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Vertica DB operator

The Vertica operator automates error-prone and time-consuming tasks that a Vertica on Kubernetes administrator must otherwise perform manually.

The Vertica operator automates error-prone and time-consuming tasks that a Vertica on Kubernetes administrator must otherwise perform manually. The operator:

  • Installs Vertica

  • Creates an Eon Mode database

  • Upgrades Vertica

  • Revives an existing Eon Mode database

  • Restarts and reschedules DOWN pods

  • Scales subclusters

  • Manages services for pods

  • Monitors pod health

  • Handles load balancing for internal and external traffic

The Vertica operator is a Go binary that uses the SDK operator framework. It runs in its own pod, and is namespace-scoped to limit any failures to the objects in its namespace.

For details about installing and upgrading the operator, see Installing the Vertica DB operator.

Monitoring desired state

Each namespace is allowed one operator pod that acts as a custom controller and monitors the state of the custom resource objects within that namespace. The operator uses the control loop mechanism to reconcile state changes by investigating state change notifications from the custom resource instance, and periodically comparing the current state with the desired state.

If the operator detects a change in the desired state, it determines what change occurred and reconciles the current state with the new desired state. For example, if the user deletes a subcluster from the custom resource instance and successfully saves the changes, the operator deletes the corresponding subcluster objects in Kubernetes.

Validating state changes

The verticadb-operator Helm chart includes an admission controller, which uses a webhook to prevent invalid state changes to the custom resource. When you save a change to a custom resource, the admission controller webhook queries a REST endpoint that provides rules for mutable states in a custom resource. If a change violates the state rules, the admission controller prevents the change and returns a error. For example, it returns an error if you try to save a change that violates K-Safety.


The operator has the following limitations:

  • You must manually configure TLS. For details, see Containerized Vertica on Kubernetes.

  • Vertica recommends that you do not use the Large cluster feature. If a control nodes fails, it might cause more than half of the database nodes to fail. This results in the database losing quorum.

  • Backup and Restore is a manual process.

  • Importing and exporting data between a cluster outside of Kubernetes requires that you expose the service with the NodePort or LoadBalancer service type and properly configure the network.

1 - Installing the Vertica DB operator

The custom resource definition (CRD), DB operator, and admission controller work together to maintain the state of your environment and automate tasks:.

The custom resource definition (CRD), VerticaDB operator, and admission controller work together to maintain the state of your environment and automate tasks:

  • The CRD extends the Kubernetes API to provide custom objects. It serves as a blueprint for custom resource (CR) instances that specify the desired state of your environment.

  • The VerticaDB operator is a custom controller that monitors CR instances to maintain the desired state of VerticaDB objects. You can deploy one VerticaDB operator per namespace, and the operator monitors only the VerticaDB objects within that namespace.

  • The admission controller is a webhook that queries a REST endpoint to verify changes to mutable states in a CR instance.


Installation options

Vertica provides two separate options to install the VerticaDB operator and admission controller: is a registry that allows vendors to share Kubernetes operators. Each vendor must adhere to packaging guidelines to simplify user adoption.

To install the VerticaDB operator from, navigate to the Vertica operator page and follow the install instructions.

Helm charts

Vertica packages VerticaDB operator and admission controller in a Helm chart. Vertica on Kubernetes allows one operator instance per namespace.

Configuring TLS for the admission controller

Before you can install the VerticaDB Helm chart, you must configure TLS for the admission controller. The admission controller uses a webhook that requires TLS certificates for data encryption. Choose one of the following data encryption options:

  • cert-manager to generate and manage certificates. For environments that use a self-signed certificate authority (CA), Vertica recommends using cert-manager.

  • Custom certificates

By default, the custom resource uses cert-manager unless you provide custom certificates. You cannot install the VerticaDB operator Helm chart if you do not install cert-manager or provide custom certificates.

Installing cert-manager

cert-manager is available as a YAML manifest in a GitHub repository.

  1. Use kubectl to install cert-manager:

    $ kubectl apply -f

    Installation might take a few minutes.

  2. Verify the cert-manager installation:

    $ kubectl get pods --namespace cert-manager
    NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cert-manager-7dd5854bb4-skks7              1/1     Running   5          12d
    cert-manager-cainjector-64c949654c-9nm2z   1/1     Running   5          12d
    cert-manager-webhook-6bdffc7c9d-b7r2p      1/1     Running   5          12d

For additional details about cert-manager install verification, see the cert-manager documentation.

Defining custom certificates

Custom certificates require a TLS key that sets the Subjective Alternative Name (SAN) using the admission controller webhook's fully-qualified domain name (FDQN). You can set the SAN in a configuration file with the following format:

DNS.1 = verticadb-operator-webhook-service.namespace.svc
DNS.2 = verticadb-operator-webhook-service.namespace.svc.cluster.local

For more information about TLS and Vertica, see TLS protocol.

When you install the VerticaDB operator and admission controller Helm chart, you can pass parameters to customize the Helm chart. Conceal custom certificates in a Secret before you pass them as parameters. The following command creates a Secret that stores the TLS key, TLS certificate, and CA certificate:

$ kubectl create secret generic tls-secret --from-file=tls.key=/path/to/tls.key --from-file=tls.crt=/path/to/tls.crt --from-file=ca.crt=/path/to/ca.crt

Use tls-secret when you install the VerticaDB operator and admission controller Helm chart. For a detailed example, see Helm chart parameters.

Granting operator privileges

You must have cluster administrator privileges to install the operator Helm chart. In some circumstances, you might want to authorize a user with lesser privileges to install the operator in a specific namespace. You can grant these operator privileges with a preconfigured Kubernetes service account.

Vertica leverages Kubernetes RBAC to authorize service accounts with the privileges to perform operator actions. You can grant operator privileges to a Role resource type, then define a RoleBinding resource type that associates that Role with a service account. Any user can pass the service account name to the helm install command with the serviceAccountOverride parameter and install the operator.

The following steps use a YAML file, default-rbac.yaml. This sample file defines a ServiceAccount, Roles, and RoleBindings to grant the required privileges to the service account. It is available in the vertica-kubernetes GitHub repository:

  1. Apply default-rbac.yaml to the namespace:

    $ kubectl apply -n namespace -f
  2. Verify the changes with kubectl get:

    • Service account:

      $ kubectl get serviceaccounts
      NAME                                    SECRETS   AGE
      default                                 1         71m
      verticadb-operator-controller-manager   1         69m
    • Roles in the correct namespace:

      $ kubectl get roles -n namespace
      NAME                                      CREATED AT
      verticadb-operator-leader-election-role   2022-04-14T16:26:53Z
      verticadb-operator-manager-role           2022-04-14T16:26:53Z
    • RoleBindings in the correct namespace:

      $ kubectl get rolebinding -n namespace
      NAME                                             ROLE                                           AGE
      verticadb-operator-leader-election-rolebinding   Role/verticadb-operator-leader-election-role   73m
      verticadb-operator-manager-rolebinding           Role/verticadb-operator-manager-role           73m

Installing the helm chart

Before you can install the Helm chart, you must configure TLS for the admission controller with one of the following options:

The following install steps use custom certificates:

  1. Add the Vertica helm charts to you repository. The following command installs the CRD Helm chart and names it vertica-charts for future reference:

    $ helm repo add vertica-charts
  2. Update your Helm repository to ensure that you are using the latest version of your repository:

    $ helm repo update vertica-charts
  3. Install the operator Helm chart. The following examples demonstrate the most common Helm chart configurations. For details about the Helm chart options and parameters, see Helm chart parameters.

    Enter one of the following commands to customize your Helm chart installation:

    • Default configuration. The following command requires cluster administrator privileges:

      $ helm install operator-name --namespace namespace --create-namespace vertica-charts/verticadb-operator
    • Custom certificates. Pass custom certificates with the webhook.caBundle and webhook.tlsSecret. The following command requires cluster administrator privileges, and uses the tls-secret Secret created in Defining Custom Certificates:

      $ helm install operator-name --namespace namespace --create-namespace vertica-charts/verticadb-operator \
          --set webhook.caBundle=$(cat /path/to/root.pem | base64 --wrap 0) \
          --set webhook.tlsSecret=tls-secret
    • Service account override. Use service accounts to allow users without cluster administrator privileges to install the operator. Pass the service account with the serviceAccountNameOverride parameter:

      $ helm install operator-name --namespace namespace --create-namespace vertica-charts/verticadb-operator \
          --set serviceAccountNameOverride=service-account-name

      For details, see Granting Operator Installation Privileges.

    • Do not install the admission controller webhook. Deploying the webhook requires cluster-scoped privileges that are not required to install the operator. If you use a service account that is granted the privileges required to install the operator but not the webhook, provide the service account with serviceAccountNameOverride, and set webhook.enable to false to deploy only the operator:

      $ helm install operator-name --namespace namespace --create-namespace vertica-charts/verticadb-operator \
          --set serviceAccountNameOverride=service-account-name
          --set webhook.enable=false

For additional details about helm install, see the official documentation.

2 - Upgrading the Vertica DB operator

Vertica supports two separate options to upgrade the VerticaDB operator:.

Vertica supports two separate options to upgrade the VerticaDB operator:


  • Helm Charts


The Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) operator manages upgrades for installations. You can configure the OLM operator to upgrade the VerticaDB operator manually or automatically with the Subscription object's spec.installPlanApproval parameter.

Automatic upgrade

To configure automatic version upgrades, set spec.installPlanApproval to Automatic, or omit the setting entirely. When the OLM operator refreshes the catalog source, it installs the new VerticaDB operator automatically.

Manual upgrade

Upgrade the VerticaDB operator manually to approve version upgrades for specific install plans. To manually upgrade, set spec.installPlanApproval parameter to Manual and complete the following:

  1. Verify if there is an install plan that requires approval to proceed with the upgrade:

    $ kubectl get installplan
    install-ftcj9 verticadb-operator.v1.7.0 Manual false
    install-pw7ph verticadb-operator.v1.6.0 Manual true

    The command output shows that the install plan install-ftcj9 for VerticaDB operator version 1.7.0 is not approved.

  2. Approve the install plan with a patch command:

    $ kubectl patch installplan install-ftcj9 --type=merge --patch='{"spec": {"approved": true}}' patched

After you set the approval, the OLM operator silently upgrades the VerticaDB operator. To monitor its progress, inspect the STATUS column of the Subscription object:

$ kubectl describe subscription subscription-object-name

Helm charts

The CRD is included when you install the Helm chart, but the helm install command does not overwrite an existing CRD. To upgrade the operator, you must update the CRD with the manifest from the GitHub repository. Upgrading the operator with the CRD requires the following prerequisites:

Additionally, you must upgrade the VerticaAutoscaler custom resource, even if you do not use it in your environment. The VerticaAutoscaler CR is installed with the operator and is maintained as a separate YAML manifest. Upgrade the VerticaAutoscaler CR to ensure that your operator is upgraded completely.

Use kubectl apply to upgrade the CRD for both the VerticaDB operator and the VerticaAutoscaler:

  1. Upgrade the VerticaDB operator CRD:

    $ kubectl apply -f
  2. Upgrade the VerticaAutoscaler CRD:

    $ kubectl apply -f
  3. Upgrade the Helm chart:

    $ helm upgrade operator-name --wait vertica-charts/verticadb-operator

3 - Helm chart parameters

The following table describes the available settings for the VerticaDB operator and admission controller Helm chart.

The following table describes the available settings for the VerticaDB operator and admission controller Helm chart.

Parameter Description

The name of the image that runs the operator.

Default: vertica/verticadb-operator:version

imagePullSecrets A list of Secrets that store credentials to authenticate to the private container repository specified by image.repo and rbac_proxy_image. For details, see Specifying ImagePullSecrets in the Kubernetes documentation.

The server that hosts the repository that contains Use this parameter for deployments that require control over a private hosting server, such as an air-gapped operator.

Use this parameter with and rbac_proxy_image.repo.

Default: Null


The path to a log file in the VerticaDB operator filesystem. If this value is not specified, Vertica writes logs to standard output.

Default: Empty string (' ') that indicates standard output.


Minimum logging level. This parameter accepts the following values:

  • debug

  • info

  • warn

  • error

Default: info


When logging.filePath is set, the maximum size in MB of the logging file before log rotation occurs.

Default: 500


When logging.filePath is set, the maximum age in days of the logging file before log rotation deletes the file.

Default: 7


When logging.filePath is set, the maximum number of files that are kept in rotation before the old ones are removed.

Default: 3


Configures the operator's /metrics endpoint for the Prometheus integration. The following options are valid:

  • EnableWithAuthProxy: Creates a new service object that exposes an HTTPS /metrics endpoint. The RBAC proxy controls access to the metrics.

  • EnableWithoutAuth: Creates a new service object that exposes an HTTP /metrics endpoint that does not authorize connections. Any client with network access can read the metrics.

  • Disable: Prometheus metrics are not exposed.

Default: EnableWithAuthProxy

The name of the Kubernetes RBAC proxy image that performs authorization. Use this parameter for deployments that require authorization by a proxy server, such as an air-gapped operator.

Use this parameter with image.repo and rbac_proxy_image.repo.

Default: kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy:v0.11.0


The server that hosts the repository that contains Use this parameter for deployments that perform authorization by a proxy server, such as an air-gapped operator.

Use this parameter with image.repo and



Service account that identifies any pods in the cluster for apiserver access. A cluster administrator can create a service account that grants the privileges required to install the operator so that users without cluster administrator privileges can install the Helm chart.

To correctly control access, the service account's Roles and RoleBindings must exist before you add the service account to the CR. If these are not set, the Vertica Helm chart creates and uses a service account.

Default: Empty string ("")

webhook.caBundle A PEM-encoded certificate authority (CA) bundle that validates the webhook's server certificate. If this is not set, the webhook uses the system trust roots on the apiserver.

Determines if the Helm chart installs the admission controller webhooks for the VerticaDB custom resource and VerticaAutoscaler. If you do not have the privileges required to install the admission controller, set this value to false to deploy the operator only.

This parameter enables or disables both webhooks. You cannot enable one webhook and disable the other.

Default: true


Secret that contains the following keys for the webhook.caBundle:

  • tls.key

  • ca.crt

  • tls.crt

resources.limits and resources.requests

The resource requirements for the operator pod.

resources.limits is the maximum amount of CPU and memory that an operator pod can consume from its host node.

resources.requests is the maximum amount of CPU and memory that an operator pod can request from its host node.


    cpu: 100m
    memory: 750Mi
    cpu: 100m
    memory: 20Mi

4 - Upgrading Vertica on Kubernetes

The operator automates Vertica server version upgrades for a custom resource (CR).

The operator automates Vertica server version upgrades for a custom resource (CR). Use the upgradePolicy setting in the CR to determine whether your cluster remains online or is taken offline during the version upgrade.


Before you begin, complete the following:

Setting the policy

The upgradePolicy CR parameter setting determines how the operator upgrades Vertica server versions. It provides the following options:

Setting Description

The operator shuts down the cluster to prevent multiple versions from running simultaneously.

The operator performs all server version upgrades using the Offline setting in the following circumstances:

  • You have only one subcluster

  • You are upgrading from a Vertica server version prior to version 11.1.0

Online The cluster continues to operate during an online upgrade. The data is in read-only mode while the operator upgrades the image for the primary subcluster.

The default setting. The operator selects either Offline or Online depending on the configuration. The operator performs an Online upgrade if all of the following are true:

  • A license Secret exists

  • K-Safety is 1

  • The cluster is currently running a Vertica version 11.1.0 or higher

If the current configuration does not meet all of the previous requirements, the operator performs an Offline upgrade.

Set the reconcile loop iteration time

During an upgrade, the operator runs the reconcile loop to compare the actual state of the objects to the desired state defined in the CR. The operator requeues any unfinished work, and the reconcile loop compares states with a set period of time between each reconcile iteration. Set the upgradeRequeueTime parameter to determine the amount of time between each reconcile loop iteration.

Routing client traffic during an online upgrade

During an online upgrade, the operator begins by upgrading the Vertica server version in the primary subcluster to form a cluster with the new version. When the operator restarts the primary nodes, it places the secondary subclusters in read-only mode. Next, the operator upgrades any secondary subclusters one at a time. During the upgrade for any subcluster, all client connections are drained, and traffic is rerouted to either an existing subcluster or a temporary subcluster.

Online upgrades require more than one subcluster so that the operator can reroute client traffic for the subcluster while it is upgrading. By default, the operator selects which subcluster receives the rerouted traffic using the following rules:

  • When rerouting traffic for the primary subcluster, the operator selects the first secondary subcluster defined in the CR.

  • When restarting the first secondary subcluster after the upgrade, the operator selects the first subcluster that is defined in the CR that is up.

  • If no secondary subclusters exist, you cannot perform an online upgrade. The operator selects the first primary subcluster defined in the CR and performs an offline upgrade.

Routing client traffic to an existing subcluster

You might want to control which subclusters handle rerouted client traffic due to subcluster capacity or licensing limitations. You can set the temporarySubclusterRouting.names parameter to specify an existing subcluster to receive the rerouted traffic:

      - subcluster-2
      - subcluster-1

In the previous example, subcluster-2 accepts traffic when the other subcluster-1 is offline. When subcluster-2 is down, subcluster-1 accepts its traffic.

Routing client traffic to a temporary subcluster

To create a temporary subcluster that exists for the duration of the upgrade process, use the temporarySubclusterRouting.template parameter to provide a name and size for the temporary subcluster:

      name: transient
      size: 3

If you choose to upgrade with a temporary subcluster, ensure that you have the necessary resources.

Upgrading the Vertica server version

After you set the upgradePolicy and optionally configure temporary subcluster routing, use the kubectl command line tool to perform the upgrade and monitor its progress.

The following steps perform an online version upgrade:

  1. Set the upgrade policy. The following command uses the kubectl patch command to set the upgradePolicy value to Online:

    $ kubectl patch verticadb cluster-name --type=merge --patch '{"spec": {"upgradePolicy": "Online"}}'
  2. Update the image value in the CR with kubectl patch:

    $ kubectl patch verticadb cluster-name --type=merge --patch '{"spec": {"image": "vertica/vertica-k8s:new-version"}}'
  3. Use kubectl wait to wait until the operator acknowledges the new image and begins upgrade mode:

    $ kubectl wait --for=condition=ImageChangeInProgress=True vdb/cluster-name –-timeout=180s
  4. Use kubectl wait to wait until the operator leaves upgrade mode:

    $ kubectl wait --for=condition=ImageChangeInProgress=False vdb/cluster-name –-timeout=800s

Viewing the upgrade process

To view the current phase of the upgrade process, use kubectl get to inspect the upgradeStatus status field:

$ kubectl get vdb -n namespacedatabase-name -o jsonpath='{.status.upgradeStatus}{"\n"}'
Restarting cluster with new image

To view the entire upgrade process, use kubectl describe to list the events the operator generated during the upgrade:

$ kubectl describe vdb cluster-name

  Type    Reason                   Age    From                Message
  ----    ------                   ----   ----                -------
  Normal  UpgradeStart             5m10s  verticadb-operator  Vertica server upgrade has started.  New image is 'vertica-k8s:new-version'
  Normal  ClusterShutdownStarted   5m12s  verticadb-operator  Calling 'admintools -t stop_db'
  Normal  ClusterShutdownSucceeded 4m08s  verticadb-operator  Successfully called 'admintools -t stop_db' and it took 56.22132s
  Normal  ClusterRestartStarted    4m25s  verticadb-operator  Calling 'admintools -t start_db' to restart the cluster
  Normal  ClusterRestartSucceeded  25s    verticadb-operator  Successfully called 'admintools -t start_db' and it took 240s
  Normal  UpgradeSucceeded         5s     verticadb-operator  Vertica server upgrade has completed successfully

5 - Red hat OpenShift integration

Red Hat OpenShift is a hybrid cloud platform that provides enhanced security features and greater control over the Kubernetes cluster.

Red Hat OpenShift is a hybrid cloud platform that provides enhanced security features and greater control over the Kubernetes cluster. In addition, OpenShift provides the OperatorHub, a catalog of operators that meet OpenShift requirements.

For comprehensive instructions about the OpenShift platform, refer to the official Red Hat OpenShift documentation.

Enhanced security with security context constraints

OpenShift requires that each deployment uses a security context constraint (SCC) to enforce enhanced security measures. The SCC lets administrators control the privileges of the pods in a cluster. For example, you can restrict namespace access for specific users in a multi-user environment.

Default SCCs

OpenShift provides default SCCs that provide a range of security features without manual configuration. Vertica on Kubernetes supports the privileged SCC, the most restrictive default SCC. The privileged SCC allows Vertica to assign user and group IDs to the Kubernetes objects in the cluster. In addition, the privileged SCC has the following Linux capabilities that enable internal SSH communication between the pods:



Anyuid-extra custom SCC

Vertica provides anyuid-extra, a custom SCC that you can create that extends the anyuid SCC. Use the anyuid-extra SCC if you need to run Vertica in a less-restrictive environment than the privileged SSC allows. For example, if you do not have the privileges to grant the privileged SCC, you can create the anyuid-extra SCC and add it to your Vertica workloads service account.

For installation details, see Creating a Custom SCC with anyuid-extra.

Installing the operator

The VerticaDB operator is a community operator that is maintained by Vertica. Each operator available in the OperatorHub must adhere to requirements defined by the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM). To meet these requirements, vendors must provide a cluster service version (CSV) manifest for each operator. Vertica provides a CSV for each version of the VerticaDB operator available in the OpenShift OperatorHub.

The VerticaDB operator supports OpenShift versions 4.8 and higher.

You must have cluster-admin privileges on your OpenShift account to install the VerticaDB operator. For detailed installation instructions, refer to the OpenShift documentation.

Installing the operator in multiple OpenShift namespaces

By default, the OpenShift user interface (UI) installs the VerticaDB operator in a single OpenShift namespace. In some circumstances, you might require that the operator watch and manage resource objects across multiple OpenShift namespaces.


The following steps add the VerticaDB operator to an additional namespace:

  1. Create a YAML-formatted OperatorGroup object file. The following example creates file named operatorgroup.yaml:

    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: vertica-operatorgroup
      namespace: $NAMESPACE
      - $NAMESPACE

    In the previous command, $NAMESPACE is the namespace where you want to install the operator.

  2. Create the OperatorGroup object:

    $ oc apply -f operatorgroup.yaml
  3. Create a YAML-formatted Subscription object file to subscribe a namespace to an operator. The following example creates a file named sub.yaml:

    kind: Subscription
      name: verticadb-operator
      namespace: $NAMESPACE
      channel: stable
      name: verticadb-operator
      source: community-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  4. Create the Subscription object:

    $ oc apply -f sub.yaml

    After you create the Subscription object, the OLM is aware of the operator.

  5. Use kubectl get to view the installation progress in a separate shell:

    $ kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE clusterserviceversion -w --selector$NAMESPACE

When the installation is complete, you can manage the operator from the UI.

Creating a custom SCC with anyuid-extra

Before you can create an operator, you must create the anyuid-extra SCC and add it to your Vertica workloads service account. The Vertica anyuid-extra SCC manifest is available on the Vertica GitHub repository.

  1. Create the custom SCC using the anyuid-extra YAML-formatted manifest:

    $ kubectl apply -f

    For detailed instructions, refer to the OpenShift documentation.

  2. Execute the following command to add the custom SCC to your Vertica workloads service account:

    $ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user -n $NAMESPACE -z verticadb-operator-controller-manager anyuid-extra

    In the previous command, $NAMESPACE is the namespace with the operator installation.

By default, the anyuid-extra has a priority setting of 10, so it is automatically selected instead of the default privileged SCC. For additional details about the priority setting, refer to the OpenShift documentation.

Deploying Vertica on OpenShift

After you installed the VerticaDB operator and added a supported SCC to your Vertica workloads service account, you can deploy Vertica on OpenShift.

For details about installing OpenShift in supported environments, see the OpenShift Container Platform installation overview.

Before you deploy Vertica on OpenShift, create the required Secrets to store sensitive information. For details about Secrets and OpenShift, see the OpenShift documentation. For guidance on deploying a Vertica custom resource, see Creating a custom resource.

6 - Prometheus integration

Vertica on Kubernetes integrates with Prometheus to scrape time series metrics about the VerticaDB operator.

Vertica on Kubernetes integrates with Prometheus to scrape time series metrics about the VerticaDB operator. These metrics create a detailed model of your application over time, which provides valuable performance and troubleshooting insights. Prometheus exposes these metrics with an HTTP endpoint to facilitate internal and external communications and service discovery in microservice and containerized architectures.

Prometheus requires that you set up targets—metrics that you want to monitor. Each target is exposed on the operator's /metrics endpoint, and Prometheus periodically scrapes that endpoint to collect target data. The operator supports the operator SDK framework, which requires that an authorization proxy impose role-based-access control (RBAC) to access operator metrics. To increase flexibility, Vertica provides the following options to access the /metrics endpoint with Prometheus:

  • Use a sidecar container as an RBAC proxy to authorize connections.

  • Expose the /metrics endpoint to external connections without RBAC.

  • Disable Prometheus entirely.

Vertica provides Helm chart parameters and YAML manifests to configure each option.


Access metrics with RBAC

The operator SDK framework requires that operators use an authorization proxy for metrics access. Because the operator sends metrics to localhost only, Vertica meets these requirements with a sidecar container with localhost access that enforces RBAC.

RBAC rules are cluster-scoped, and the sidecar authorizes connections from clients associated with a service account that has the correct ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBindings. Vertica provides the following example manifests:

For additional details about ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Create RBAC rules

The following steps create the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBindings objects that grant access to the /metrics endpoint to a non-Kubernetes resource such as Prometheus. Because RBAC rules are cluster-scoped, you must create or add to an existing ClusterRoleBinding:

  1. Create a ClusterRoleBinding that binds the role for the RBAC sidecar proxy with a service account:

    • Create a ClusterRoleBinding:

      $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding verticadb-operator-proxy-rolebinding \
          --clusterrole=verticadb-operator-proxy-role \
    • Add a service account to an existing ClusterRoleBinding:

      $ kubectl patch clusterrolebinding verticadb-operator-proxy-rolebinding \
          --type='json' \
          -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/subjects/-", "value": {"kind": "ServiceAccount", "name": "serviceaccount","namespace": "namespace" } }]'
  2. Create a ClusterRoleBinding that binds the role for the non-Kubernetes object to the RBAC sidecar proxy service account:

    • Create a ClusterRoleBinding:

      $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding verticadb-operator-metrics-reader \
          --clusterrole=verticadb-operator-metrics-reader \
    • Bind the service account to an existing ClusterRoleBinding:

      $ kubectl patch clusterrolebinding verticadb-operator-metrics-reader \
          --type='json' \
          -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/subjects/-", "value": {"kind": "ServiceAccount", "name": "serviceaccount","namespace": "namespace" } }]'

When you install the Helm chart, the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBindings are created automatically. By default, the prometheus.expose parameter is set to EnableWithProxy, which creates the service object and exposes the operator's /metrics endpoint.

For details about creating a sidecar container, see Creating a custom resource.

Service object

Vertica provides a service object verticadb-operator-metrics-service to access the Prometheus /metrics endpoint. The VerticaDB operator does not manage this service object. By default, the service object uses the ClusterIP service type to support RBAC.

Connect to the /metrics endpoint at port 8443 with the following path:


Bearer token authentication

Kubernetes authenticates requests to the API server with service account credentials. Each pod is associated with a service account and has the following credentials stored in the filesystem of each container in the pod:

  • Token at /var/run/secrets/

  • Certificate authority (CA) bundle at /var/run/secrets/

Use these credentials to authenticate to the /metrics endpoint through the service object. You must use the credentials for the service account that you used to create the ClusterRoleBindings.

For example, the following cURL request accesses the /metrics endpoint. Include the --insecure option only if you do not want to verify the serving certificate:

$ curl --insecure --cacert /var/run/secrets/ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/" https://verticadb-operator-metrics-service.vertica:8443/metrics

For additional details about service account credentials, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Prometheus operator integration (optional)

Vertica on Kubernetes integrates with the Prometheus operator, which provides custom resources (CRs) that simplify targeting metrics. Vertica supports the ServiceMonitor CR that discovers the VerticaDB operator automatically, and authenticates requests with a bearer token.

The ServiceMonitor CR is available as a release artifact in our GitHub repository. See Helm chart parameters for details about the prometheus.createServiceMonitor parameter.

Access metrics without RBAC

You might have an environment that does not require privileged access to Prometheus metrics. For example, you might run Prometheus outside of Kubernetes.

To allow external access to the /metrics endpoint with HTTP, set prometheus.expose to EnableWithoutAuth. For example:

$ helm install operator-name --namespace namespace --create-namespace vertica-charts/verticadb-operator \
    --set prometheus.expose=EnableWithoutAuth

Service object

Vertica provides a service object verticadb-operator-metrics-service to access the Prometheus /metrics endpoint. The VerticaDB operator does not manage this service object. By default, the service object uses the ClusterIP service type, so you must change the serviceType for external client access. The service object's fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) is as follows:


Connect to the /metrics endpoint at port 8443 with the following path:


Disable prometheus

To disable Prometheus, set the prometheus.expose Helm chart parameter to Disable. For example:

$ helm install operator-name --namespace namespace --create-namespace vertica-charts/verticadb-operator \
    --set prometheus.expose=Disable

For details about Helm install commands, see Installing the Vertica DB operator.