Set tokenizer parameters

Use the tokenizer's proc_oid to configure the tokenizer.

Use the tokenizer's proc_oid to configure the tokenizer. See Configuring a tokenizer for more information about getting the proc_oid of your tokenizer. The following examples show how you can configure each of the tokenizer parameters:

Configure stop words:

=> SELECT v_txtindex.SET_TOKENIZER_PARAMETER('stopwordscaseinsensitive','for,the' USING PARAMETERS proc_oid='45035996274128376');

Configure major separators:

=> SELECT v_txtindex.SET_TOKENIZER_PARAMETER('majorseparators', E'{}()&[]' USING PARAMETERS proc_oid='45035996274128376');

Configure minor separators:

=> SELECT v_txtindex.SET_TOKENIZER_PARAMETER('minorseparators', '-,$' USING PARAMETERS proc_oid='45035996274128376');

Configure minimum length:

=> SELECT v_txtindex.SET_TOKENIZER_PARAMETER('minlength', '1' USING PARAMETERS proc_oid='45035996274128376');

Configure maximum length:

=> SELECT v_txtindex.SET_TOKENIZER_PARAMETER('maxlength', '140' USING PARAMETERS proc_oid='45035996274128376');

Configure ngramssize:

=> SELECT v_txtindex.SET_TOKENIZER_PARAMETER('ngramssize', '2' USING PARAMETERS proc_oid='45035996274128376');

Lock tokenizer parameters

When you finish configuring the tokenizer, set the parameter, used, to True. After changing this setting, you are no longer able to alter the parameters of the tokenizer. At this point, the tokenizer is ready for you to use to create a text index.

Configure the used parameter:

=> SELECT v_txtindex.SET_TOKENIZER_PARAMETER('used', 'True' USING PARAMETERS proc_oid='45035996274128376');

See also