Lists details about the machine-learning models in the database.

Lists details about the machine-learning models in the database.

Column Name Data Type Description
MODEL_ID INTEGER The model's internal ID.
MODEL_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the model.
SCHEMA_ID INTEGER The schema's internal ID.
SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the schema.
OWNER_ID INTEGER The model owner's ID.
OWNER_NAME VARCHAR(128) The user who created the model.
CATEGORY VARCHAR(128) The type of model. By default, models created in Vertica are assigned to the Vertica_Models category.
MODEL_TYPE VARCHAR(128) The type of algorithm used to create the model.
IS_COMPLETE VARCHAR(128) Denotes whether the model is complete and ready for use in machine learning functions. This field is usually false when the model is being trained. Once the training is complete, the field is set to true.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMPTZ The time the model was created.
SIZE INTEGER The size of the model in bytes.


=> SELECT * FROM models;
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------
model_id    | 45035996273714020
model_name  | myLinearRegModel
schema_id   | 45035996273704980
schema_name | public
owner_id    | 45035996273704962
owner_name  | dbadmin
category    | VERTICA_MODELS
is_complete | t
create_time | 2018-01-22 11:13:35.018412-05
size        | 1671