Install on a FIPS 140-2 enabled machine

Vertica supports the implementation of the Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2 (FIPS).

Vertica supports the implementation of the Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2 (FIPS). You enable FIPS mode in the operating system.

During installation, the install_vertica script detects whether the host is operating in FIPS mode. The installer searches for the file /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled and examines its content. If the file exists and contains a '1' in the filename, the host is operating in FIPS mode and the following message appears:

/proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled exists and contains '1', this is a FIPS system

To implement FIPS 140-2 on your Vertica Analytic Database, you need to configure both the server and the client you are using. To see the detailed configuration steps, go to Implementing FIPS 140-2.

On some non-FIPS systems, versioning anomalies can occur when you install a new version of OpenSSL. Sometimes, the default OpenSSL build procedure produces libraries with versions named 1.0.0. For Vertica to recognize that a library has a higher version number, the library name with a higher version number must be provided. As part of the Vertica installation, symbolic links are created to the appropriate OpenSSL files. The steps are as follows:

  1. The RPM installer places two OpenSSL library files in /opt/vertica/lib:



  2. The install_vertica script creates two symbolic links in /opt/vertica/lib:



  3. The symbolic links point to and, which the RPM installer placed in /opt/vertica/lib.