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About locale

Vertica locale specifications follow a subset of the Unicode LDML standard as implemented by the ICU library.

Locale specifies the user's language, country, and any special variant preferences, such as collation. Vertica uses locale to determine the behavior of certain string functions. Locale also determines the collation for various SQL commands that require ordering and comparison, such as aggregate GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses, joins, and the analytic ORDER BY clause.

The default locale for a Vertica database is en_US@collation=binary (English US). You can define a new default locale that is used for all sessions on the database. You can also override the locale for individual sessions. However, projections are always collated using the default en_US@collation=binary collation, regardless of the session collation. Any locale-specific collation is applied at query time.

If you set the locale to null, Vertica sets the locale to en_US_POSIX. You can set the locale back to the default locale and collation by issuing the vsql meta-command \locale. For example:

You can set locale through ODBC, JDBC, and

Vertica locale specifications follow a subset of the Unicode LDML standard as implemented by the ICU library.

1 - Locale handling in Vertica

The following sections describes how Vertica handles locale.

The following sections describes how Vertica handles locale.

Session locale

Locale is session-scoped and applies only to queries executed in that session. You cannot specify locale for individual queries. When you start a session it obtains its locale from the configuration parameter DefaultSessionLocale.

Query restrictions

The following restrictions apply when queries are run with locale other than the default en_US@collation=binary:

  • When one or more of the left-side NOT IN columns is CHAR or VARCHAR, multi-column NOT IN subqueries are not supported . For example:

    => CREATE TABLE test (x VARCHAR(10), y INT);
    => SELECT ... FROM test WHERE (x,y) NOT IN (SELECT ...);
       ERROR: Multi-expression NOT IN subquery is not supported because a left
       hand expression could be NULL
  • If the outer query contains a GROUP BY clause on a CHAR or VARCHAR column, correlated HAVING clause subqueries are not supported. In the following example, the GROUP BY x in the outer query causes the error:

    => CREATE TABLE test (x VARCHAR(10));
         IN (SELECT x FROM test WHERE t.x||'a' = test.x||'a' );
       ERROR: subquery uses ungrouped column "t.x" from outer query
  • Subqueries that use analytic functions in the HAVING clause are not supported. For example:

    => CREATE TABLE test (x VARCHAR(10));
         GROUP BY x HAVING x IN (SELECT MAX(x) FROM test);
       ERROR: Analytics query with having clause expression that involves
       aggregates and subquery is not supported

Collation and projections

Projection data is sorted according to the default en_US@collation=binary collation. Thus, regardless of the session setting, issuing the following command creates a projection sorted by col1 according to the binary collation:


In such cases, straße and strasse are not stored near each other on disk.

Sorting by binary collation also means that sort optimizations do not work in locales other than binary. Vertica returns the following warning if you create tables or projections in a non-binary locale:

WARNING:  Projections are always created and persisted in the default
Vertica locale. The current locale is de_DE

Non-binary locale input handling

When the locale is non-binary, Vertica uses the COLLATION function to transform input to a binary string that sorts in the proper order.

This transformation increases the number of bytes required for the input according to this formula:

result_column_width = input_octet_width * CollationExpansion + 4

The default value of configuration parameter CollationExpansion is 5.

Character data type handling

  • CHAR fields are displayed as fixed length, including any trailing spaces. When CHAR fields are processed internally, they are first stripped of trailing spaces. For VARCHAR fields, trailing spaces are usually treated as significant characters; however, trailing spaces are ignored when sorting or comparing either type of character string field using a non-binary locale.

  • The maximum length parameter for VARCHAR and CHAR data type refers to the number of octets (bytes) that can be stored in that field and not number of characters. When using multi-byte UTF-8 characters, the fields must be sized to accommodate from 1 to 4 bytes per character, depending on the data.

2 - Specifying locale: long form

Vertica supports long forms that specify the collation keyword.

Vertica supports long forms that specify the collation keyword. Vertica extends long-form processing to accept collation arguments.




A two- or three-letter lowercase code for a particular language. For example, Spanish is es English is en and French is fr. The two-letter language code uses the ISO-639 standard.
An optional four-letter script code that follows the language code. If specified, it should be a valid script code as listed on the Unicode ISO 15924 Registry.
A specific language convention within a generic language for a specific country or region. For example, French is spoken in many countries, but the currencies are different in each country. To allow for these differences among specific geographical, political, or cultural regions, locales are specified by two-letter, uppercase codes. For example, FR represents France and CA represents Canada. The two letter country code uses the ISO-3166 standard.
Differences may also appear in language conventions used within the same country. For example, the Euro currency is used in several European countries while the individual country's currency is still in circulation. To handle variations inside a language and country pair, add a third code, the variant code. The variant code is arbitrary and completely application-specific. ICU adds _EURO to its locale designations for locales that support the Euro currency. Variants can have any number of underscored key words. For example, EURO_WIN is a variant for the Euro currency on a Windows computer.

Another use of the variant code is to designate the Collation (sorting order) of a locale. For instance, the es__TRADITIONAL locale uses the traditional sorting order which is different from the default modern sorting of Spanish.

Vertica only supports the keyword collation, as follows:

Collation can specify one or more semicolon-delimited arguments, described below.

collation-type is set to one of the following values:

  • big5han: Pinyin ordering for Latin, big5 charset ordering for CJK characters (used in Chinese).

  • dict: For a dictionary-style ordering (such as in Sinhala).

  • direct: Hindi variant.

  • gb2312/gb2312han: Pinyin ordering for Latin, gb2312han charset ordering for CJK characters (used in Chinese).

  • phonebook: For a phonebook-style ordering (such as in German).

  • pinyin: Pinyin ordering for Latin and for CJK characters; that is, an ordering for CJK characters based on a character-by-character transliteration into a pinyin (used in Chinese).

  • reformed: Reformed collation (such as in Swedish).

  • standard: The default ordering for each language. For root it is [UCA] order; for each other locale it is the same as UCA (Unicode Collation Algorithm) ordering except for appropriate modifications to certain characters for that language. The following are additional choices for certain locales; they have effect only in certain locales.

  • stroke: Pinyin ordering for Latin, stroke order for CJK characters (used in Chinese) not supported.

  • traditional: For a traditional-style ordering (such as in Spanish).

  • unihan: Pinyin ordering for Latin, Unihan radical-stroke ordering for CJK characters (used in Chinese) not supported.

  • binary: Vertica default, providing UTF-8 octet ordering.


  • Collations might default to root, the ICU default collation.

  • Invalid values of the collation keyword and its synonyms do not cause an error. For example, the following does not generate an error. It simply ignores the invalid value:

    => \locale en_GB@collation=xyz
    INFO 2567:  Canonical locale: 'en_GB@collation=xyz'
    Standard collation: 'LEN'
    English (United Kingdom, collation=xyz)

For more about collation options, see Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML).

Collation arguments

collation can specify one or more of the following arguments :

Parameter Short form Description
colstrength S

Sets the default strength for comparison. This feature is locale dependent.

Set colstrength to one of the following:

  • 1 | primary: Ignores case and accents. Only primary differences are used during comparison—for example, a versus z.

  • 2 | secondary: Ignores case. Only secondary and above differences are considered for comparison—for example, different accented forms of the same base letter such as a versus \u00E4.

  • 3 | tertiary (default): Only tertiary differences and higher are considered for comparison. Tertiary comparisons are typically used to evaluate case differences—for example, Z versus z.

  • 4 | quarternary: For example, used with Hiragana.

colAlternate A

Sets alternate handling for variable weights, as described in UCA, one of the following:

  • non-ignorable | N | D

  • shifted | S

colBackwards F

For Latin with accents, this parameter determines which accents are sorted. It sets the comparison for the second level to be backwards.

Set colBackwards to one of the following:

  • on | O: The normal UCA algorithm is used.

  • off | X: All strings that are in Fast C or D normalization form (FCD) sort correctly, but others do not necessarily sort correctly. Set to off if the strings to be compared are in FCD.

colNormalization N

Set to one of the following:

  • on | O: The normal UCA algorithm is used.

  • off | X: All strings that are in Fast C or D normalization form (FCD) sort correctly, but others won't necessarily sort correctly. It should only be set off if the strings to be compared are in FCD.

colCaseLevel E

Set to one of the following:

  • on | O: A level consisting only of case characteristics is inserted in front of tertiary level. To ignore accents but take cases into account, set strength to primary and case level to on.

  • off | X: This level is omitted.

colCaseFirst C

Set to one of the following:

  • upper | U: Upper case sorts before lower case.

  • lower | L: Lower case sorts before upper case. This is useful for locales that have already supported ordering but require different order of cases. It affects case and tertiary levels.

  • off | short: Tertiary weights unaffected

colHiraganaQuarternary H

Controls special treatment of Hiragana code points on quaternary level, one of the following:

  • on | O: Hiragana codepoints get lower values than all the other non-variable code points. The strength must be greater or equal than quaternary for this attribute to take effect.

  • off | X: Hiragana letters are treated normally.

colNumeric D If set to on, any sequence of Decimal Digits (General_Category = Nd in the [UCD]) is sorted at a primary level with its numeric value. For example, A-21 < A-123.
variableTop B

Sets the default value for the variable top. All code points with primary weights less than or equal to the variable top will be considered variable, and are affected by the alternate handling.

For example, the following command sets variableTop to be HYPHEN (u2010)

=> \locale en_US@colalternate=shifted;variabletop=u2010

Locale processing notes

  • Incorrect locale strings are accepted if the prefix can be resolved to a known locale version.

    For example, the following works because the language can be resolved:

    => \locale en_XX
    INFO 2567:  Canonical locale: 'en_XX'
    Standard collation: 'LEN'
    English (XX)

    The following does not work because the language cannot be resolved:

    => \locale xx_XX
    xx_XX: invalid locale identifier
  • POSIX-type locales such as en_US.UTF-8 work to some extent in that the encoding part "UTF-8" is ignored.

  • Vertica uses the icu4c-4_2_1 library to support basic locale/collation processing with some extensions. This does not currently meet current standards for locale processing (


Specify German locale as used in Germany (de), with phonebook-style collation:

=> \locale de_DE@collation=phonebook
INFO 2567:  Canonical locale: 'de_DE@collation=phonebook'
Standard collation: 'KPHONEBOOK_LDE'
German (Germany, collation=Phonebook Sort Order)
Deutsch (Deutschland, Sortierung=Telefonbuch-Sortierregeln)

Specify German locale as used in Germany (de), with phonebook-style collation and strength set to secondary:

=> \locale de_DE@collation=phonebook;colStrength=secondary
INFO 2567:  Canonical locale: 'de_DE@collation=phonebook'
Standard collation: 'KPHONEBOOK_LDE_S2'
German (Germany, collation=Phonebook Sort Order)
Deutsch (Deutschland, Sortierung=Telefonbuch-Sortierregeln)

3 - Specifying locale: short form

Vertica accepts locales in short form.

Vertica accepts locales in short form. You can use the short form to specify the locale and keyname pair/value names.

To determine the short form for a locale, type in the long form and view the last line of INFO, as follows:

\locale frINFO:  Locale: 'fr'
INFO:    French
INFO:    français
INFO:  Short form: 'LFR'


Specify en (English) locale:

\locale LENINFO:  Locale: 'en'
INFO:  English
INFO:  Short form: 'LEN'

Specify German locale as used in Germany (de), with phonebook-style collation:

\locale LDE_KPHONEBOOKINFO:  Locale: 'de@collation=phonebook'
INFO:  German (collation=Phonebook Sort Order)
INFO:  Deutsch (Sortierung=Telefonbuch-Sortierregeln)

Specify German locale as used in Germany (de), with phonebook-style collation:

\locale LDE_KPHONEBOOK_S2INFO:  Locale: 'de@collation=phonebook'
INFO:  German (collation=Phonebook Sort Order)
INFO:  Deutsch (Sortierung=Telefonbuch-Sortierregeln)
INFO:  Short form: 'KPHONEBOOK_LDE_S2'

4 - Supported locales

The following are the supported locale strings for Vertica.

The following are the supported locale strings for Vertica. Each locale can optionally have a list of key/value pairs (see Specifying locale: long form).

Locale Name Language or Variant Region
af Afrikaans
af_NA Afrikaans Namibian Afrikaans
af_ZA Afrikaans South Africa
am Ethiopic
am_ET Ethiopic Ethiopia
ar Arabic
ar_AE Arabic United Arab Emirates
ar_BH Arabic Bahrain
ar_DZ Arabic Algeria
ar_EG Arabic Egypt
ar_IQ Arabic Iraq
ar_JO Arabic Jordan
ar_KW Arabic Kuwait
ar_LB Arabic Lebanon
ar_LY Arabic Libya
ar_MA Arabic Morocco
ar_OM Arabic Oman
ar_QA Arabic Qatar
ar_SA Arabic Saudi Arabia
ar_SD Arabic Sudan
ar_SY Arabic Syria
ar_TN Arabic Tunisia
ar_YE Arabic Yemen
as Assamese
as_IN Assamese India
az Azerbaijani
az_Cyrl Azerbaijani Cyrillic
az_Cyrl_AZ Azerbaijani Azerbaijan Cyrillic
az_Latn Azerbaijani Latin
az_Latn_AZ Azerbaijani Azerbaijan Latin
be Belarusian
be_BY Belarusian Belarus
bg Bulgarian
bg_BG Bulgarian Bulgaria
bn Bengali
bn_BD Bengali Bangladesh
bn_IN Bengali India
bo Tibetan
bo_CN Tibetan PR China
bo_IN Tibetan India
ca Catalan
ca_ES Catalan Spain
cs Czech
cs_CZ Czech Czech Republic
cy Welsh
cy_GB Welsh United Kingdom
da Danish
da_DK Danish Denmark
de German
de_AT German Austria
de_BE German Belgium
de_CH German Switzerland
de_DE German Germany
de_LI German Liechtenstein
de_LU German Luxembourg
el Greek
el_CY Greek Cyprus
el_GR Greek Greece
en English
en_AU English Australia
en_BE English Belgium
en_BW English Botswana
en_BZ English Belize
en_CA English Canada
en_GB English United Kingdom
en_HK English Hong Kong S.A.R. of China
en_IE English Ireland
en_IN English India
en_JM English Jamaica
en_MH English Marshall Islands
en_MT English Malta
en_NA English Namibia
en_NZ English New Zealand
en_PH English Philippines
en_PK English Pakistan
en_SG English Singapore
en_TT English Trinidad and Tobago
en_US English United States
en_US_POSIX English United States Posix
en_VI English U.S. Virgin Islands
en_ZA English Zimbabwe or South Africa
en_ZW English Zimbabwe
eo Esperanto
es Spanish
es_AR Spanish Argentina
es_BO Spanish Bolivia
es_CL Spanish Chile
es_CO Spanish Columbia
es_CR Spanish Costa Rica
es_DO Spanish Dominican Republic
es_EC Spanish Ecuador
es_ES Spanish Spain
es_GT Spanish Guatemala
es_HN Spanish Honduras
es_MX Spanish Mexico
es_NI Spanish Nicaragua
es_PA Spanish Panama
es_PE Spanish Peru
es_PR Spanish Puerto Rico
es_PY Spanish Paraguay
es_SV Spanish El Salvador
es_US Spanish United States
es_UY Spanish Uruguay
es_VE Spanish Venezuela
et Estonian
et_EE Estonian Estonia
eu Basque Spain
eu_ES Basque Spain
fa Persian
fa_AF Persian Afghanistan
fa_IR Persian Iran
fi Finnish
fi_FI Finnish Finland
fo Faroese
fo_FO Faroese Faroe Islands
fr French
fr_BE French Belgium
fr_CA French Canada
fr_CH French Switzerland
fr_FR French France
fr_LU French Luxembourg
fr_MC French Monaco
fr_SN French Senegal
ga Gaelic
ga_IE Gaelic Ireland
gl Gallegan
gl_ES Gallegan Spain
gsw German
gsw_CH German Switzerland
gu Gujurati
gu_IN Gujurati India
gv Manx
gv_GB Manx United Kingdom
ha Hausa
ha_Latn Hausa Latin
ha_Latn_GH Hausa Ghana (Latin)
ha_Latn_NE Hausa Niger (Latin)
ha_Latn_NG Hausa Nigeria (Latin)
haw Hawaiian Hawaiian
haw_US Hawaiian United States
he Hebrew
he_IL Hebrew Israel
hi Hindi
hi_IN Hindi India
hr Croation
hr_HR Croation Croatia
hu Hungarian
hu_HU Hungarian Hungary
hy Armenian
hy_AM Armenian Armenia
hy_AM_REVISED Armenian Revised Armenia
id Indonesian
id_ID Indonesian Indonesia
ii Sichuan
ii_CN Sichuan Yi
is Icelandic
is_IS Icelandic Iceland
it Italian
it_CH Italian Switzerland
it_IT Italian Italy
ja Japanese
ja_JP Japanese Japan
ka Georgian
ka_GE Georgian Georgia
kk Kazakh
kk_Cyrl Kazakh Cyrillic
kk_Cyrl_KZ Kazakh Kazakhstan (Cyrillic)
kl Kalaallisut
kl_GL Kalaallisut Greenland
km Khmer
km_KH Khmer Cambodia
kn Kannada
kn-IN Kannada India
ko Korean
ko_KR Korean Korea
kok Konkani
kok_IN Konkani India
kw Cornish
kw_GB Cornish United Kingdom
lt Lithuanian
lt_LT Lithuanian Lithuania
lv Latvian
lv_LV Latvian Latvia
mk Macedonian
mk_MK Macedonian Macedonia
ml Malayalam
ml_IN Malayalam India
mr Marathi
mr_IN Marathi India
ms Malay
ms_BN Malay Brunei
ms_MY Malay Malaysia
mt Maltese
mt_MT Maltese Malta
nb Norwegian Bokml
nb_NO Norwegian Bokml Norway
ne Nepali
ne_IN Nepali India
ne_NP Nepali Nepal
nl Dutch
nl_BE Dutch Belgium
nl_NL Dutch Netherlands
nn Norwegian nynorsk
nn_NO Norwegian nynorsk Norway
om Oromo
om_ET Oromo Ethiopia
om_KE Oromo Kenya
or Oriya
or_IN Oriya India
pa Punjabi
pa_Arab Punjabi Arabic
pa_Arab_PK Punjabi Pakistan (Arabic)
pa_Guru Punjabi Gurmukhi
pa_Guru_IN Punjabi India (Gurmukhi)
pl Polish
pl_PL Polish Poland
ps Pashto
ps_AF Pashto Afghanistan
pt Portuguese
pt_BR Portuguese Brazil
pt_PT Portuguese Portugal
ro Romanian
ro_MD Romanian Moldavia
ro_RO Romanian Romania
ru Russian
ru_RU Russian Russia
ru_UA Russian Ukraine
si Sinhala
si_LK Sinhala Sri Lanka
sk Slovak
sk_SK Slovak Slovakia
sl Slovenian
sl_SL Slovenian Slovenia
so Somali
so_DJ Somali Djibouti
so_ET Somali Ethiopia
so_KE Somali Kenya
so_SO Somali Somalia
sq Albanian
sq_AL Albanian Albania
sr Serbian
sr_Cyrl Serbian Cyrillic
sr_Cyrl_BA Serbian Bosnia and Herzegovina (Cyrillic)
sr_Cyrl_ME Serbian Montenegro (Cyrillic)
sr_Cyrl_RS Serbian Serbia (Cyrillic)
sr_Latn Serbian Latin
sr_Latn_BA Serbian Bosnia and Herzegovina (Latin)
sr_Latn_ME Serbian Montenegro (Latin)
sr_Latn_RS Serbian Serbia (Latin)
sv Swedish
sv_FI Swedish Finland
sv_SE Swedish Sweden
sw Swahili
sw_KE Swahili Kenya
sw_TZ Swahili Tanzania
ta Tamil
ta_IN Tamil India
te Telugu
te_IN Telugu India
th Thai
th_TH Thai Thailand
ti Tigrinya
ti_ER Tigrinya Eritrea
ti_ET Tigrinya Ethiopia
tr Turkish
tr_TR Turkish Turkey
uk Ukrainian
uk_UA Ukrainian Ukraine
ur Urdu
ur_IN Urdu India
ur_PK Urdu Pakistan
uz Uzbek
uz_Arab Uzbek Arabic
uz_Arab_AF Uzbek Afghanistan (Arabic)
uz_Cryl Uzbek Cyrillic
uz_Cryl_UZ Uzbek Uzbekistan (Cyrillic)
uz_Latin Uzbek Latin
us_Latin_UZ Uzbekistan (Latin)
vi Vietnamese
vi_VN Vietnamese Vietnam
zh Chinese
zh_Hans Chinese Simplified Han
zh_Hans_CN Chinese China (Simplified Han)
zh_Hans_HK Chinese Hong Kong SAR China (Simplified Han)
zh_Hans_MO Chinese Macao SAR China (Simplified Han)
zh_Hans_SG Chinese Singapore (Simplified Han)
zh_Hant Chinese Traditional Han
zh_Hant_HK Chinese Hong Kong SAR China (Traditional Han)
zh_Hant_MO Chinese Macao SAR China (Traditional Han)
zh_Hant_TW Chinese Taiwan (Traditional Han)
zu Zulu
zu_ZA Zulu South Africa

5 - Locale and UTF-8 support

Vertica supports Unicode Transformation Format-8, or UTF8, where 8 equals 8-bit.

Vertica supports Unicode Transformation Format-8, or UTF8, where 8 equals 8-bit. UTF-8 is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode created by Ken Thompson and Rob Pike. UTF-8 can represent any universal character in the Unicode standard. Initial encoding of byte codes and character assignments for UTF-8 coincides with ASCII. Thus, UTF8 requires little or no change for software that handles ASCII but preserves other values.

Vertica database servers expect to receive all data in UTF-8, and Vertica outputs all data in UTF-8. The ODBC API operates on data in UCS-2 on Windows systems, and normally UTF-8 on Linux systems. JDBC and ADO.NET APIs operate on data in UTF-16. Client drivers automatically convert data to and from UTF-8 when sending to and receiving data from Vertica using API calls. The drivers do not transform data loaded by executing a COPY or COPY LOCAL statement.

UTF-8 string functions

The following string functions treat VARCHAR arguments as UTF-8 strings (when USING OCTETS is not specified) regardless of locale setting.

String function Description
LOWER Returns a VARCHAR value containing the argument converted to lowercase letters.
UPPER Returns a VARCHAR value containing the argument converted to uppercase letters.
INITCAP Capitalizes first letter of each alphanumeric word and puts the rest in lowercase.
INSTR Searches string for substring and returns an integer indicating the position of the character in string that is the first character of this occurrence.
SPLIT_PART Splits string on the delimiter and returns the location of the beginning of the given field (counting from one).
POSITION Returns an integer value representing the character location of a specified substring with a string (counting from one).
STRPOS Returns an integer value representing the character location of a specified substring within a string (counting from one).

6 - Locale-aware string functions

Vertica provides string functions to support internationalization.

Vertica provides string functions to support internationalization. Unless otherwise specified, these string functions can optionally specify whether VARCHAR arguments should be interpreted as octet (byte) sequences, or as (locale-aware) sequences of characters. Specify this information by adding the parameter USING OCTETS and USING CHARACTERS (default) to the function.

The following table lists all string functions that are locale-aware:

String function Description
BTRIM Removes the longest string consisting only of specified characters from the start and end of a string.
CHARACTER_LENGTH Returns an integer value representing the number of characters or octets in a string.
GREATEST Returns the largest value in a list of expressions.
GREATESTB Returns its greatest argument, using binary ordering, not UTF-8 character ordering.
INITCAP Capitalizes first letter of each alphanumeric word and puts the rest in lowercase.
INSTR Searches string for substring and returns an integer indicating the position of the character in string that is the first character of this occurrence.
LEAST Returns the smallest value in a list of expressions.
LEASTB Returns its least argument, using binary ordering, not UTF-8 character ordering.
LEFT Returns the specified characters from the left side of a string.
LENGTH Takes one argument as an input and returns returns an integer value representing the number of characters in a string.
LTRIM Returns a VARCHAR value representing a string with leading blanks removed from the left side (beginning).
OVERLAY Returns a VARCHAR value representing a string having had a substring replaced by another string.
OVERLAYB Returns an octet value representing a string having had a substring replaced by another string.
REPLACE replaces all occurrences of characters in a string with another set of characters.
RIGHT Returns the length right-most characters of string.
SUBSTR Returns a VARCHAR value representing a substring of a specified string.
SUBSTRB Returns a byte value representing a substring of a specified string.
SUBSTRING Given a value, a position, and an optional length, returns a value representing a substring of the specified string at the given position.
TRANSLATE Replaces individual characters in string_to_replace with other characters.
UPPER Returns a VARCHAR value containing the argument converted to uppercase letters.