e.g AWS S3, GCS, HDFS or on-premises (e.g. Pure Storage)
; This can be used for Vertica databases in Enterprise or Eon mode.
; Section headings are enclosed by square brackets.
; Comments have leading semicolons (;) or pound signs (#).
; Option and values are separated by an equal sign.
; Only arguments marked as '!!Mandatory!!' must be specified explicitly.
; All commented parameters are set to their default value.

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; This section replaces the [Mapping] section and is required to back up to cloud storage.

; !!Mandatory!! Backup location on Cloud or HDFS (no default).
cloud_storage_backup_path = gs://backup_bucket/database_backup_path/
; cloud_storage_backup_path = s3://backup_bucket/database_backup_path/
; cloud_storage_backup_path = webhdfs://backup_nameservice/database_backup_path/
; cloud_storage_backup_path = azb://backup_account/backup_container/

; !!Mandatory!! directory used to manage locking during a backup (no default).  If the directory is mounted on the initiator host, you
; should use "[]" instead of the local host name.  The file system must support POSIX fcntl flock.
cloud_storage_backup_file_system_path = []:/home/dbadmin/backup_locks_dir/

; !!Recommended!! Snapshot name
; Backups with the same snapshotName form a time sequence limited by restorePointLimit.
; SnapshotName is used for naming archives in the backup directory, and for monitoring and troubleshooting.
; Valid values: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _
; snapshotName = backup_snapshot

; Specifies how Vertica handles objects of the same name when restoring schema or table backups.
; objectRestoreMode = createOrReplace

; Specifies which tables and/or schemas to copy. For tables, the containing schema defaults to public.
; Note: 'objects' is incompatible with 'includeObjects' and 'excludeObjects'.
; (no default)
; objects = mytable, myschema, myothertable

; Specifies the set of objects to backup/restore; wildcards may be used.
; Note: 'includeObjects' is incompatible with 'objects'.
; includeObjects = public.mytable, customer*, s?

; Subtracts from the set of objects to backup/restore; wildcards may be used
; Note: 'excludeObjects' is incompatible with 'objects'.
; excludeObjects = public.*temp, etl.phase?

; !!Recommended!! If you have more than one database defined on this Vertica cluster, use this parameter to specify which database to backup/restore.
; dbName = current_database

; If this parameter is True, vbr prompts the user for the database password every time.
; If False, specify the location of password config file in 'passwordFile' parameter in [Misc] section.
; dbPromptForPassword = True

; If true, vbr attempts to connect to the database using a local connection.
; dbUseLocalConnection = False

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; Specifies encryption-at-rest on S3
; cloud_storage_encrypt_at_rest = sse
; cloud_storage_sse_kms_key_id = <key_id>

; Specifies SSL encrypted transfer.
; cloud_storage_encrypt_transport = True

; Specifies the number of threads for upload/download - backup
; cloud_storage_concurrency_backup = 10

; Specifies the number of threads for upload/download - restore
; cloud_storage_concurrency_restore = 10

; Specifies the number of threads for deleting objects from the backup location
; cloud_storage_concurrency_delete = 10

; Specifies the path to a custom SSL server certificate bundle
; cloud_storage_ca_bundle = /home/user/ssl_folder/ca_bundle.pem

; The temp directory location on all database hosts.
; The directory must be readable and writeable by the dbadmin, and must implement POSIX style fcntl lockf locking.
; tempDir = /tmp/vbr

; Specifies the number of historical backups to retain in addition to the most recent backup.
; 1 current + n historical backups
; restorePointLimit = 1

; Full path to the password configuration file
; Store this file in directory readable only by the dbadmin.
; (no default)
; passwordFile = /path/to/vbr/pw.txt

; Specifies the service name of the Vertica Kerberos principal. This only applies to HDFS.
; kerberos_service_name = vertica

; Specifies the realm (authentication domain) of the Vertica Kerberos principal. This only applies to HDFS.
; kerberos_realm = your_auth_domain

; Specifies the location of the keytab file which contains the credentials for the Vertica Kerberos principal. This only applies to HDFS.
; kerberos_keytab_file = /path/to/keytab_file

; Specifies the location of the Hadoop XML configuration files of the HDFS clusters. Only set this when your cluster is on HA. This only applies to HDFS.
; If you have multiple conf directories, please separate them with ':'.
; hadoop_conf_dir = /path/to/conf or /path/to/conf1:/path/to/conf2

; Vertica user name for vbr to connect to the database.
; This setting is rarely needed since dbUser is normally identical to the database administrator
; dbUser = current_username