Complex types

The new UNNEST function expands one or more array columns.

UNNEST function

The new UNNEST function expands one or more array columns. UNNEST is similar to EXPLODE, with two key differences:

  • UNNEST returns element values but not positions.

  • UNNEST automatically expands all arrays that are passed to it.

EXPLODE performance optimization

The EXPLODE function translates a single row of input into multiple rows of output, one per collection element. There is, therefore, usually no benefit to partitioning the input. Previously, a query using EXPLODE required an OVER clause and Vertica partitioned the input before calling EXPLODE. Now, you can skip this partitioning step by using the skip_partitioning function parameter and omitting the OVER clause.


You can use the output of EXPLODE as if it were a relation by using CROSS JOIN EXPLODE in a query, as in the following example:

=> ALTER SESSION SET UDPARAMETER FOR ComplexTypesLib skip_partitioning = true;

=> SELECT student, score FROM tests
   CROSS JOIN EXPLODE(scores) AS t (pos, score)
   ORDER BY score DESC;
 student | score
 Sam     |    98
 Sam     |    97
 Bob     |    92
 Tom     |    91
 Sam     |    85
 Tom     |    82
 Bob     |    79
 Bob     |    78
 Tom     |    75
 Tom     |    68
(10 rows)

For details, see Joining on Results.