Troubleshooting LDAP link issues
Various issues can arise with LDAP Link service, including:
Disconnected (Orphaned) users and roles
Lost objects
User conflicts
Disconnected (orphaned) users and roles
Vertica users and roles synchronized through LDAP Link can become disconnected, or orphaned, if an issue arises with the LDAP Link service. For example, users and roles become orphaned when you change the connection to the LDAP server as the following scenario describes:
Create an LDAP connection as follows:
=> ALTER DATABASE MyDB1 SET PARAMETER LDAPLinkURL='ldap://ebuser', LDAPLinkSearchBase='dc=example,dc=com', LDAPLinkBindDN='mega', LDAPLinkBindPswd='$megapassword$'; => ALTER DATABASE MyDB1 SET PARAMETER LDAPLinkOn = '1';
Run an LDAP Link session to synchronize LDAP and Vertica users.
Change one or more connection parameters from Step 1. You can change the connection only if you change one of the LDAPLinkURL or LDAPLinkSearchBase parameters. Users will not be orphaned if the new and old LDAPLinkURL and LDAPLinkSearchBase contain the same set of users.
Run another LDAP Link session. The system attempts to re-synchronize LDAP and Vertica users. Because the connection has changed, the existing Vertica users cannot be synchronized with the LDAP users from the new connection. These Vertica users become orphaned.
As the dbadmin, you can identify orphaned users by checking the is_orphaned_from_ldap column in the USERS system table:
=> SELECT is_orphaned_from_ldap FROM users;
A field value of t
indicates that the user is an orphaned user. Orphaned Vertica users cannot connect to the LDAP server and cannot login to Vertica using LDAP authentication (however, other authentication methods assigned to the user still work). In this case, you can delete the orphaned Vertica user and run the LDAP Link service to resynchronize users.
Re-parented objects
When you delete users or groups from the LDAP server, the LDAP Link service removes the same users and roles from Vertica, but does not delete objects owned by the deleted users and roles. To give these unowned objects a new owner, use the GlobalHeirUsername parameter, which specifies a user as the new parent for all objects originally owned by deleted users.
For example, to give ownership of unowned objects to user1, creating the user if it does not already exist:
=> ALTER DATABASE example_db SET PARAMETER GlobalHeirUsername=user1;
By default, this parameter is set to <auto>
which re-parents objects to the dbadmin user.
If GlobalHeirUsername is empty, objects are not re-parented to another user.
For details, see Security Parameters.
User conflicts
Vertica users and roles synchronized using LDAP Link can become conflicted. Such conflicts can occur, for example, when you create a new user or group on the LDAP server and another user or role with the same name exists on the Vertica.
As the dbadmin, use one of the following parameters to resolve user conflicts:
LDAPLinkConflictPolicy controls how Vertica behaves when it encounters a conflict. Changes to this parameter take effect during the next synchronization.
LDAPLinkConflictPolicy=IGNORE ignores the incoming LDAP users and retains the existing Vertica user
LDAPLinkConflictPolicy=MERGE (default) merges the incoming LDAP user with the Vertica user and converts the database user to an LDAP user, retaining the database user's objects.
For example, to set the parameter:
LDAPLinkStopIfZeroUsers controls how Vertica behaves when the LDAP server has zero users during synchronization.
LDAPLinkStopIfZeroUsers=0 does not stop the synchronization if no users are found in the LDAP server and all Vertica users with are dropped.
LDAPLinkStopIfZeroUsers=1 stops the synchronization if no users are found in the LDAP server and returns an error. No Vertica users are dropped.
LDAP_LINK_DRYRUN and LDAP_LINK_SYNC_START do not populate tables
The dryrun and LDAP_LINK_SYNC_START functions must be run from the clerk node. To determine the clerk node, query NODE_RESOURCES:
Monitoring LDAP link
Use the ldap_link_events table to monitor LDAP Link synchronization:
=> SELECT transaction_id, event_type, entry_name, entry_oid FROM ldap_link_events;
transaction_id | event_type | entry_name | entry_oid
45035996273705317 | SYNC_STARTED | | 0
45066962732553589 | SYNC_FINISHED | | 0
45066988112255317 | PROCESSING_STARTED | | 0
23411234566789765 | USER_CREATED | tuser | 234548899
(4 rows)