Preparing the installation environment

Before installing Vertica, you must configure your environment.

Before installing Vertica, you must configure your environment.

To run Vertica Enterprise on-premises, follow the numbered instructions below.

To run the Vertica in a Virtual Machine instead, see Vertica community edition (CE).

  1. Copy the installation file to your home directory. The example shows an rpm file for CentOS/RHEL, but you may have a deb file for Debian.

    $ scp vertica-10.1.0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm /~
  2. Identify the IP address of the current node.

    $ ipconfig -a

    If the ipconfig command is not found in your path, you can try running it directly using the paths /sbin/ipconfig or /usr/sbin/ipconfig. If neither of those work, use the ip command:

    $ ip a
  3. Ensure your packages are up to date. Run the command based on your distribution.

    On CentOS and RedHat:

    $ sudo yum update -y

    On openSUSE:

    $ sudo zypper up

    On Debian and Ubuntu:

    $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  4. Set swappiness to 1 (recommended).

    $ sudo systemctl vm.swappiness=0
  5. Verify that SELinux is running in permissive mode or is disabled.

    $ sudo setenforce 0
  6. Disable the system firewall.

    $ sudo systemctl mask firewalld
    $ sudo systemctl disable firewalld
    $ sudo systemctl stop firewalld
  7. Install Vertica.