Updates an existing notifier.

Updates an existing notifier.


ALTER NOTIFIER notifier-name
    [ MAXPAYLOAD 'max-payload-size' ]
    [ MAXMEMORYSIZE 'max-memory-size' ]
    [ TLSMODE 'tls-mode' ]
    [ CA BUNDLE bundle-name [ CERTIFICATE certificate-name ] ]
    [ IDENTIFIED BY 'uuid' ]
    [ PARAMETERS 'adapter-params' ]


Specifies the notifier to update.
Specifies to wait for delivery confirmation before sending the next message in the queue. Not all messaging systems support delivery confirmation.
Specifies whether to enable or disable the notifier.
The maximum size of the message, up to 2 TB, specified in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes as follows:

The default setting is adapter-specific—for example, 1 M for Kafka.

Changes to this parameter take effect either after the notifier is disabled and reenabled or after the database restarts.

The maximum size of the internal notifier, up to 2 TB, specified in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes as follows:

If the queue exceeds this size, the notifier drops excess messages.

TLSMODE 'tls-mode'

Specifies the type of connection between the notifier and an endpoint, one of the following:

  • disable (default): Plaintext connection.

  • verify-ca: Encrypted connection, and the server's certificate is verified as being signed by a trusted CA.

If the notifier ACTION is 'syslog', this parameter has no effect; you must configure syslog for TLS to enable encryption for these Vertica syslog notifiers.

CA BUNDLE bundle-name

Specifies a CA bundle. The certificates inside the bundle are used to validate the Kafka server's certificate if the TLSMODE requires it.

If a CA bundle is specified for a notifier that currently uses disable, which doesn't validate the Kafka server's certificate, the bundle will go unused when connecting to the Kafka server. This behavior persists unless the TLSMODE is changed to one that validates server certificates.

Changes to contents of the CA bundle take effect either after the notifier is disabled and re-enabled or after the database restarts. However, changes to which CA bundle the notifier uses takes effect immediately.

If the notifier ACTION is 'syslog', this parameter has no effect; you must configure syslog for TLS to enable encryption for these Vertica syslog notifiers.

CERTIFICATE certificate-name

Specifies a client certificate for validation by the endpoint.

If the notifier ACTION is 'syslog', this parameter has no effect; you must configure syslog for TLS to enable encryption for these Vertica syslog notifiers.

Specifies the notifier's unique identifier. If set, all the messages published by this notifier have this attribute.
PARAMETERS 'adapter-params'
Specifies one or more optional adapter parameters that are passed as a string to the adapter. Adapter parameters apply only to the adapter associated with the notifier.

Changes to this parameter take effect either after the notifier is disabled and reenabled or after the database restarts.

For Kafka notifiers, refer to Kafka and Vertica configuration settings.



Encrypted notifiers for SASL_SSL Kafka configurations

Follow this procedure to create or alter notifiers for Kafka endpoints that use SASL_SSL. Note that you must repeat this procedure whenever you change the TLSMODE, certificates, or CA bundle for a given notifier.

  1. Use CREATE or ALTER to disable the notifier while setting the TLSMODE, certificate, and CA bundle.

    => ALTER NOTIFIER encrypted_notifier
        TLSMODE 'verify-ca'
        CA BUNDLE ca_bundle2;
  2. ALTER the notifier and set the proper rdkafka adapter parameters for SASL_SSL.

    => ALTER NOTIFIER encrypted_notifier PARAMETERS
  3. Enable the notifier.

    => ALTER NOTIFIER encrypted_notifier ENABLE;


Update the settings on an existing notifier:

=> ALTER NOTIFIER my_dc_notifier
    IDENTIFIED BY 'f8b0278a-3282-4e1a-9c86-e0f3f042a971'

Change the TLSMODE and add a CA bundle and certificate to an existing notifier. This notifier connects to and verifies that the Kafka server's certificate is signed by a trusted CA.

=> ALTER NOTIFIER my_notifier
    TLSMODE 'verify-ca'
    CA BUNDLE ca_bundle
    CERTIFICATE client_cert;

See also