Prometheus integration

Vertica on Kubernetes integrates with Prometheus to scrape time series metrics about the VerticaDB operator.

Vertica on Kubernetes integrates with Prometheus to scrape time series metrics about the VerticaDB operator. These metrics create a detailed model of your application over time, which provides valuable performance and troubleshooting insights. Prometheus exposes these metrics with an HTTP endpoint to facilitate internal and external communications and service discovery in microservice and containerized architectures.

Prometheus requires that you set up targets—metrics that you want to monitor. Each target is exposed on the operator's /metrics endpoint, and Prometheus periodically scrapes that endpoint to collect target data. The operator supports the operator SDK framework, which requires that an authorization proxy impose role-based-access control (RBAC) to access operator metrics. To increase flexibility, Vertica provides the following options to access the /metrics endpoint with Prometheus:

  • Use a sidecar container as an RBAC proxy to authorize connections.

  • Expose the /metrics endpoint to external connections without RBAC.

  • Disable Prometheus entirely.

Vertica provides Helm chart parameters and YAML manifests to configure each option.


Access metrics with RBAC

The operator SDK framework requires that operators use an authorization proxy for metrics access. Because the operator sends metrics to localhost only, Vertica meets these requirements with a sidecar container with localhost access that enforces RBAC.

RBAC rules are cluster-scoped, and the sidecar authorizes connections from clients associated with a service account that has the correct ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBindings. Vertica provides the following example manifests:

For additional details about ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Create RBAC rules

The following steps create the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBindings objects that grant access to the /metrics endpoint to a non-Kubernetes resource such as Prometheus. Because RBAC rules are cluster-scoped, you must create or add to an existing ClusterRoleBinding:

  1. Create a ClusterRoleBinding that binds the role for the RBAC sidecar proxy with a service account:

    • Create a ClusterRoleBinding:

      $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding verticadb-operator-proxy-rolebinding \
          --clusterrole=verticadb-operator-proxy-role \
    • Add a service account to an existing ClusterRoleBinding:

      $ kubectl patch clusterrolebinding verticadb-operator-proxy-rolebinding \
          --type='json' \
          -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/subjects/-", "value": {"kind": "ServiceAccount", "name": "serviceaccount","namespace": "namespace" } }]'
  2. Create a ClusterRoleBinding that binds the role for the non-Kubernetes object to the RBAC sidecar proxy service account:

    • Create a ClusterRoleBinding:

      $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding verticadb-operator-metrics-reader \
          --clusterrole=verticadb-operator-metrics-reader \
    • Bind the service account to an existing ClusterRoleBinding:

      $ kubectl patch clusterrolebinding verticadb-operator-metrics-reader \
          --type='json' \
          -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/subjects/-", "value": {"kind": "ServiceAccount", "name": "serviceaccount","namespace": "namespace" } }]'

When you install the Helm chart, the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBindings are created automatically. By default, the prometheus.expose parameter is set to EnableWithProxy, which creates the service object and exposes the operator's /metrics endpoint.

For details about creating a sidecar container, see Creating a custom resource.

Service object

Vertica provides a service object verticadb-operator-metrics-service to access the Prometheus /metrics endpoint. The VerticaDB operator does not manage this service object. By default, the service object uses the ClusterIP service type to support RBAC.

Connect to the /metrics endpoint at port 8443 with the following path:


Bearer token authentication

Kubernetes authenticates requests to the API server with service account credentials. Each pod is associated with a service account and has the following credentials stored in the filesystem of each container in the pod:

  • Token at /var/run/secrets/

  • Certificate authority (CA) bundle at /var/run/secrets/

Use these credentials to authenticate to the /metrics endpoint through the service object. You must use the credentials for the service account that you used to create the ClusterRoleBindings.

For example, the following cURL request accesses the /metrics endpoint. Include the --insecure option only if you do not want to verify the serving certificate:

$ curl --insecure --cacert /var/run/secrets/ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/" https://verticadb-operator-metrics-service.vertica:8443/metrics

For additional details about service account credentials, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Prometheus operator integration (optional)

Vertica on Kubernetes integrates with the Prometheus operator, which provides custom resources (CRs) that simplify targeting metrics. Vertica supports the ServiceMonitor CR that discovers the VerticaDB operator automatically, and authenticates requests with a bearer token.

The ServiceMonitor CR is available as a release artifact in our GitHub repository. See Helm chart parameters for details about the prometheus.createServiceMonitor parameter.

Access metrics without RBAC

You might have an environment that does not require privileged access to Prometheus metrics. For example, you might run Prometheus outside of Kubernetes.

To allow external access to the /metrics endpoint with HTTP, set prometheus.expose to EnableWithoutAuth. For example:

$ helm install operator-name --namespace namespace --create-namespace vertica-charts/verticadb-operator \
    --set prometheus.expose=EnableWithoutAuth

Service object

Vertica provides a service object verticadb-operator-metrics-service to access the Prometheus /metrics endpoint. The VerticaDB operator does not manage this service object. By default, the service object uses the ClusterIP service type, so you must change the serviceType for external client access. The service object's fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) is as follows:


Connect to the /metrics endpoint at port 8443 with the following path:


Disable prometheus

To disable Prometheus, set the prometheus.expose Helm chart parameter to Disable. For example:

$ helm install operator-name --namespace namespace --create-namespace vertica-charts/verticadb-operator \
    --set prometheus.expose=Disable

For details about Helm install commands, see Installing the Vertica DB operator.