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New and changed in Vertica 12.0.4
- 1: admintools
- 2: Client connectivity
- 3: Client drivers
- 4: Complex types
- 5: Containers and Kubernetes
- 6: Database management
- 7: dc_catalog_truncations improvements
- 8: Directed queries
- 9: Documentation updates
- 10: Eon Mode
- 11: Apache Kafka integration
- 12: Loading data
- 13: Machine learning
- 14: Partitioning
- 15: Performance improvements
- 16: Resource management
- 17: SDK updates
- 18: Security and authentication
- 19: Stored procedures
- 20: Upgrade
- 21: User-defined extensions
1 - admintools
Setting re_ip timeout
You can configure how long re_ip
executes a given task before it times out, by editing the setting of
in admintools.conf
. By default, this parameter is set to 7200 (seconds).
2 - Client connectivity
Set idle timeouts during connection initialization
You can set the IdleTimeoutInitializingConnectionsMs configuration parameter to change the length of time that the server waits for an idle client during each step in connection initialization, before a session is created.
Client hostnames
The hostnames of clients (as reported by their operating systems) are now recorded in the CLIENT_OS_HOSTNAME column of the following tables:
3 - Client drivers
ODBC and vsql: support for M1 and M2 processors
The ODBC and vsql client drivers now support Apple M1 and M2 processors. For details, see Client drivers support.
4 - Complex types
UNNEST function
The new UNNEST function expands one or more array columns. UNNEST is similar to EXPLODE, with two key differences:
UNNEST returns element values but not positions.
UNNEST automatically expands all arrays that are passed to it.
EXPLODE performance optimization
The EXPLODE function translates a single row of input into multiple rows of output, one per collection element. There is, therefore, usually no benefit to partitioning the input. Previously, a query using EXPLODE required an OVER clause and Vertica partitioned the input before calling EXPLODE. Now, you can skip this partitioning step by using the skip_partitioning
function parameter and omitting the OVER clause.
You can use the output of EXPLODE as if it were a relation by using CROSS JOIN EXPLODE in a query, as in the following example:
=> ALTER SESSION SET UDPARAMETER FOR ComplexTypesLib skip_partitioning = true;
=> SELECT student, score FROM tests
CROSS JOIN EXPLODE(scores) AS t (pos, score)
student | score
Sam | 98
Sam | 97
Bob | 92
Tom | 91
Sam | 85
Tom | 82
Bob | 79
Bob | 78
Tom | 75
Tom | 68
(10 rows)
For details, see Joining on Results.
5 - Containers and Kubernetes
Server-side encryption (SSE)
Veritca on Kubernetes supports all three types of S3 SSE:
- SSE-3
For details, see Configuring communal storage and Custom resource definition parameters.
Set configuration parameters
You can set configuration parameters in the Vertica server with the communal.additionalConfig
For details, see Custom resource definition parameters.
Set depot volume type
You can store the depot in an emptyDir volume with the local.depotVolume
parameter. When you use an emptyDir volume, the local.storageClass
and local.requestSize
parameters only apply to data stored in PersistentVolumes.
For details about the custom resource parameters, see Custom resource definition parameters. For details about volume types, see the Kubernetes documentation.
EventTrigger custom resource definition (CRD)
The EventTrigger CRD extends the Kubernetes Job workload resource to watch a VerticaDB custom resource (CR) for a state change. When a condition on the VerticaDB CR changes to a specified status, the EventTrigger runs a Job.
For details, see EventTrigger CRD.
Use underscore character in subcluster name
You can now use the underscore character ( "_" ) in the subcluster name. For details about subcluster naming conventions, see Subclusters on Kubernetes.
Vertica image with no private keys
Vertica on Kubernetes provides an image that does not contain static SSH keys to authenticate internal communication between the pods. This requires that you provide SSH keys to the custom resource (CR). You can conceal your SSH keys in a Secret, and pass that Secret to the CR with the sshSecret
For details about the image and passing SSH keys to the CR, see the following:
Custom name label
You can customize your VerticaDB CRD application's name with the
labels: app-name
If you do not add a custom name
label, then the default value is vertica
. For additional details about the name label, see the Kubernetes documentation.
Delete PVCs after VerticaDB delete
When you delete a VerticaDB custom resource, the VerticaDB operator deletes any PVCs that are associated with that instance. For details about Vertica on Kubernetes persistent storage, see Containerized Vertica on Kubernetes.
6 - Database management
Amazon simple notification service (SNS) notifiers
You can now send messages to SNS topics with notifiers. For details, see Configuring reporting for the simple notification service (SNS).
7 - dc_catalog_truncations improvements
After a cluster restart (normal or crash), there is no indication how many transactions were rolled back by the system. New columns epoch_before_truncation
and epoch_after_truncation
have been added to the dc_catalog_truncations
tables to track where the workload needs to be restarted to catchup the missing transactions.
8 - Directed queries
You can now annotate the query of an INSERT...SELECT statement with directed query hints.
9 - Documentation updates
Data exploration
When data is not well-specified in a schema, developing a table definition so you can load the data can be challenging. Vertica provides tools you can use to explore data and refine a table definition. These tools and processes are now described in a new top-level section of the documentation, Data exploration.
10 - Eon Mode
Subcluster sandboxing
Sandboxing enables you to spin-off a secondary subcluster from an existing cluster, resulting in two mutually isolated clusters that share the same data but do not interfere with each other. After sandbox creation, you can perform standard database operations and queries, such as creating new tables or loading libraries, without affecting the other cluster. For example, dropping a table in the sandboxed subcluster does not drop the table in the main cluster, and vice versa.
Sandboxes support many use cases, including the following:
Testing a new version of Vertica without needing to spin-up a new cluster and reload data.
Trying out features without compromising the consistency of the main cluster.
Sharing data with another team by giving them access to a sandboxed subcluster.
After removing the sandbox and performing necessary cleanup tasks, the subcluster can rejoin the main cluster.
11 - Apache Kafka integration
kafka_conf_secret parameter
The kafka_conf_secret parameter conceals sensitive data that you must pass to rdkafka to configure the Vertica and Kafka integration. Vertica does not log or store values that you pass in kafka_conf_secret.
This option is available on tools and functions that use the kafka_conf parameter.
For details, see Directly setting Kafka library options and Apache Kafka integration.
12 - Loading data
Optimization for external tables on object stores
When an external table uses data that is stored on an object store (S3, GCS, or Azure), and that data has many levels of partitioning, performance can be affected. The ObjectStoreGlobStrategy configuration parameter allows you to read and prune partitions using a different strategy, improving performance when queries are selective and there are many partition directory levels. With this setting, fewer calls are made to the object store API. For details, see Partitions on Object Stores.
Iceberg support
You can now define external tables backed by Parquet data stored by Apache Iceberg. An Iceberg table consists of data files and metadata describing the schema. Unlike other external tables, an Iceberg external table need not specify column definitions (DDL). The information is read from Iceberg metadata at query time. For certain data types you can adjust column definitions, for example to specify VARCHAR sizes. See CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ICEBERG.
13 - Machine learning
Model versioning
Model versioning provides an infrastructure to track and manage the status of registered models in a database. The versioning infrastructure supports a collaborative environment where multiple users can submit candidate models for individual applications. dbadmin and users with the MLSUPERVISOR role can manage and change the status of all registered models, including which models are currently in production.
Vertica provides the following model versioning functionality:
REGISTER_MODEL: Registers a model and adds it to the versioning environment.
CHANGE_MODEL_STATUS: Changes the status of a registered model.
REGISTERED_MODELS: Lists registered models in the database.
MODEL_STATUS_HISTORY: Tracks the status history of registered models.
For details about the model versioning environment and an in-depth example, see Model versioning.
Poisson regression
Vertica now supports the Poisson regression algorithm to model count data. Poisson regression offers an alternative to linear regression or logistic regression and is useful when your desired prediction range is non-negative real numbers or integers.
Autoregresssive integrated moving average (ARIMA) support
Vertica now supports autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models for time series analytics. ARIMA models combine the abilities of AUTOREGRESSOR and MOVING_AVERAGE models by making future predictions based on both preceding time series values and errors of previous predictions. You can use the ARIMA function to create and train an ARIMA model and the PREDICT_ARIMA function to make predictions.
For an in-depth example that trains and makes predictions with an ARIMA model, see ARIMA model example.
14 - Partitioning
Window partitioning for 1:N transform functions using PARTITION ROW
Previously, window partitioning could only be used for 1:1 analytic functions. Now, the PARTITION ROW syntax can be used for window partitioning 1:N transform functions.
15 - Performance improvements
Refreshing partitioned projections
In previous releases, new and updated projections were not available to queries before they were completely refreshed with all table data. This delayed availability of projections to process query requests.
Now, when you refresh the projections of a partitioned table—for example, a new projection of a table with existing data—the refresh operation first loads data from the partition with the highest range of keys. After this partition is refreshed, Vertica begins to refresh the partition with next highest partition range. This process continues until all projection partitions are refreshed. In the meantime, while the refresh operation is in progress, projection partitions that have completed the refresh process become available to process query requests.
16 - Resource management
Default user resource pool
The new configuration parameter DefaultResourcePoolForUsers lets you configure the default user resource pool that is assigned to new users, including LDAP users. For details, see User resource allocation.
17 - SDK updates
One-to-many UDTFs and PARTITION ROW
Single-phase user-defined transform functions (UDTFs) written in C++ and Python now support the isExploder
class property, which indicates whether the UDTF performs a one-to-many transform. If this property is set to True within the getTransformFunctionProperties
factory method, the function uses an OVER(PARTITION ROW) clause by default and thereby removes the need to specify an OVER clause when calling the UDTF. Users can also include any expression in SELECT queries that call a one-to-many UDTF.
For more information about this class property and one-to-many UDTFs, see Partitioning options for UDTFs and TransformFunctionFactory class. See Python example: explode for an in-depth example detailing a one-to-many UDTF.
18 - Security and authentication
JSON web token validation
Vertica can now validate OAuth tokens without contacting the identity provider by verifying the signer of the OAuth token. To enable this feature, create an authentication record that uses 'oauth
' and set the authentication parameters to use JWT validation. For details, see Configuring OAuth authentication.
Just-in-time user provisioning
Just-in-time (JIT) user provisioning is the act of automatically configuring an authenticated user and their roles based on information provided by the identity provider. When a client authenticates to Vertica with an OAuth token the authentication record enables JIT user provisioning, Vertica automatically creates the user (if the user does not already exist in Vertica). Additionally, if Keycloak is the identity provider, Vertica grants to the users their roles as specified by Keycloak.
For example, if a client presents an OAuth token to authenticate as user Alice
with role director
, and Alice
does not exist in Vertica, Vertica automatically creates the user Alice
, grants to her the authentication record. This configuration also uses Keycloak as the identity provider, so Vertica grants to her the director
role as a default role.
For details, see Just-in-time user provisioning
JDBC: custom truststore
You can use a custom truststore to secure the connection between the JDBC client and the identity provider. This is useful if your identity provider's certificate is not signed by a well-known certificate authority.
The path to the truststore and its password are specified with the following connection properties:
If oauthtruststorepath is not specified, the JDBC client uses the default truststore.
For details on this and other connection properties, see JDBC connection properties. For details on configuring OAuth, see Configuring OAuth authentication.
19 - Stored procedures
Scheduled execution
You can now schedule the automatic execution of stored procedures. This can be used to automate various tasks, like logging database activity, revoking privileges, or creating roles. For details, see Scheduled execution.
Viewing overloaded stored procedures
You can now view the source code of a particular implementation of an overloaded stored procedure with EXPORT_OBJECTS. For details, see Exporting objects.
20 - Upgrade
Upgrade to any Vertica version higher than your current version
Previously, Vertica upgrades were incremental, requiring you to upgrade to each major and minor Vertica version in your upgrade path. You can now skip intermediate version and upgrade directly to any version of Vertica higher than your current version.
21 - User-defined extensions
Redactable user-defined extension and session parameters
User-defined extension and session parameters that meet any of the following criteria are automatically redacted from logs and system tables like QUERY_REQUESTS:
Named "secret" or "password"
End with "_secret" or "_password"