Java SDK Documentation  11.0.1
com.vertica.sdk.UnsizedUDSource Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for com.vertica.sdk.UnsizedUDSource:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for com.vertica.sdk.UnsizedUDSource:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

final void cancelUDX (ServerInterface srvInterface)
void destroy (ServerInterface srvInterface) throws UdfException
void destroy (ServerInterface srvInterface, SessionParamWriterMap udSessionParams) throws UdfException
String getUri ()
boolean isCanceled ()
abstract StreamState process (ServerInterface srvInterface, DataBuffer output) throws UdfException
void setup (ServerInterface srvInterface) throws UdfException

Protected Member Functions

void cancel (ServerInterface srvInterface)

Detailed Description


Base class for UDSource. Used with IterativeSourceFactory if computing the size of a source up front would be prohibitively expensive, or if the number of distinct sources would be prohibitively large to use the standard API.

Not intended or optimized for typical applications.

Member Function Documentation

void com.vertica.sdk.UDXObject.cancel ( ServerInterface  srvInterface)

Cancel callback to be overridden by the UDX implementation. Called when the query running the UDX has been canceled.

  • This method will be invoked at most once per UDX object. Once a UDX object has been canceled, it will never be un-canceled.
  • This method may be called from a separate thread, concurrently with other methods of this UDX object (but never the constructor). Implementations must be thread-safe with all methods of this UDX.
  • This method will be invoked for either an explicit user cancel, or in the event of an error during query execution.
srvInterfacea ServerInterface object used to communicate with Vertica

Referenced by com.vertica.sdk.UDXObject.cancelUDX().

final void com.vertica.sdk.UDXObject.cancelUDX ( ServerInterface  srvInterface)

Cancel callback invoked when the query running the UDX has been canceled.

See cancel().

srvInterfacea ServerInterface object used to communicate with Vertica
String com.vertica.sdk.UnsizedUDSource.getUri ( )


This function will be invoked during execution to fill in monitoring information.

the URI of the current source of data.
boolean com.vertica.sdk.UDXObject.isCanceled ( )
true if execution was canceled.

Referenced by com.vertica.sdk.UDXObject.cancelUDX().