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Google Cloud Platform in MC

Management Console (MC) supports cluster, subcluster, and node actions on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Management Console (MC) supports cluster, subcluster, and node actions on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Provision, monitor, and revive clusters

You can use MC to provision an Eon Mode database cluster on GCP. For details, see Provisioning an Eon Mode cluster and database on GCP in MC.

MC provides specific resources for monitoring database clusters on GCP. For details, see Managing an Eon Mode database in the cloud.

You can revive a stopped Eon Mode database on GCP using MC. For details, see Reviving an Eon Mode database on GCP in MC.

Managing your cluster in MC

  1. On the MC home page, click View Infrastructure. MC displays the Database and Cluster View. This view shows your infrastructure platform, cluster, and database.

  2. On the left side of the screen next to Clusters, click the square for the cluster you want to manage. MC displays a window with your cluster name, an information summary, and several buttons.

  3. Click Manage. The Cluster page displays.

  4. On the Cluster page, you can view the following information:

    • The instances in your cluster in visual format.

    • The status of each instance, whether it is running.

    • The private and public IP address for each cluster instance.

    • The Vertica version that is running, your region, and your instance type in the Cluster pane.

Cluster actions on GCP in MC

On the Cluster page, you can perform the following cluster actions:

  • Start Cluster: Starts the instances, then starts the database. For Eon Mode databases, MC repopulates the nodes with data from the storage account container.

  • Stop Cluster: Stops the nodes in the database, then stops their cloud instances.

  • Advanced > Terminate: Stops the database, then terminates the cloud instances.

Subcluster management

You can add, Scale Up, Scale Down, remove, and terminate subclusters with MC. For details, see the following:

Node management

You add or delete nodes by scaling subclusters up or down. You can also start, stop, and restart nodes. For details, see the following:


  • Subclusters are supported in Eon Mode only, not in Enterprise Mode.

  • Node actions are not supported in MC on GCP.

See also

Vertica on Google Cloud Platform

1 - Provisioning an Eon Mode cluster and database on GCP in MC

You can use Google Marketplace and MC to provision an Eon Mode database on GCP.

You can use Google Marketplace and MC to provision an Eon Mode database on GCP. The sections below give an overview of how to set up an Eon Mode database on GCP, with links to the detailed procedures


Step 1: provision an MC instance using Google marketplace

These steps are an overview of the procedure. For more detailed instructions, see Deploying an MC instance to GCP for Eon Mode.

In Google Marketplace:

  1. Select the Vertica Eon Mode solution.

  2. Fill in the fields to configure a GCP MC instance.

  3. Click the Deploy button to provision the MC instance.

  4. Connect to and log into the MC instance.

You are now in the new MC instance running on GCP, and the MC home page appears.

Step 2: use the MC instance to provision an Eon Mode database on GCP

These steps are an overview of the process. For the step-by-step procedure on using the provisioning wizard, see Using the MC to provision and create an Eon Mode database in GCP.

In the MC:

  1. Launch the provisioning wizard.

  2. Use the wizard to provision and create a new database in GCP.

2 - Reviving an Eon Mode database on GCP in MC

An Eon Mode database keeps an up-to-date version of its data and metadata in its communal storage location. After a cluster hosting an Eon Mode database is stopped, this data and metadata continue to reside in communal storage. When you revive the database later, Vertica uses the data in this location to restore the database in the same state on a newly provisioned cluster.

Follow these steps to revive an Eon Mode database on GCP:

  1. On the MC home page, click Revive Eon Mode Database. MC launches the Provision and Revive an Eon Mode Database wizard.

  2. On the first page of the wizard, enter the following information:

    • Google Cloud Storage HMAC Access Key and HMAC Secret Key: Copy and paste the HMAC access key and secret you created when you created the database. See Eon Mode on GCP prerequisites for details.

    • Zone: This value defaults to the zone containing your MC instance. Make this value the same as zone containing the Google Cloud Storage bucket your database will use for communal storage. You will see significant performance issues if you choose different zones for cluster instances, storage, or the MC.

    • CIDR Range: The IP address range for clients you want to grant access to your database. Make this range as restrictive as possible to limit the exposure of your database.

  3. Click Next. On the second page of the wizard, set Google Storage Path for Communal Storage of Database to the URL of the communal storage bucket for the Eon Mode database to revive. For requirements, see Eon Mode on GCP prerequisites.

  4. Click Discover. MC displays a list of all Eon Mode databases available on the specified communal storage location.

  5. Select the database to revive. MC prepopulates the choices for the Data, Depot, and Temp catalogs, using the same machine types and configuration choices used when the database was created.

  6. Click Next. Review the summary of all your database settings. If you need to make a correction, use the Back button to step back to previous pages of the wizard.

  7. When you are satisfied with the database settings, check the Accept terms and conditions box and click Revive Database.

MC displays a progress screen while creating the cluster and reviving the database onto it, a process which takes several minutes. After it completes successfully, the MC displays a Get Started button. This button leads to a page of useful links for getting started with your new database.

3 - Eon Mode volume configuration defaults for GCP

Vertica supports a variety of disk volume resources for provisioning instances on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Vertica supports a variety of disk volume resources for provisioning instances on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

All data is secured with Google-managed data encryption. Management Console does not support user-managed data encryption.

For performance information, see Google's Block storage performance documentation.

Persistent disk defaults

You can allocate up to 128 persistent disks (PDs). The following table describes the default persistent disk volume resources that Vertica provides:

Instance Types Catalog Depot Temp








Configurable 1 PD (Standard/SSD) volume

Default: 50 GB

Configurable 8 PD (Standard/SSD) volume

Default: 600 GB

Configurable 1 PD (Standard/SSD) volume

Default: 100 GB

Local SSD defaults (ephemeral storage)

Allocate up to 24 local SSDs for ephemeral storage with the following considerations:

  • There is an extra cost for each local SSD.

  • All local SSD are 375G fixed size, with the option of SCSI or NVMe interface. An NVMe disk has twice the input/output operations per second (IOPs) compared to a SCSI disk.

The following table describes the default local SSD disk volume resources that Vertica provides:

Total Local SSDs Instance Types Catalog (Persistent) Depot (Ephemeral) Temp (Ephemeral)






Configurable 1 PD (Standard/SSD) volume

Default: 50 GB

3 x 375 GB 1 x 375 GB




Configurable 1 PD (Standard/SSD) volume

Default: 50 GB

4 x 375 GB 1 x 375 GB




Configurable 1 PD (Standard/SSD) volume

Default: 50 GB

5 x 375 GB 1 x 375 GB








Configurable 1 PD (Standard/SSD) volume

Default: 50 GB

6 x 375 GB 2 x 375 GB








Configurable 1 PD (Standard/SSD) volume

Default: 50 GB

12 x 375 GB 4 x 375 GB








Configurable 1 PD (Standard/SSD) volume

Default: 50 GB

20 x 375 GB 4 x 375 GB