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Producing Kafka messages using notifiers

You can use notifiers to help you monitor your Vertica database using third-party Kafka-aware tools by producing messages to a Kafka topic.

You can use notifiers to help you monitor your Vertica database using third-party Kafka-aware tools by producing messages to a Kafka topic. You can directly publish messages (for example, from a SQL script to indicate a long-running query has finished). Notifiers can also automatically send messages when a component in the data collector tables is updated.

1 - Creating a Kafka notifier

The following procedure creates a Kafka notifier.

The following procedure creates a Kafka notifier. At a minimum, a notifier defines:

  • A unique name.

  • A message protocol. This is kafka:// when sending messages to Kafka.

  • The server to communicate with. For Kafka, this is the address and port number of a Kafka broker.

  • The maximum message buffer size. If the queue of messages to be sent via the notifier exceed this limit, messages are dropped.

You create the notifier with CREATE NOTIFIER. This example creates a notifier named load_progress_notifier that sends messages via the Kafka broker running on on port 9092:

=> CREATE NOTIFIER load_progress_notifier
    ACTION 'kafka://'

While not required, it's best practice to create notifiers that use an encrypted connection. The following example creates a notifier that uses an encrypted connection and verifies the Kafka server's certificate with the provided CA bundle:

=> CREATE NOTIFIER encrypted_notifier
    ACTION 'kafka://'
    TLSMODE 'verify-ca'
    CA BUNDLE ca_bundle;

Follow this procedure to create or alter notifiers for Kafka endpoints that use SASL_SSL. Note that you must repeat this procedure whenever you change the TLSMODE, certificates, or CA bundle for a given notifier.

  1. Use CREATE or ALTER to disable the notifier while setting the TLSMODE, certificate, and CA bundle.

    => ALTER NOTIFIER encrypted_notifier
        TLSMODE 'verify-ca'
        CA BUNDLE ca_bundle2;
  2. ALTER the notifier and set the proper rdkafka adapter parameters for SASL_SSL.

    => ALTER NOTIFIER encrypted_notifier PARAMETERS
  3. Enable the notifier.

    => ALTER NOTIFIER encrypted_notifier ENABLE;

2 - Sending individual messages via a Kafka notifier

You can send an individual message via a Kafka notifier using the NOTIFY function.

You can send an individual message via a Kafka notifier using the NOTIFY function. This feature is useful for reporting the progress of SQL scripts such as ETL tasks to third-party reporting tools.

You pass this function three string values:

  • The message to send.

  • The name of the notifier to send the message.

  • The Kafka topic to receive the message.

For example, suppose you want to send the message "Daily load finished" to the vertica_notifications topic of the Kafka cluster defined in the load_progress_notifier notifier created earlier. Then you could execute the following statement:

=> SELECT NOTIFY('Daily load finished.',
(1 row)

The message the notifier sends to Kafka is in JSON format. You can see the resulting message by using the console consumer on a Kafka node. For example:

$ /opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
                                           --from-beginning \
                                           --topic vertica_notifications \
                                           --max-messages 1

"channel":"vertica_notifications","message":"Daily load finished.",
"statement_id":-1,"time":"2018-06-19 09:48:42.314181-04",

Processed a total of 1 messages

3 - Monitoring DC tables with Kafka notifiers

The Vertica (DC) tables monitor many different database functions.

The Vertica Data collector (DC) tables monitor many different database functions. You can have a notifier automatically send a message to a Kafka endpoint when a DC component updates. You can query the DATA_COLLECTOR table to get a list of the DC components.

You configure the notifier to send DC component updates to Kafka using the function SET_DATA_COLLECTOR_NOTIFY_POLICY.

To be notified of failed login attempts, you can create a notifier that sends a notification when the DC component LoginFailures updates. The TLSMODE 'verify-ca' verifies that the server's certificate is signed by a trusted CA.

=> CREATE NOTIFIER vertica_stats ACTION 'kafka://' MAXMEMORYSIZE '10M' TLSMODE 'verify-ca';
=> SELECT SET_DATA_COLLECTOR_NOTIFY_POLICY('LoginFailures','vertica_stats', 'vertica_notifications', true);
(1 row)

Like the messages sent via the NOTIFY function, the data sent to Kafka from the DC components is in JSON format. The previous example results in messages like the following being sent to the vertica_notifications Kafka topic:

"reason":"INVALID USER","requested_protocol":"3.8","ssl_client_fingerprint":"",
"time":"2018-06-19 14:51:22.437035-04","user_name":"alice"}

Viewing notification policies for a DC component

Use the GET_DATA_COLLECTOR_NOTIFY_POLICY function to list the policies set for a DC component.

 Notifiable;  Notifier: vertica_stats; Channel: vertica_notifications
(1 row)

Disabling a notification policy

You can call SET_DATA_COLLECTOR_NOTIFY_POLICY function with its fourth argument set to FALSE to disable a notification policy. The following example disables the notify policy for the LoginFailures component:

=> SELECT SET_DATA_COLLECTOR_NOTIFY_POLICY('LoginFailures','vertica_stats', 'vertica_notifications', false);
(1 row)

 Not notifiable;
(1 row)