Required privileges
The following operations on flattened table require privileges as shown:.
The following operations on flattened table require privileges as shown:
Operation | Object | Privileges |
Retrieve data from a flattened table. | Schema | USAGE |
Flattened table | SELECT | |
Add SET USING or DEFAULT columns to a table. | Schemas (queried/flattened tables) | USAGE |
Queried tables | SELECT | |
Target table | CREATE | |
INSERT data on a flattened table with SET USING and/or DEFAULT columns. | Schemas (queried/flattened tables) | USAGE |
Queried tables | SELECT | |
Flattened table | INSERT | |
Run REFRESH_COLUMNS on a flattened table. | Schemas (queried/flattened tables) | USAGE |
Queried tables | SELECT | |
Flattened table | SELECT, UPDATE |